40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Riding the Bench All Season and Are Finally Getting Their Big Break

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Riding the Bench All Season and Are Finally Getting Their Big Break

Whose job was it to tell all the Big Brother contestants about 9/11?

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Movie Myths

DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY ISN'T A LICENSE TO COMMIT CRIMES. The country where you're diplomatic-ing can't detain or prosecute you, but you can be expelled- and your home country can prosecute you (or choose to lift your immunity). And if you're caught committing a serious crime, police are perfectly empowered to arrest

Source: Nolo


FLASH AND IRIS enjoy super-intimacy CRACKED COM In a DCEU first, viewers are subjected to a bonkers super-sex scene. Barry Allen, um, enters Iris by vibrating his molecules inside her, all of her, inside her very molecules.' She gasps! She glows! We're looking at PG-13 at a minimum.


Forgotten Sci-Fi and Horror Shows 1994-1995 M.A.N.T.I.S. A superhero show by Sam Raimi and the writer of Tim Burton's Batman? Sing us up! A brilliant black scientist builds himself a futuristic exoskeleton after he's shot and paralyzed by the police. CRACKED.COM

Tomorrow Never Dies

CRACKED YOUR VILLAIN'S PLOT CAN'T BE EASILY THWARTED BY GOOGLE. TOMORROW NEVER DIES ILL BACK ST This Bond villain is a media mogul who plans to manipulate the news to incite war between China and the UK. Today, social media and a quick googling of countless news sources would label this fake news within a few minutes.


Guillermo de la Cruz

Characters Who Would Thrive in Cobra Kai What We Do In the Shadows Mai Cobra Guillermo de la Cruz A meek, good-natured, timid guy, who all of sudden shows bursts of skilled and precise violence. That's how many students in Cobra Kai started. Guillermo would just have more initial natural talent at it than most. CRACKED.COM

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL CRACKED COM Fans thought 1989's Last Crusade was the, well... Last Crusade, because they rode off into the sunset! 19 years later, 2008's Crystal Skull made some people tons of money (grossing 790 mill), but poor CGI, aliens, the nuke & the fridge, and South Park's perfect critique, keep it far from the first 3.

Source: Screenrant

Fast & Furious

TELL US NOW. Fast & Furious E CRACKED Stewart M. says unless everyone is immune to car crashes, explosions, and gunshots (a possibility in this series), there's a LOT of dead bodies in their wake.

James Bond

Later Bond movies say Vesper died in Casino Royale to protect James. How? Why? No explanation. She chooses death just because she knows the movie's en

Jurassic World

Jurassic World initially shows Claire Dearing as a selfish, unfeeling, career-driven woman. By the end of the film, she's learned to feel, understand,


IN 2016'S GHOSTBUSTERS, SLIMER WAS THE MUTILATED GHOST OF A GANGSTER. In a new backstory written for the 2016 remake, he was executed after he killed

Markus ‘Notch’ Persson

Minecraft creator Markus Notch Persson proved that his expertise in digital biomes doesn't translate into the real world when he tweeted this about


CRACKEDCON Minecraft's total surface area is over 9 MILLION EARTHS. Or if you prefer big, unwieldy numbers, 4,722,366,482,869,645 square kilometers.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman HIGH Prisoners (2013) A tense thriller about a desperate man searching for his abducted daughter. LOW Movie 43 (2013) He plays a guy who


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