40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We’d Urgently Tell Our Ancestors If We Could Go Back in Time

I’m not trying to explain the combustion engine or whatever. I want some Vikings to know about Kevin Hart’s redemption arc
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We’d Urgently Tell Our Ancestors If We Could Go Back in Time

They, of course, would have no idea what we’re talking about, but we’re sure they’d still love to meet us. After all, we’re family.

Saved by the Bell

CRACKED.COM saved by the Bell The show was canceled every year. The cast ended each season thinking it was the last.

Source: People


TELL US NOW. Forget bingeing The Office. What we need is a live-action Ghostbusters. Stephen C. says, a day-to-day work comedy about Ghostbusting wou
Stephen C.


SCREAM When we meet boyfriend (and killer) Billy during the famous PG-13 Relationship scene, a song plays in the background, hinting at his secret ide

Quentin Tarantino

Diane Kruger let Quentin Tarantino choke her until she passed out, in Inglourious Basterds. E In the scene, Christoph Waltz's character discovers Krug

Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. buried the clothes that he wore in 1987's Less Than Zero in the backyard of his house. This was a symbolic attempt to bury his decadent 1980s Brat Pack image and begin a new phase of his life and career after film- ing 'Chaplin.' CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Titan A.E.

TELL US NOW. There's way more to Titan A.E. than we saw in the movie. There was a lot of world building done in preparation for the movie, but so muc
Ben S.

Shallow Hal

... TELL US NOW. SHALLOW HAL Jennifer K. says, The whole movie is just so cringe now. The movie is about a superficial man who is given the ability to only see people's inner beauty, so he unknowingly falls for an overweight woman. Fat jokes galore. CRACKED.COM

Mikhail Youzhny

A tennis pro slices his own forehead open Russian tennis player Mikhail Youzhny was frustrated with his performance in a 2008 match, and decided to give himself a hard reset by bashing his own head repeatedly with his racket. And it worked! He won the match.

Source: YouTube

Star Wars

TELL US NOW. Star Wars CRACKED Mike D. called out TIE fighter pilots: The Millennium Falcon is a much bigger ship that was flown by various /copilot teams and it constantly outmaneuvered the (supposedly) more agile fighters.

George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin first imagined fantasy worlds thanks to the pet store turtles he had as a boy. Young Martin was taking proper care of them, so he c

Chuck E. Cheese

Chuck E. Cheese's existence was an accident. PzzA TIME CHUCKECHEESE'S WheteicanbeAkid. Nolan Bushnell was planning on creating a coyote mascot for his

Fox News

Ever catch terrorism analyst Wayne Simmons on Fox News? LIVE Fo INEWSI WA NE SIMMONS c0u FORM R CIA OPERATIV AND HAS THE RIGS TO CHOOSE HE Then you've


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