40 Intergalactic Bits of Outer Space Trivia From a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Help make these feel right at home here on Earth, would ya?
40 Intergalactic Bits of Outer Space Trivia From a Galaxy Far, Far Away

These just flew in from across the universe, and boy, are their arms tired. 

We got some help with that opening line from our Dad. Now that we think about it, since we dont know how these facts about the universe got here, we cant fully rule out flapping their arms as an option. Either way, this list doesnt have rolling credits at the end, so we needed to give Pops some credit somehow. 

Love you, Dad!

The International Space Station

ISS and gravity If you went up to where the International Space Station orbits Earth, and you could stay in place, you'd weigh 90% of your normal weight. The reason things float on the ISS is because the station and crew are falling together around Earth at the same rate. CRACKED


Olympus Mons Olympus Mons, the biggest volcano in the solar system, is much taller than any mountain on Earth, standing 16 miles high and covering an area the size of Arizona, which is 374 miles wide. CRACKED


CRACKED Jupiter's Great Red Spot The massive anticyclonic storm is bigger than Earth. But it's recently gotten the smallest it's ever been-only 10,250 miles across. It used to be 25,500 miles long in the late 1800s (so, over two Earths) and 14,500 miles across in 1979.

The Sun’s Mass

The Sun The Sun makes up 99.8-99.9% of the mass in the solar system. The rest is made up of planets, moons, comets, asteroids, dust, and gas. If you were looking at the solar system from far away, it would just look like a regular star and not a system. CRACKED

Earth’s Orbit

Earth's orbit Earth's orbit is oval-shaped, so during the Northern Hemisphere's winter it's actually closer to the Sun, not farther away - which makes the Sun look 3.4% bigger. It's about 3 million miles closer, to be specific. CRACKED


If the Hubble has taught us anything! it's that space is surprisingly colorful. Actually, maybe not. The Hubble doesn't have a color camera. The images we see are assembled from separate black & white images taken through color filters. Then they're adjusted to boost contrast and tweak colors and brightness to emphasize certain features of the image or to make a more pleasing picture. CRACKED.COM http://www.universetoday.com/11863true-or-false-color-the-art-of-extraterrestrial-photography/

Raining Glass

There is a planet where it rains glass. The phenomenon gives planet HD189733b a bright azure color. CRACKED.COM

Solar Storms

Space attacked Earth in 1859- and it might again. In 1859, the largest solar storm ever recorded hit earth causing light storms and failed telegraph communications. If the same storm were to occur again it would cause grid and WiFi failures to the tune of 2 trillion dollars. CRACKED.COM

Screams in Space

In Space no one can hear you scream. Seriously. Space is a vacuum meaning sound waves that are audible to humans cannot be heard. CRACKED.COM

The Milky Way Sucks

The Milkyway is being sucked away. And the black hole that's doing it is getting hungrier- and scientists don't know why. CRACKED.COM


Space will change your DNA. NASA NASA discovered this by comparing the DNA of astronaut Scott Kelly to that of his twin brother, Mark. After a year in space, Scott's genes had been altered by 7%- effectively making the twins non-identical. CRACKED.COM

Black Holes

A black hole will turn you into spaghetti. The forces of a black hole are known to turn anything in its path into a long thin line, a process that science literally calls Spaghettification. CRACKED.COM


A storm on Neptune could swallow the entire Earth. Storms on Saturn can reach up to 1600 miles an hour- a pace that could easily swallow Earth whole. CRACKED.COM

Moon Footprints

Footprints left on the moon will stay there forever. There is no wind or atmosphere on the moon, meaning all footprints left there will stay there forever. CRACKED COM

Dark Matter And Energy

All matter on earth and ever observed with any human instrument only makes up 5% of the universe. 27% of the remainder is dark matter. The rest? An existentially terrifying 68% of the universe is dark energy. CRACKED.COM

Source: NASA

The Man Who Predicted Black Holes

An 18th century Yorkshire man x predicted black holes. In the 1780s, John Michell, the rector of St. Michael's Church in Leeds, came up with a theory about dark stars -- stars whose gravitational pull was so strong that not even light could escape. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


The Steady-State Universe Theory

The Steady-State Universe Evolutionary Theory Steady-State Theory Opposing the Big Bang's starting point and ever-expanding universe, scientists propose an eternal universe in one steady state. They imagine the universe looks the same from any time and place, but it hasn't gained the scientific support that the Big Bang CRACKED.COM



One of Jupiter's moons is larger than a planet in our solar system. GRAGKED.COM Jupiter's moon, Gany- mede, is larger than Mercury and would be classed as a planet if it were orbiting the Sun rather than Jupiter.



18 Amazing People Too Many Of Us Haven't Heard Of - This Greek astronomer was the first person to present a model of the solar system, with the Sun at
Source: Nature

Space Travel

If we ever left the Solar System to explore strange new worlds, the Earth would be here waiting for us. Except that the solar system is constantly mov


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