40 Celebrity Secrets and Moments of Behind-the-Scenes Drama That Get ‘TMZ’s Mouth Watering

What they do after someone yells, ‘Cut!’?
40 Celebrity Secrets and Moments of Behind-the-Scenes Drama That Get ‘TMZ’s Mouth Watering

Were sure some directors wish that actors had an off switch once they got the shot, but they dont. They go off and do other everyday things like anyone would after they clock out. Since their “everyday things” are a tad more interesting than ours, we thought you might want to read about them.

We originally wanted to include our hobbies and workplace dramas, but the Cracked higher-ups thought no one would care about them. 

Pfft, can you believe that? The audacity!

Russell Crowe

Hollywood feuds RUSSELL CROWE VS A GLADIATOR PRODUCER While filming Gladiator, Crowe allegedly threatened seasoned producer Branko Lustig, and said that he would kill him with his bare hands, because he was annoying the hell out of him. CRACKED

Sylvester Stallone

Recognize this celebrity? It's a self-portrait of Sylvester Stallone. Sly drew this self-portrait in 1977, and has continued to create art (to lackluster reviews) since then. The portrait recently resurfaced at a gallery show with a $40-$50,000 price tag. http://www.dailymail. .co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1232958/Dont-day- CRACKED.COM job-Sylvester-Stallone-tries-hand-fine-art-mixed-results.html

50 Cent

50 Cent named his dog after Oprah Winfrey, after taking issue with Winfrey for the scarcity of rappers featured on her show. When they met face to face, Winfrey was gracious and said she felt complimented, whether he meant it to be one, or not. CRACKED.COM

Bill Cosby

ET VAULT Whenever Bill Cosby would be interviewed by Entertainment Tonight, he'd request that they send the same reporter and that she wear orange. CRACKED.COM

Hilary Swank

During the filming of P.S. I Love You, Hilary Swank had to get stitches after a clip from her co-star Gerard Butler's suspender flew into her face (the suspender got caught on a TV stand). Swank recalled that she was hit so hard it left an exact shape of the suspender clip on her face. CRACKED.COM

Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper couldn't see for a day and a half because he sunburned his eyeballs. SONLIVE RSON LIVE For a 2012 report, Cooper spent 2 hours filming on a boat in Portugal. It was an overcast day, so he didn't wear sunglasses. However, the UV rays reflecting off the water burned Cooper's corneas, a condition known as photokeratitis, i.e. snow blindness. CRACKED.COM

Kellyanne Conway

KELLYANNE CONWAY Conway delivered cringey comedy competing at 1998's D.C.'s Funniest Celebrity charity event. Her that's-so-90s set featured rib-ticklers about Ally McBeal and Monica Lewinsky. She went on to do funnier work in the Trump administration. CRACKED.COM

Jay Leno

COMEDY NERD In 1992, when Jay Leno got The Tonight Show, Arsenio Hall was out for blood. Не told Entertainment Weekly that he was going to kick Jay's ass - because Leno only got the show because he was anointed, apparently. CRACKED.COM

Kevin Hart

COMEDY NERD Apparently, Kevin Hart and Mike Epps have been locked in a feud for years. It all started in 2014, when Epps said Hart was one overrated comedian -and, over the years, it just kept gaining steam and going and going. CRACKED.COM

Bam Margera

CELEBRITY LEGAL BATTLES dwei NG OF BEERS ВАМ MARGERA Former Jackass sued current Jackass due to firing him for Adderall use. JOHNNY KNOXVILLE CRACKED.COM


Behind-the-scenes feuds Pho Delices Frasier Kelsey Grammer vs a dog We're not saying that Grammer was jealous of Eddie's popularity, but he did repeatedly go out of his way (even in his own biography) to make clear that dogs can't actually act. Kelsey, if you're such a thespian at least act like this is a non-issue. CRACKED.COM

Miley Cyrus

Celebrity Stoners Miley Cyrus smoked a lot of pot while shooting Hannah Montana. How much weed can I actually smoke and still play a teenage superstar on the Disney channel? she wondered once. She has since quit, as smoking was hurting her singing voice. CRACKED.COM

Vince Neil

CRACKED VINCE NEIL OF MÖTLEY CRÜE WAS CHARGED WITH VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER. Vince Neil and Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle drove out to grab more beer for Neil's party while both were heavily intoxicated. Neil struck a car, severely injuring 2 people, and killing Razzle. Не spent less than 20 days in prison. Rolling


Just before Kanye went on SNL, he had an explosive meltdown backstage. February 13 Не had asked for a shiny floor, but they tore it down because it was too bright, so he ranted Look at that sh-, they took my f-in' stage off of 'SNL' without asking me. CRACKED.COM


THERE WAS A PRINCE/ KARDASHIANS FEUD BEHIND THE SCENES OF NEW GIRL. Prince was a fan and got a cameo role on the show, but when he heard the Kardashians were also booked for his episode, he told the producers to burn the scripts. Apparently he was mad at Kim Kardashian because, on one of his tours, he invited her onstage where she just stood, looking bored. CRACKED.COM

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has a long-running feud with her brother Eric. It may have started over a custody battle. Eric has an ugly past involving violent assault and spousal abuse, and most sources say the feud between the siblings started when Julia took Eric's ex's side in the battle for custody of Eric's daughter Emma. CRACKED.COM https://www. biography. com/news/5-famous-sibling-rivalries

Billy Crystal

U Billy Crystal once sneezed so violently that he tore a rib muscle, causing breathing difficulties. CRACKED.COM

Roger Moore

A movie technician's sloppiness gave Roger CRACKED.COM Moore butt scarring. While shooting The Spy Who Loved Me, a special effects guy blew up Moore's chair too early - while he was still in it. Moore was blown clear and ran around the set in agony, with his butt on fire. Не had to have wound dressings changed every day for a month, and ended up with three holes where most people have one.

