21 Ways Period Films Will Get This Era Wrong

‘Dubstep everywhere’
21 Ways Period Films Will Get This Era Wrong

The crews of some period films and series go to painstaking lengths to ensure historical accuracy among their costumes, props and storylines, but most of them don’t give a shit. Who cares if something happened 400 years ago or 500 years ago? Us, that’s who. But even the least pedantic among us has had a moment while watching a period movie of thinking, “Are those mofos eating potatoes? In England? In the Middle Ages?”

Well, provided moviemaking species are around that long, they’re eventually going to start making period films about us. And it’s going to be hilarious, because everything we do, wear, eat and say to each other is going to be fantastically wrong. That’s why user Juxta_Cut asked r/AskReddit, “In a hundred years from now, what would movies set in our time period get wrong? What events would be romanticized and blown out of proportion?”

Aniahlator 11y ago Dubstep. Dubstep everywhere.
vantharion 11y ago Edited 11y ago I hope it is internet love stories. I want to see a glorified Hollywood romance about chatrooms.
dickralph 11y ago I'm waiting to see how long it takes for somebody to make a beautiful 3D love story out of 911 like they did with the Titanic sinking
 11y ago They'll show the 9/11 attacks as the planes flying into the building and the entire building exploding at once
Ding_batman 11y ago They will all have British accents.
spectre73 . 11y ago Mass shootings, they'll probably think they happened every day.
iwillhavethat 11y ago Someone will probably make a movie about the great recession, and the banks will be the heroes.
Mozambique_Drill . 11y ago When the actors go to plug in their USB devices, they'll get it right first time, every time, instead of the traditionally required three attempts.
 11y ago Everyone would be wearing skinny jeans; even the president, when he's not dressed in a suit and is more casual, would be seen walking around in a pair of skinnys and maybe some Vans too.
SwaggerMonkey 11y ago I feel like internet pioneers are going to be romanticized just like cowboys were.
 11y ago The dialogue would be a hodgepodge of slang from our time that wouldn't necessarily make sense but it would sound authentic to the people in the year 2114.
Perkelton 11y ago Everything will be portrayed as extremely dirty and wasteful. I would also guess that a disproportionate amount of cables will be hanging everywhere.
mrgagnon 11y ago In 100 years there will be Broadway musicals romanticizing gang life in LA in the 80s and 90s. Just like we have movies today romanticizing the mafia
baller42069 11y ago Edward Snowden will be a master of martial arts and various technologies, and the subject of the #1 spy thriller of 2114, The Snowden Identity
 11y ago Probably they will mix up our 80s and 90s with our paleodigital age. They might very well see period- dressed Breakfast-Club-like kids trying to Twitter through their VCRs, Walkmen or Nokia 3110s.
3720to1 11y ago Movie teens would eternally be in 2004. Everyone talks with text shorthand. Oh em gee gaiz, I, like, totally, talked with my bff Jill and we completes el oh elled from this lolcat picure. *shudders*
cashewpillow 11y ago Internet dating. They'll make it look like everyone used OKCupid and the like to meet partners, and meeting someone IRL without knowing them via the internet first will be such a crazy idea, it will be the plot of the movie.
mr_glasses 11y ago Young, diverse adults happily buzzing away at creative, fulfilling, well-paying jobs in the tech sector, in sexy, open floor plan offices-treating this as the norm rather than the exception to the rule concerning the labor situation for our generation.
black_flag_4ever 11y ago Edited 11y ago The cars would be incorrect. There would be 2018 models thrown around with 2012 models, and a lack of 90's era cars. This the kind of thing my dad points out to me when a movie about the 50's or 60's is on. Edit: I was responding the specific question about future movies made about our time period, there are no 2018 model cars on the road right now.
waynefoolx 11y ago I think they'll probably misunderstand how we use the internet. Think: ridiculous portrayals of people passing out in Paris movie theaters when the first cinema opened, or people calling cars iron horses, that sort of thing. We tend to look back and imagine everyone was a simple hayseed incapable of a sophisticated reaction to a new technology. There'll probably be some movie in the future with people picking up their keyboards and holding them to their ears to try and use them like a phone, since the whole idea of using the internet must have been so
 11y ago Captcha will be legible every time.


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