25 2000s Relics That Need A 2020s Comeback

Sidekicks and whale tales are just the beginning
25 2000s Relics That Need A 2020s Comeback

There are recession indicators as far as the eye can see — Lady Gaga-related Satanic Panic, a new Will Smith album on the horizon and Kristen Stewart in a role as a straight woman, to name just three. But you know what really needs a comeback? The days when you could get a decent meal without spending $40. “Arby’s 5 for $5.95. As a broke college student, $6 could get you through 3 days worth of food,” one Redditor recalled. 

Labeling Arby’s as a “decent meal” may seem like a stretch to some, but those people have probably never experienced the wonder and glory of a fast-food restaurant that had the meats.

Cheap roast beef sandwiches aren’t the only early aughts trend people wish would make a comeback either. Nostalgic Redditors have also very much longed for the days of VHS tapes, Myspace, and more dangerously, Heelys.

ttak82 4y ago LAN Parties 4+ player couch Co Op games 4.4K Award Share ... Narrow-Shake 4y ago What's depressing to me is that plenty of great couch co-op and lan- party worthy games are still coming out. It's just that the other half of that equation doesn't exist for me anymore. Getting older sucks sometimes. 920 Award Share ...
Bitter_Syllabub 4y ago Sidekick phone. I can afford one now. My parents can't say no anymore. 9.3K Award Share ...
reece_93 . 4y ago Might be more 90's, but it was still around in the 2000's, but see through casing for our technology. See through phones, game boys, computers, they were the shit! 5.2K Award Share ...
allOfTheOof 4y ago Heelies. I wasn't allowed to have them as a kid, so I'd love to normalize it as a method of travel as opposed to something like hover boards, especially since you don't have to figure out where to put them when you reach your destination-they just be chillin in your shoes. Also, entirely human powered, no electricity, so much better environmental footprint - 3.1K Award Share ...
dcforgie 4y ago Bring back zoo book. I'm past 18 and old enough to order now 2.3K Award Share ... cuttlemaster 4y ago Zoo Books still exist. My daughter has a current subscription for like $15 a year. - 796 Award Share ...
Austinpowerstwo 4y ago I wish as many good big comedy movies came out now as in the 2000s. - 3.4K Award Share ... TyeneSandSnake 4y ago I sometimes wonder if good comedies are more rare or if my sense of humor has matured. - 1.3K Award Share ...
noobiolus_johnson 4y ago Froot loops and apple jacks cereal straws. The convenience of decreasing plastic waste with a tasty snack is what this earth needs 376 Award Share ...
Who_GNU 4y ago ThinkPads used to have multiple texture options for the TrackPoint, i.e. the nipple. The default one is too pointy and makes my finger go numb, but the soft one was great. The current thinner keyboards only have the single default TrackPoint texture, and it means I can't use it for an extended period of time. 644 Award Share ... bros402 4y ago I LOVED THE IBM NIPPLE IT WAS so GOOD 202 Award Share ...
LicksHousePlants 4y ago Edited 4y ago The Domino's Double-Decker Pizza. Edit: it might have been called the Double Melt and is apparently still available in the UK as the Double Decadence Pizza. 549 Award Share ...
Dragonfire14 4y ago House prices. The housing market in 2020's is way too pricey, and renting is no longer a viable option because those prices raised too! - 799 Award Share ... Maxorus73 4y ago House prices were great in 2009 for uh... a specific reason 462 Award Share ...
47D 4y ago Pop-Punk. It seems like every Emo and Pop-Punk band from 2005 have turned into electronic pop artist. I miss the days when you could actually hear a guitar on the radio. - 1.7K Award Share ...
ForRedditFun 4y ago Edited 4y ago MySpace. They didn't sell our information.
tkdyo 4y ago Rollerblading. I remember I stopped watching the Xgames once they removed Blading. Skiing is the closest thing to it still popular these days. Is just so smooth and stylish and I feel like it needs a fair shake so people can see how far it has come. It can definitely hold its own next to skateboarding and BMX. 219 Award Share ...
T-The-Terrestrial 4y ago VHS. Granted it is older than the 2000s and it's crap compared to everything now but vinyl came back for the nostalgia and damn it I miss that plastic vhs case scent and that soft barely fuzzy picture it gave you. That and watching the tape rewind in the rewind machine. 42 Award Share ...
 4y ago Kids just playing in the neighbourhood streets on the weekends 1.3K Award Share ...
BluePersephone99 4y ago I may get laughed at, but flared or bootcut jeans. I've always hated skinny jeans on myself and don't think they're that flattering or comfortable. 417 Award Share ... The_Curvy_Unicorn 4y ago Aren't they already back? 227 Award Share ...
kingslayer261 4y ago Honestly a life without smartphones. - 376 Award Share ...
 4y ago CD's - 242 Award Share ... FarmerExternal 4y ago I remember thinking I was some kind of hackerman because I would go to the library and check out cd's just to go home, download the music from the cd to my computer and then download it from the computer to my iPod touch. I thought I was so cool 285 Award Share ...
DC4MVP 4y ago Arby's 5 for $5.95. As a broke college student, $6 could get you through 3 days worth of food. 173 Award Share ...
Hepha35tu5 4y ago Block buster there's way to many streaming services now I can't afford them all can we just got back to the one stop shop please 137 Award Share ... + 21 more replies
JeanyBean 4y ago Mr. Green soda by SoBe I want my Dr. Pepper laced with Ginseng back. 67 Award Share ... + 7 more replies
DefinitelyNotABogan 4y ago Flip phones. Sometimes you just want a phone that neatly cradles in your hand, not a monster brick that gives you RSI from one use. 58 Award Share ...
Boo-urnsKearns 4y ago Limewire - 56 Award Share ... snatchypig 4y ago I'll pass on giving my computer cancer again 68 Award Share ...
Desproges 4y ago Piracy. People think that they are cool paying for everything because it's so easy to access. Then the laws of intellectual property comes back to bite them in the ass when they are realize they have to pay 6 different services to have what they want.
 4y ago Being anonymous online. Back in the day you wouldn't put any personal information out there. Now, a friend of mine is back in the dating game after 20 years and he's been told multiple times it's a red flag that he has no social media. All just seems backwards and crazy to me. - 12K Award Share ...


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