40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Were Standing Right Behind You When You Were Talking About Them

Yeesh, awkward
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Were Standing Right Behind You When You Were Talking About Them

When Harry Met Sally

The ending of When Harry Met Sally was actually mostly improvised. They were supposed to break up, and plans changed at the last minute, so Billy Crystal ad-libbed When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody ... CRACKED.COM


The Walking Dead

CRACKEDcO COM Artist Charlie Adlard based Negan from The Walking Dead on Henry Rollins. Rollins even auditioned for the part but didn't get it.

The Meg

RUBY ROSE'S WARDROBE NEARLY CAUSED HER TO DROWN FILMING THE MEG. The actress said she STATHIM was dressed in layers to protect from the cold, making s

The Amazing World of Gumball

CRACKED.COM The AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL Gumball and Darwin end up in a timeline where everyone speaks German in an angry tone. 18008 What the characters are saying (translated): Ich geh gern ins Diskothek! (I like to go to the nightclub!) Keine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf der Autobahn! (No speed limit on the highway!)

Neville Longbottom

How does Neville Longbottom go from zero to hero? Не gets a new wand. In the Harry Potter universe, a wand must choose its owner, not the other way around. At first, Neville has trouble because he uses his dad's wand. When, during the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the wand breaks, a new wand chooses him, and he becomes a badass wizard. CRACKED.COM


Tired Movie Tropes

TELL US NOW. ... Chey R. is tired of how Hollywood portrays autism. g 120 We aren't emotionless robots who do math and are incapable of being loved. CRACKED.COM


Paul Newman

Paul Newman funeralized his career in Variety CRACKEDO OON Newman called his acting debut, The Silver Chalice, the worst film to BE made in the entirety of the 1950s. When an LA television station decided to air it a decade later, he took out full-page ads in Variety and the LA Times, styled like an obituary, that said Paul Newman apologizes every night this week- Channel 9.

Source: NPR

Keanu Reeves

AT A GLANCE KEANU REEVES Alice Cooper hung out at Keanu Reeves' house growing up Reeves' mother was a costume designer and Cooper was one of her clients. CRACKED COM

Source: US 

Evel Knievel

Evel Knievel BEAT UP AN AUTHOR Author Shelly Saltman recorded Knievel & CO., with their consent, during months of preparation for a stunt. He later pu

Notting Hill

Notting Hill Will and Anna's relationship is anything but romantic. Anna is a movie star who dates Will while she is in a relationship with someone el

House of Cards

House of Cards is a remake of a British TV series from 1990... BBC THE HOUSE OF RDS which was in turn based on a 1989 book by the same name. CRACKEDcO

Adam Scott

CRACKEDOON Parksrion and Pretending to be drunk is notoriously hard but Adam Scott, as Ben Wyatt, does so very convincingly (and hilariously) in the e


40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Were Standing Right Behind You When You Were Talking About Them

The Sandlot

The Sandlot is such an innocent movie, except for the scene where Squints drowns himself in the deep end of a pool so the older lifeguard (Wendy) can


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