40 Random Bits of Classic TV and Movie Trivia That Are Now Available in Technicolor

A little something for the older generations. And yes, that includes you now, Millennials
40 Random Bits of Classic TV and Movie Trivia That Are Now Available in Technicolor

From what weve seen on social media, it seems like Millennials, Gen Xers, Boomers and even the Silent Generation are all making cases for who had it better or worse. 

Not-so-silent are they now, huh? Sorry, grandma. We love you.

Anywho, today, were making a case that whether you feel generationally wronged or not, you at least had some amazing movies and shows back in your day. Lets focus on our similarities rather than our differences, shall we?

Candid Camera

Candid Camera 1948 Candia Camela CRACKED COM The show (originally a radio show called Candid Microphone) was the first televised reality show, featuring regular members of the public as its stars.

The Sopranos

CRACKED.COM The Sopranos logo has a gun so people wouldn't think it was about opera. The producers were worried the title would mislead audiences, so they made sure the logo clearly conveyed the show's genre. The Sopranos


Filming Scarface took almost monk-like dedication on Michelle Pfeiffer's part. She had to be super thin for the end of the movie, and filming that scene was pushed back over and over-she kept herself so thin for it, people brought her bagels. CRACKED.COM

Young Frankenstein

CRACKED.COM YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN USED THE LABORATORY FROM THE ORIGINAL FRANKENSTEIN. Mel Brooks' opus nailed the look and feel of the lab from 1931's Frankenstein-because it was the same lab. For authenticity, Brooks sought out Kenneth Strickfaden, who had designed the set of the original movie. As it turned out, Strickfaden had kept most of the props in his garage.

Mork & Mindy

MORK & &MINDY WOUND DOWN WITH A THRee-PART STORY. YeT THE PAIR STILL WOUND UP STRANDED FOR eTeRNITY. What's regarded as the series finale of Mork & Mindy found the title characters running from an evil, gun-wielding alien. Pretty dark stuff for a fish-out-of water romp. Anyway, Mork decided to use time-travel shoes to escape, sending himself and Mindy back in time. The shoes malfunctioned, first dropping them in a prehistoric cave, then throwing them into a time vortex. Roll credits. CRACKED.COM http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1vvrzl_mork-and-mindy-gotta-run-part-3_fun

Happy Days

on HAPPY DAYS, RICHIE HAD An OLDER BROTHER nameD CHUCK. OR не DID, unTIL THE seconD SEASON. Chuck was away at college for much of the first season, and his defining characteristic was that he always carried a basketball. Не didn't just disappear without explanation- he completely ceased to exist. In later seasons Howard Cunningham would claim that he had just two children. CRACKED.COM

Mary Kay and Johnny

Mary Kay and Johnny 1947-1950 CRACKED.COM The very first U.S. sitcom featured the first time a couple slept in the same bed and the first time a woman's pregnancy was shown on TV.

The Golden Girls

CRACKED.COM THE GOLDEN GIRLS was inspired by MIAMI VICE. In 1984, NBC shot a humorous skit titled Miami Nice, starring two older actresses, for a special advertising their new shows (like Miami Vice). Execs liked it, and the idea was developed into a full series about old ladies living in Miami.

Family Matters

Family Matters CRACKED.COM Long before Urkel stole the show, the spotlight was supposed to be on Harriette Winslow. She was a breakout success on Perfect Strangers, where she played a sassy elevator operator whose cop husband used to drop by from time to time. In this scene, she delivers the line: excuse me baby, this is a family matter, and you're in the line of fire.

The Muppet Show

The Muppet Show CRACKED.COM Before there were Muppets, there were just freaky-ass puppets. Kermit looks positively traumatized by his first castmates on Jim Henson's Sam and Friends, a local Washington DC kids' show.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

CRACKED COM The Nightmare Before christmas Each minute of movie took around one week to film. Since each second of film consists of 24 frames, each character had to be posed 24 times per a single second of footage. This is why this holiday classic took over three years to complete.


I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy 1953 CRACKED.COM The first televised birth (well, not graphic birth) goes to Lucille Ball, who wasn't even allowed to say the word 'pregnant' because it was too taboo.

Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver 1957 CRACKED.COM Although not quite the first show to feature a toilet (it was edited out for being too scandalous), it was the first show to show a toilet tank and certainly one of the first to even include a bathroom.


The first-ever film to hit $100 million at the box office was a little horror movie called Jaws. The famous shark film is widely considered to be the


magnolia CRACKEDCO LLALL There are 8s and 2s everywhere Pardlly Cloudy 82% Chance of Rain. in the film. These numbers are referring to Exodus 8:2 (..

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Seeing meteors made Steven Spielberg want to film a movie about good-guy aliens. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS THIRO KINO of THE When Spielberg was 6 or 7, his dad

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Frodo originally just straight-up murdered Gollum. RETURN OF THE KING Peter Jackson initially had Frodo kick Gollum into the fire, but realized that would subvert the character's whole arc. So he made Andy Serkis put his tights back on for a reshoot.

Greg Berlanti

BEHIND THE SCENES Greg Berlanti is responsible for many of the LGBTQ+ characters we've seen on television. As a major television producer, he created and oversaw many of these characters, including Jack on Dawson's Creek, Carmelita on Dirty Sexy Money, and Alex Danvers in Supergirl. Now he's brought the first teen gay protagonist by a major film studio to the big screen. CRACKED.COM

The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith Show CRACKED.COM The world was introduced to Andy Griffith in an episode of The Danny Thomas Show. Thomas takes time off from being a good comedian and terrible father to get arrested in the small town of Mayberry.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers

VERONICA CARTWRIGHT IS ACTUALLY FREAKING OUT AT THE END OF INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. From deep space... Imvasion of the Body Snatchers The - . - - - Production .. Party Film Imagke of the Both Donald Sutherland Brooke Meme Leonard Ninjoy - MP - - - - - - . - - Party Product - - - - I - - Director Philip Kaufman really wanted Cartwright's reaction to be genuine, so he kept the actress in the dark about the ending. When Donald Sutherland reveals that his body has also been snatched, the shock sent her


American History X

Behind-the-scenes feuds American History x УБ Edward Norton vs Tony Kaye After Kaye (the director) turned in his cut of the film, the studio demanded another with Norton's involvement. Kaye hated the Norton cut, publicly disowned the film, and punched a goddamn wall. Today he admits he got carried away by his ego. CRACKED.COM



BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS The voice actor for Ghostface was kept out of view of the actors. CRACKED.COM In the Scream series, the voice actor for Ghostface (Roger L. Jackson) was hidden on set when he voiced his lines to keep the on-screen actors believably unsettled by him. When characters are taunted by him on the phone, he really is talking to them from somewhere out of sight. He also voiced Mojo Jojo on The Powerpuff Girls, so there's that.

Jurassic Park

Sound designer Gary Rydstrom asked a friend to contribute to the raptor's voice in Jurassic Park. His friend showed up at the studio, and Rydstrom asked You make any weird sounds? The friend did make a sound with his throat, and Rydstrom spliced it with the sounds of African cranes,

Source: NPR

The Omen

The curse of The Omen. THE OMEN An actor almost boarded a flight that crashed, a producer was nearly struck by lightning, trained dogs attacked their


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