40 Athletic Bits of Sports Trivia That Brag About Their High School Varsity Days in the Beer League Dressing Room

Ya know, back in their day, these facts were a pretty big deal on the ol’ gridiron
40 Athletic Bits of Sports Trivia That Brag About Their High School Varsity Days in the Beer League Dressing Room

Sure, these facts are a little slower and doughier than they used to be, but you can still see their grasp on the fundamentals. As they age a bit, sporty facts have to rely more on their experience and vision to compete with the younger, quicker facts in those Tuesday night pick-up games. 

Not vision as in sight, because thats on it’s way out, too. Vision as in how they see the play unfolding. Sporty facts know what we’re talking about. 

No matter their age, it’s still cool to see that they’re still in the game!

Major League Baseball

A baseball player in 1919 got struck by lightning, then went back to playing. Ray Caldwell was hit by lightning on the pitcher's mound, then lay unconscious for five minutes. Then he got up and started pitching again. CRACKED.COM


Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones CRACKED.COM Jones was named first-team All-lvy League after his undefeated 1968 season with the Harvard football team.

Paul Giamatti

Paul Giamatti's dad was the commissioner of Major League Baseball. Angelo Bartlett Giamatti gave up his academic profession as the president of Yale U


Back in the days of the United States Football League, Donald Trump owned the New Jersey Generals. In a bid to revive the league that began to die aft

College Football

A college student was arrested after she threatened to detonate a nuclear reactor if their football team didn't win. CRACKED.COM The woman posted threats of violence on the Yik Yak app before the game, stat- ing that they would deto- nate the nuclear reactor that is located in the University of Utah causing a mass de- struction.


Keanu Reeves

Sport Celebrities Keanu Reeves was the MVP goalie for the De La Salle College hockey team. Не was nicknamed The Wall. CRACKED.COM


Olympic Swimmers

An Olympic swimmer had never seen an olympic sized pool before competing. MON SU IDMANI SARAYI Eric Moussambani record- ed the slowest time in 100m freestyle history, but won his heat as all other competitors false started. Не is now the head swim- ming coach of Equatorial Guinea. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Immaculate Innings

There were more 'immaculate innings' in 2017 than from 1929-1952. NEW YORK 34 CRACKED.COM An immaculate inning is when a baseball pitcher strikes out three batters with only nine pitches. 1929 to 1952 saw zero such innings, while there were 8 in 2017 alone.


Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson got inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame a few years ago. 178 It was thanks to the 1992 episode Homer at the Bat, in which he played for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team. CRACKED.COM

Source: MLB


Longest Coach Suspension NFL VL, BOWL CRACKED.COM Saints coach Sean Payton was given a one-year suspension in 2012. And all he did was give his team cash payments for every opposing player they intentionally injured!

Shortest Soccer Career

Shortest Career PREMIERE LEAGUE FOOTBALL CRACKED.COM Joe Sheerin was called up from Chelsea's bench at the literal last minute. He was subbed in with less than 60 seconds remaining in their 1997 win over Wimbledon (and never played in another game).


Art Folz LIFETIME BAN CRACKED.co In 1925, he supposedly tricked a local high school football team into playing against the Chicago Cardinals, in order to beef up their record to make the 1925 NFL Championship.

Roy Oswalt

Roy Oswalt Houston Astros CRACKED COM In 2005, Oswalt's contract said that if the team won the National League championship, he'd get a frickin' bulldozer. That seemed to be enough incentive for him, because the Astros won the NCLS and Oswalt got his dozer.

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon is good at ping-pong. Spin YORK NEW She loves the sport SO much that she co-founded SPiN, a chain of table tennis clubs and bars. It no

College Coaches

In most states in the U.S., the highest-paid public employees are college football and basketball coaches. FOOTRALL COACH COLLECE PRESIDENT MED SCHOOL


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