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan was playing with a Swiss Army knife while filming a movie. Не threw it up in the air and tried to catch it with his foot. The knife impaled his foot. CRACKED.COM

Sean Penn

CRACKED SEAN PENN ASSAULTED A PHOTOGRAPHER. In 2010, Sean Penn was sentenced to three years of probation and 300 hours of community service for battery against photographer Jordan Dawes. Dawes needed knee surgery after the attack.

Vanilla Ice

CRACKED VANILLA ICE THREATENED A HOMELESS MAN. In 1991, he was arrested and charged with battery after threatening a homeless man with a gun.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian threw a b-day party all about the Poop Emoji for North West. North West really loves that emoji, so mom set up a party that was totally themed around it - including Poop Emoji costumes for everyone. CRACKED.COM

Chrissie Hynde

The female rock icon Chrissie Hynde believes that women who dress provocatively are responsible if they are sexually assaulted. If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk? Who else's fault can it be? GRACKED.COM

Vince Vaughn

VINCE VAUGHN LOVES GUNS Unlike most Hollywood actors, Vince Vaughn is a huge proponent of guns. Не said that he supports people having guns in public, that guns should be allowed in schools, and that public shootings only happen in gun-free zones. Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat, the comedian said. GRACKED.COM

James Woods

When Hollywood actor James Woods isn't making guest appearances on The Simpsons and Family Guy... HULL MSH CRACKED.COM LOOTING: Не slams undocumented immigrants, denounces the president, and shares alt-right memes! WHEN FREE FOOD, HOUSING, PHONES, HEALTHCARE Millions come LEGALLY to USA. Calling Illegal & EDUCATION AREN'T ENOUGH. aliens undocumented immigrants is like James Woods calling heroin dealers undocumented @RealJamesWoods pharmacists. This President is a true abomination. That is, until he QUIT Twitter over the site's purging of alt-right figureheads for violating community guidelines.

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is a Muslim who voted for Donald Trump. Tyson became friends with Trump before his time in prison, where he - converted to REVERLAST KIA BLOG Islam. CRACKED.COM

Barry Humphries

GRAGKED.COM S ERS Despite spending most of his career dressed as a woman, Barry Humphries possesses some transphobic views. Не even described transgender woman Caitlyn Jenner as a mutilated man.

Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant made a fake social media account to troll his former team and fans. Kevin Durant @KDTrey54m OPTINGHIE STATE Replying to @ColeCashwell imagine taking russ off that team, see how bad they were. Kd can't win a championship with those cats 2 DNI NBA superstar Kevin Durant broke a lot of hearts in Oklahoma when he left the Thunder to chase championship titles with the Warriors. And to combat all the online haters, he deployed a favorite weapon of the troll's toolbag - he made a fake account to trash his old team and berate all dissenters. Then he forgot to

John Lennon

John Lennon sang about love and peace, but he hadn't always lived what he had preached. I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically... any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. GRAGKED.COM


KANE is a mayor in Tennessee. Glenn Jacobs, known in the ring as Kane, now wrestles in a tougher arena-politics. In 2018, he was elected mayor of Knox County, Tenneessee's third-largest county. CRACKED.COM

Bea Arthur

'9 BEA ARTHUR SERVED IN THE US MARINES DURING WWII. When she was 20, the Golden Girl enlisted. Women's enlistment was so new that the Marines didn't have proper paperwork so she had to sign up using US Navy paperwork. CRACKED.COM



Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp has a room full of fancy Barbie dolls. Не reportedly uses them to test new voices. Не originally collected them for his daughter, and when she lost interest, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of them. Не has a number of limited-edition Babies, like Beyonce, Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn. CRACKED.COM

Snoop Dogg

Cousins ANA SS A CRACKED.COM Brandy and Ray J are brother and sister, but did you know they are first cousins to Snoop Dogg?

Al Roker

Cousins CRACKED.COM Al Roker is the second cousin of Lenny Kravitz. Their grandparents were cousins.

Emily Blunt

Siblings-In-Law CRACKED.COM Emily Blunt's older sister is married to Stanley Tucci, making every family reunion a Devil Wears Prada reuinion.

Bill Nye

Bill Nye invented a highly specialized ballet shoe. CRACKED.COM Bill Nye (famously a ballet guy) added a a foot encirculating tubular sleeve to the classic pointe shoe in a surprising and gamechanging patent.

Phil Collins

PHIL COLLIINS COLLECTS ALAMO ARTIFACTS Collins must have taken Remember the Alamo! to heart, as he might own the largest collection of Alamo artifacts in the world. CRACKED.COM

Chris Pratt

CHRIS PRATT COLLECTS BUGS When they were dating, Pratt impressed his now ex-wife Anna Faris by sharing her interest in dead bugs. CRACKED.COM

Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg sold cannabis products for menstrual cramps. She partnered with cannabis businesswoman Maya Elisabeth, and their company sold a THC-infused bath soak, cannabis edibles, tinctures, etc. CRACKED.COM


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