40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Were Standing Right Behind You When You Were Talking About Them
Yeesh, awkward

George Lucas won’t quit tinkering with his old movies.

Heath Ledger

The Strangers

Lizzy Caplan

Lena Heady

The Good Place

Source: Holy Forkin' Shirt! 21 Hidden Jokes And Easter Eggs In 'The Good Place'
Mark Twain

Source: 21 Eerily Specific Pop Culture Predictions That Came True

When Harry Met Sally

The Walking Dead

The Meg

The Amazing World of Gumball

Neville Longbottom

Demitri Martin


Jon Heder

Tired Movie Tropes

Jeffrey Jones



Kit Kat

Ekaterina_Minaeva/Shutterstock, NariNari, Marshmallowz/Shutterstock
Archie Andrews

Source: TV Tropes
Chris Evans

Source: DarryVideoEdit/YouTube
Robert Rodriguez

Source: Film School Rejects
George Lucas

Source: George Lucas Screwed-Up His Non-'Star Wars' Movies Too
The Sponge

Source: Yada Yada Yada Econ
Norm Macdonald

Source: 11 Comedians Whose Risky Humor Got Them in Big-Time Trouble

The Shining

Get Out

Source: Vanity Fair
Paul Newman

Source: NPR
Keanu Reeves

Source: US
Dan Harmon

Evel Knievel

Men in Black

Notting Hill

House of Cards

Adam Scott


The Sandlot