40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Buffering for Like 10 Minutes Already
This had better be worth the wait

Kate Winslet and James Cameron weren’t exactly BFFs after Titanic.
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The Golden Girls

Werner Herzog

Source: The Guardian
The Robert Taylor Show

Kelsey Grammer

Alfred Hitchcock

The Queen’s Gambit

The Avengers

Stargate SG-1


The Smashing Pumpkins

The Planet of the Apes


Jon Hamm

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Gwyneth Paltrow


New Coke

James Cameron

Source: 15 Actors And Directors Who Hated Working With Each Other
Back to the Future II

Source: BuzzFeed
Fantastic Four

Paul McCartney

Source: 15 Of Our Favorite Songs (Have Surprising Backstories)
Home Alone


101 Dalmations

Source: 14 Random Facts to Shovel into Knowledge-Hungry Skulls
Ewok Meat

Cher and Tom Cruise

Source: ET Online
The Good Place

Matt Damon

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Movie Monsters

Gremlins 2

Willem Dafoe

Source: The L Magazine
Sex and the City

Harry Styles

Karate Kid

What the Blank!

Johnny Cash

Steve Buscemi

McDonald’s Hula Burger

Vince Vaughn

Raiders of the Lost Ark