40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Buffering for Like 10 Minutes Already

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Buffering for Like 10 Minutes Already

Kate Winslet and James Cameron werent exactly BFFs after Titanic.

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The Robert Taylor Show

The Robert Taylor Show A 1963 drama based on real stories from the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's official files. The network rea

The Queen’s Gambit

The pretty big homage to a French artist in THe Queen's GAMBIT When Harmon is adopted and walks into her new home for the first time, Alma (her adopted mother) shows her some Rosa Bonheur prints on the walls. A lot of the French artist's life and struggles show up in the series. Bonheur's mother, for instance, had to raise her alone thanks to an absent dad. Her mother gave piano lessons to make money, and died when Bonheur was still young. CRACKED.COM

The Avengers

HTGH SCORE 36610 36610 Tony spots an agent playing Galaga in The Avengers. In Galaga, you play as a fighter against seemingly endless waves of alien invaders that pour down. That's exactly what the film's climax turns out to be. CRACKED.COM

The Smashing Pumpkins

Billy Corgan and the rest of The Smashing Pumpkins. The band broke up in 2000 due to Billy Corgan getting the lion's share of earnings and credit. 18 years later, they reunited for a new album and a tour, but bassist D'arcy Wretzky bailed after learning Billy would make twice as much as every other member. CRACKED


The Planet of the Apes

The original setting of Planet of the Apes was completely modern. THE IMPROVISATION: There were supposed to be monkeys watching movies, shopping, driving - everything. But the producers didn't want to pay for that, and they got a new writer, who created a new setting. THE RESULT: The barren wasteland with the iconic half-buried Statue of Liberty. CRACKED.COM


Terminator 2: Judgment Day

TERMINATOR 2 JUDGMENT DAY Robert Patrick got the part of the T-1000 because Billy Idol, who was James Cameron's first choice, had recently broken his leg in a motorcycle accident, and would not be physically up to the demands of the role. CRACKED.COM


Back to the Future II

CRACKED.COM Fake DeLorean Amazing effects made without CGI Back to the Future II That lamp post isn't random - it's there to hide the change from the flying fake DeLorean to a real car. The transition is seamless, with shadows and details perfectly matched. God damn, we love this trilogy. Real DeLorean

Source: BuzzFeed


COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM WHITE SNEAKERS A '90s STAPLE SEASONS 1-9 Don't fret if the laces come undone and touch the floor of a public mens room, just toss them out.

Gremlins 2

TELL US NOW. GREMLINS 2: THE NEW BATCH Kyle M. bemoans, The Hulk Hogan fourth-wall-breaking bit was too much. That took me so far out of the movie, I was angry watching the rest. CRACKED.COM

Sex and the City

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Buffering for Like 10 Minutes Already

Harry Styles

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Buffering for Like 10 Minutes Already

What the Blank!

What The Blank! ENNIS MICHA EAVER LAND This remake of Match Game from the '70s, hosted by Fred Willard, was inexplicably dropped by 3 different networ

Steve Buscemi

CRACKED C COM STEVE BUSCEMI WAS A FIREFIGHTER WITH THE NEW YORK CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT EDK! After the 9/11 attacks he returned to the fire department an

McDonald’s Hula Burger

MCDONALD'S released the M HULA BURGER. It consisted of PINEAPPLE between 2 cheese slices. It was introduced as a meat alternative for Catholics that c

Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn worked as a lileguard for his local YMCA He was fired for being late too many times. IISTMRIRIMIE CRACKEDCONN

Raiders of the Lost Ark

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy rides a submarine for about 450 miles. Indy rides along on a submarine that dives underwater, most likely by tying hi


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