23 of the Weirdest Fears That People Have

‘Escalators opening up and swallowing me whole’
23 of the Weirdest Fears That People Have

People treat the word “phobia” as if it just means “fear,” which it technically does at its Greek roots, but in psychological terms, it’s specifically an irrational fear. By definition, it’s impossible to have a phobia of tigers or narrow ledges outside tall buildings or YouTube’s recommendation algorithm — all of those things will kill you just as soon as they get the chance.

There are also phobias that are so common as to be nearly rational. Fears of clowns and spiders have eminently reasonable origins, namely that pop culture depicts them as nothing but evil. On the other hand, some people are afraid of things that simply make no sense. “I’m terrified of balloons popping,” user Own-Ad-7756 told r/AskReddit. “I can't even be near a birthday party!” 

They then asked, “What’s an unusual fear you have?” and their fellow Redditors certainly weren’t scared to share what scares them.

 5mo ago Throwing up
galwegian 5mo ago Ships in dry dock. Nope!
Diablokilly 5mo ago While Arachnophobia isn't an unusual fear, the fact that mine was drug induced is.
Regular-Distance-195 5mo ago Bone injuries/fractures. Even talking about them gives me goosebumps.
freezerburntbitch 5mo ago Deer. One ran into our car when I was a kid. Now whenever I see one I feel like I'm being hunted.
Money-Metal-2096 5mo ago Horses. Snakes and spiders don't scare me, but horses are scary for some reason.
AdFar4827 5mo ago Everytime i poo, i fear i might poo my colon and guts out might i strain too hard. Weird.
KuchiKopi-Nightlight 5mo ago Bell pepper seeds while they're still attached to the pod freak me out, I get chills and gag.
psycharious 5mo ago The feeling of falling up if I'm at a high elevation or looking at something really high
MadCapHorse 5mo ago Escalators opening up and swallowing me whole before I have a chance to hop up on the railing.
FL-Cracker 5mo ago When I am holding my keys in an elevator, I grip them extra tight so I don't accidentally drop them down the crack.
reichjef 5mo ago I'm like a dog when it comes to vacuum cleaners. I just hate the noise they make and it's creates a rising tension in me.
Queen-Jen 5mo ago I'm scared of things that are huge. Weirdly enough not skyscapers. But standing near an airplane or ferry, for example. Once I'm inside it's fine though, lol. A whale would definitely freak me out!
SoManySoFew 5mo ago The kitchen cabinets falling off the wall. I really have no idea how they stay up there with all that weight in them!
 5mo ago I used to have a crippling fear of Veggietales in preschool...literally used to cry when it played during nap time and had a nightmare about it once too
Substantial-Draw609 5mo ago Honestly, neck kinks terrify me. What if it just kinks too hard one day and I'm just paralyzed for life because I tried to stretch the kink out too far. Terrifies me to the point that when it happens, I accept the pain and just sit there in the position it's hurting in
My_browsing 5mo ago Outer space. I'm not agoraphobic or anything but any scene where they go outside a spaceship I straight up cannot watch. Sometimes when I look up at the stars and realize there is nothing but atmosphere held by gravity keeping me from being suffocated/frozen/exploded I have to go inside where there is a roof.
Sufficient_Return653 5mo ago I'm 30 and have all of a sudden been diagnosed with psuedo-dysphagia. It's a fear of choking, it's came out of nowhere and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy I'd never even heard of it before, I'm currently waiting therapy Imao never experienced anything like it in my life it's fkn crazy
TheSilentTitan 5mo ago I used to be afraid of wrapping the leash around my hand in a way that would keep it tightly in my hand in the fear that aliens would abduct me and beam me up in a tractor beam and the leash would strangle or snap the neck of my dog as I got pulled up.
 5mo ago When I had my 1st & only son. I had the most irrational fear of someone chopping off his wiener. I didn't let anyone keep him for the 1st 2 years of his life and even after it was very minimal until he was about 4. He's 6 now but I seriously have no idea why I had that fear & had it for so long.
skyrider8328 5mo ago Okay, get ready to call the psych ward; when I was in grade school (4th or 5th grade) I used to have to walk part way home. I was terrified of the overhead power lines...like they'd fall on me or something. So, to appease the power line gods I would sing to them. Apparently this worked, no power lines fell on me!!
Hollysewnsew 5mo ago I have a very irrational fear of butterflies. I had a babysitter when I was 3, 4, and 5 that told me that butterflies were poisonous and if they landed on you and they bit you...you would die. It took me years to realize this was not true, then years of therapy to be able to not freak out when butterflies were around. I am now 60+ and my heart still rushes when butterflies are are close to me. I know I won't die, but....just be really careful of what you tell little ones, a lot of
IcyAd7982 5mo ago Giant (300 feet tall) octopus underneath the surface of lakes


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