30 of the Hardest Things Peoples’ Bodies Endured

‘I actually thought I was dying’
30 of the Hardest Things Peoples’ Bodies Endured

The human body can endure more pain than you think. 

When it comes to surviving a gunshot to the head, weathering the initial blast is just the beginning, which one Redditor learned after being shot in “zone two” of their skull. “Took out my entire jaw bone but left my teeth fully intact,” they recalled of their injury. 

Unsurprisingly, the road to recovery was long and brutal. “I live a normal life now, but I had six years of consequences,” they continued, noting that they still experience chronic pain over half of a decade later. “I question the realness of life and experience itself daily.”

They aren’t alone in proving just how much the human body can overcome. Other resilient Redditors have shared how they survived aggressive diseases, competed in ultramarathons or woke up in the middle of surgery.

 25d ago Didn't get my period, experienced a ton of abdominal pain. I ended up finding out the blood was collecting in my uterus (around 1-2 litres) the worst pain ever.. - 1.5K Reply Award Share ...
cloudyantelope 25d ago Was hit by a car as a pedestrian. Broke my leg, pelvis, part of back, shoulder, jaw, and fractured skull. Was sedated for 3 weeks until they could complete all surgeries and woke up with a peg tube in my stomach for feeding and trach to breathe. Overall spent a month and a half in the hospital. Still in physical therapy for the injuries. 3.1K Award Share Reply ... 1984well 25d ago Jesus Christ. Do you know how fast the car was going? That's a lot of injuries. Hope it goes without saying that I'm glad you're
chris552393 25d ago I think I've been lucky considering this thread. But as it hasn't been mentioned, passing gallstones is fucking horrific. 375 Reply Award Share ... Frozefoots 24d ago Gallstones is mine as well, that full body exhaustion after going through a gallbladder attack was something else. Turns out your body experiencing 10/10 pain for 30-45 minutes is quite draining. 34 Reply Award Share ...
One-lung-king 25d ago Having a lung removed. The back/side muscles being cut, the rib cage being split apart, then the pleural cavity filling with fluid, organs stretching out and moving around to fill the space, etc. It was a weird month. 1.5K Reply Award Share ... Exulansiss 25d ago Username checks out 698 Reply Award Share ...
Draix092 25d ago Edited 25d ago My twin brother died suddenly. Our last interaction was an argument. You always see people fall to their knees in movies and I thought it was just drama. The moment the cop said I think he's dead. I heard the sound of glass shattering and was on my knees. That wasn't painful. Waking up every night remembering he's gone is a pain I would hope no one would ever experience. The only reason I am still here is | can't put my wife through the pain I feel everyday. - 560 Reply Award Share
MrB_E_TN 25d ago A kid fell into a river where we were camping by accident, | went in after him. The water was only about 2 or 3 feet deep (waist high) but the flow was stiff, the water ice cold, And I had a moment where I thought I might kill us both, I was struggling to hold him. His 70 pounds was like a lead weight as | struggled to get us both out of the water. Others ran to help at the bank. I was not well prepared. I never want to be faced with that again.
travisreavesbutt 25d ago Just had emergency brain surgery last week, recovery is going well but WHEW is it a trip Reply Award Share 116 ... + 5 more replies
ASON Outrageous-Intern112 25d ago Gunshot to zone two of the head. Took out my entire jaw bone but left my teeth fully intact, even-tho it passed between my wisdom teeth. Slug up against several arteries in shrapnel. I live a normal life now, but I had 6 years of consequences. And still chronic pain. Weather is a nightmare. I question the realness of life and experience itself daily. 263 Reply Award Share ...
Balls_Deepest_555 25d ago 100 mile ultramarathon. 356 Reply Award Share ...
RichBristol 25d ago Kidney stones 184 Reply Award Share ... Conde_de_Almaviva 25d ago Had a heart attack and received a double bypass for my efforts. The subsequent recovery was a walk in the park compared to the kidney stone I passed about 2 months later. 76 Reply Award Share ...
zzZZ Negative_Road9492 25d ago Testicle torssion 126 Reply Award Share ... ShesGotaChicken2Ride 25d ago My son had this at 5 he wasn't screaming or anything but I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable so I took him to ER in the middle of the night. Both testicles survived. Glad I listened to my instincts because husband was saying I was overreacting. Turns out, I saved his ability to father children if he ever wants them. 59 Reply Award Share ...
missingpieces82 25d ago Being born without an oesophagus and the surgery to create a new one. 87 Reply Award Share ... + 11 more replies
ghostsinmylungs 25d ago Pancreatitis. My liver almost shut down. Had to stay in the hospital for a month and couldn't eat or drink the entire time. The pain was unimaginable. Before I went to the hospital and they figured out what was wrong I was having attacks for months where I would be on the floor screaming at the top of my lungs. Have a couple friends who have had it and have also given birth and both have said they'd rather give birth. Award Share 39 Reply ... + 7 more replies
