40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Plucked Out of Our Sponge Daddy

They’re all old and wet and goopy
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Plucked Out of Our Sponge Daddy

We can all agree that Ace Ventura shouldnt have a girlfriend, right?

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Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks collects typewriters ADLER ADLERWERKE HEINRICH KLEYERA PRANKFURTAC MOD He once owned hundreds of them, but has pared it down to about 120. He claims to use them daily, usually writing letters to friends and family. Bafflingly, he says portability is one of their most attractive features: I'm

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES CRACKED.COM The Coming Out of Their Shells Tour rocked local civic centers with studded turtle-wear and bitchin' keytar solos. Sadly, this was someone's first rock concert.


Sissy Spacek

BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS Sissy Spacek slept in her bloody clothes for three days. CRACKED.COM When Spacek's character in Carrie is covered in pig's blood, it makes for quite the stunning visual. During the three days it took to finish the scene, Spacek slept in the blood-soaked clothes to not risk losing continuity.

My Puppy Puddles

MY PUPPY PUDDLES ROMBER My PuPPY ROOM. PUDLES Squeeze PUDDLES' collor & make him drink his woter. Sit him on his training trou. My Puppu PUDDLES only

The Leftovers

AND THE EMMY DOESN'T GO TO: THE LEFTOVERS ARTS & SCIENCES OF TELEVISION ACADEMY The Leftovers is often considered a masterpiece of TV storytelling. Th

Finding Nemo

In Finding Nemo, Deb thinks her reflection in the fish tank's glass is her sister Flo, who seems to be a product of Deb's imagination. DUUUIC OIPI NUU

South Park

The 1999 South Park film was originally named: South Park:All Hell Breaks LoOSE The MPAA didn't allow Trey Parker and Matt Stone to use the word He

Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had some memorable characters. And a startling number of them died young. Yellow Ranger Thuy Trang died in a car crash a

Big Hero 6

The Big Hero 6 movie got rid of Baymax's weird original backstory. In the comics, Hiro's dead father's brain engrams were programmed into Baymax, so Baymax has his personality. Because of that, Baymax feels very close to Hiro's mother, but both he and Hiro decided it's in her best interest that she doesn't know Baymax's AI was built from her dead husband's memories. CRACKED.COM

The Cinnamon Challenge

The Cinnamon Challenge could lead to permanent lung conditions. CRACKED.COM Cinnamon powder, when inhaled, can cause in- flammation and perma- nent scarring in the lungs, leading to condi- tions like emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis.


Ethan Hawke

Ethan Hawke Не defends superhero movies. The movies that I like are the ones that people put their heart into, he has said. And you can feel it in a superhero movie, or you can feel it in a horror movie, or you can feel it in some arthouse movie.

Source: CBR

Nick Kroll

CRACKED.COM CELEBS& PIs JULES KROLL The billionaire father of Nick Kroll helped found the modern corporate investigation industry.

Source: Time

The Office

THEME THEME SONG SONG VS DUNDER MIFFLII DELIVERIES DOCK DOCK 1 2 WILL CALL CRACKED.COM NBC's version of The Office almost used Electric Light Orchestra's Mr. Blue Sky as its theme song. Thanks to the producers for not running that song into the ground for nine years, opting for a lyric-less theme by the Scrantones. Advantage: U.S. Office

Stephen King

LIFE AND LEGACY OF STEPHEN KING CRACKED.COM He writes about writers, a lot. This may seem like an eye-rolling trope to some, but King uses this angle (and knowledge) to comment on everything from fan culture and the relationship between writers and their audiences to the sometimes blurred lines between fiction and reality.


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