GingaNinja906 25d ago Septic shock/multi organ failure at 23 after a tick bite on a hike 69 Reply Award Share ... + 14 more replies
BisonZestyclose8425 25d ago Giving birth. I was in so much pain that I forgot how to talk. - 387 Reply Award Share ... NinjaPistachio 25d ago I'm due tomorrow. I should not have opened this thread!! 96 Reply Award Share ...
Dazzling-Penis8198 25d ago Hemorrhoids has gotta be up there. Sore and prickly at the center of your body 44 Reply Award Share ... + 5 more replies
The7footr 25d ago Doing a 2200 sq ft tile job in 3 days when we thought we had ten. Yea turned out the hotel bar, lounge, and billiards rooms...they forgot were going to get used by our city's 200 person police department for a end of year party 4 days after we started demo. It was brutal. We worked at least 18 hrs each of those 3 days, and just slept on the floor for 30 min at a time when we couldn't do any more. 22 Reply Award Share ...
Apprehensive-Pin1474 25d ago Going through three oral surgeries for Copenhagen dip cancer. Had gauze sewed to the inside of my mouth with it attached to the outside of my chin. Lost jaw bone and large amounts of tissue. Lost eight teeth in the process. Now they are trying to insert implants into the remaining jaw. The pain from the beginning is out of Dantes Inferno. If you're on Copenhagen Wintergreen, get off while you can. Tony Gwynn didn't and it killed him. I'm not done yet. 20 Reply Award Share ...
snownative86 25d ago Shattered my shoulder and had 9 screws and a plate permanently installed. That wasn't bad, my body shut off all pain receptors during the incident and in the days before surgery. By far, the worst pain I have experienced, was when the nerve blocker wore off after surgery. That's with me having broken many bones, my back, fractured a small part of my skull, a complete rebuild of my other shoulder and almost losing a finger to an industrial fan. I play hard and also have ehlers danlo so injuries are just a part of my life.
deadlyhausfrau 25d ago Twin pregnancy. By the end I was swollen to +2, +3 in places and so low on iron I had to do three weeks of iron infusions and STILL needed a blood transfusion after delivery. Loosened ligaments and tendons in my hips made it nearly impossible to walk right before and after birth. One kneecap tightened back down in the wrong place and I was in physical therapy for nearly a year to get that and my hips somewhat fixed. Once the swing and some of the weight came off I had a huge loose pouch of
JAM_4_YA 25d ago Edited 25d ago Nasty heroin/fent withdrawal. Wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy. Luckily I did it in my home and not in a jail cell, because that's the only way many others make it out. I'd say your muscles or your joints hurt, but it's more than that, your bones hurt to their core, it feels like you can't stretch far enough, and your arms and legs are so restless you're flailing around like you're having a seizure, shaking and trembling. Too hot/ too cold. Snotty and teary eyed. Sneezing. Shitting. And vomiting. You won't
xyz-again 25d ago Training months for an Ironman triathlon. Running 13 miles in 90 degrees heat after a 100 mile bike ride. Although they were hard they were also joyful. Reply Award Share 56 ...
Muhammad-Ali97 25d ago Dengue, lost 27 kilos in two weeks (89 to 62) 39 Reply Award Share ... + 2 more replies
LiorZim 25d ago Those are the top 3: 90 kilometers march with full gear Hell week - a week of exercises that simulates a real war, 2 hours of sleep a day, eating a can of tuna and a slice of bread a day and still having to perform effectively. Disentry and the months it took to fully recover from it 37 Reply Award Share ...
TimeFairy 25d ago Miscarriage at 12 weeks. It was by far not the worst thing anyone has had to endure, but I'm very proud of myself for getting through it. It actually makes me excited to face birth one day and get through that too. 31 Reply Award Share ...
Vorpak 25d ago Covid. It wasn't the coughing or headache. I felt so drained that I felt like I was dying. I was up once for three days of very physical activity. That was nothing compared to Covid. I don't think English has a word for how drained I felt. I was explaining it to my daughter. She said it wasn't just that my hp was low, but my max hp had dropped. - Reply Award Share 30 ...
Tattoos_Mimosas 25d ago Giving birth naturally to my 6'7 husbands children. They were big boys. 14 Reply Award Share ...
ramperB24 25d ago Rheumatoid arthritis. From its onset to being controlled by medication, it was the worst year and a half of my life. 8 Reply Award Share ...
Terrible-Champion132 25d ago Mono at age 30. Felt like I was going to die. Couldn't eat for a month. If I got out of bed I would break out in hives and become extremely nauseous. 7 Reply Award Share ... + 1 more reply
Bushinkainidan 25d ago Waking up during surgery. - 2K Reply Award Share ... xeuful 25d ago Holy shit, do tell us more 482 Reply Award Share ... Bushinkainidan 25d ago I was under general anesthesia for sinus surgery. I woke up and literally yelled I'm here! The anesthesiologist said, ok, I'll give you a bit more. What he gave me paralyzed me, but didn't put me out. I couldn't communicate that I was still there. From that point I felt every cut and suture, but couldn't let them know.. Later, I was in tears when my wife came into the


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