21 Creepy Experiences People Haven’t Recovered From

‘There was a person in one of the photos that wasn’t there when I was taking them’
21 Creepy Experiences People Haven’t Recovered From

With the exception of certain media outlets, we’re a civilization of hard science. This has helped in some ways, like the medical fields and the advancement of technology, but it’s also surgically removed a lot of the wonder from the world. You need to see something inexplicable every once in a while, or else the overwhelming reasoning of everything starts to grate away at your brain like it’s a pink hunk of Parmesan cheese.

That’s why everyone loves a good ghost story, and hates the guy who can’t help but say something like, “It’s probably just a manifestation of trauma.” We just wanted to talk about rattling glasses and a butterfly I thought was my grandma, but sure, let’s lance everyone’s emotional boils at this bar hang.

Give your scientific brain a break, suspend your disbelief and spend a little time stretching the muscles of your imagination. I have the perfect way to do so, too: spooky real-life stories of internet denizens who saw something that rattled their spine. Shadowy creatures, disembodied voices, just somebody acting really strange, read on and immerse yourself in the unfamiliar. And do not ever say the words “swamp gas” to me.

MeawWuWu 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago My oldest brother died at age 39 in 2016, and I had flown into town to stay with family as we prepared for his celebration of life. I was sleeping in my aunt's basement, which is connected to her laundry room and also some storage and a small wine room. At about midnight, getting ready to fall asleep, my then-fiancé and were startled by a loud POP and crash. We went into the wine room and there was a bottle of red wine that had popped and was emptying onto the floor. We went
8mo ago Nnygem-Toska was 14 years old, laying on my stomach on the floor of my bedroom. would lock my door to keep my young nephews from walking into my room without warning. As I'm reading, I hear a sound from behind me. It sounded like someone breathing. There was a window behind me so I figured someone was right outside or something, so I ignored it. As I flipped through the pages in my magazine, the sound began to grow closer and louder. It crept up closer to the back of my neck, making my hair stand up and
Ivy_Sapphire89 8mo ago As a little kid I was got roused from sleep in the middle of the night due to the sensation of sliding towards the window. It was summertime and the head of my bed was up against the open window. I screamed as I got closer and it instantly stopped. I woke the whole damn house up! My dad checked outside the house the next day and found ladder prints in the grass. My bedroom was on the 2nd floor. 622 ...
DaytonaJoe 8mo ago Vacationing on a tropical island, it's after midnight and my wife and I are dozing off to sleep. I get startled awake by wife whispering someone's trying to get in!. The front door to our cabin had a big window next to it and, sure enough, through the shades I can see the silhouette of a man fumbling with our doorknob. My heart has probably never beat so hard. We lay there silently watching him and he eventually left. I assume it was just some lost drunk guy but at the time he was definitely there to
DissimulationIX 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago I worked as a body removal technician and I was transporting a decedent from their residence to the funeral home. Keep in mind that this was at 3 in the morning since we were on call. I get to the funeral home and go in through the rear door to turn all the lights on in the room where we drop off the bodies. During that time that was in that room, I had to use the restroom so I went into the main area of the funeral home. I left the room was
8mo ago Rancudo1008 Some dude was following me home (I'm also a male), till I reached the gate of the apartment compound which requires a keycard, got in, closed the gate immediately to lock it, and I could see the dude just standing there staring at me for a few more seconds then walked off. Reported this to the local police, they said yeah they've been noticing someone and told me to not walk around late after dark. Never seen him again since then and no news from the police either. 244 ...
TheHibernian 8mo ago This is not my story, but from my father. When I believe he was in undergrad he got a ride from a friend to a house party. The friend got really drunk, so my dad drove the guys car home. Не was unfamiliar with the car, so he was doing a pretty bad job driving it. Не was going pretty fast coming up to a 4 way intersection, which had two stops signs but not for his lane. Anyway, he heard his father's voice tell him Look out (his father passed away when he was a kid),
SirJimmyTheThird 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago When was a kid, especially before the age of 10 I would sometimes get night terrors (usually because I was dehydrated from being outside all day). 99% of the night terrors I had I couldn't remember what happened or what was thinking. one time for example slept over at a friends house and had a night terror and asked my friends mom if she was going to kill me, I didn't even remember talking to her that night lol....but there is one night terror that I do remember very vividly and even gave me
throw123454321purple 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago Gosh, I have a few. Spinning parrot wing materialized in front of me at a store and then just disappeared. The store's owner remarked Oh, that's just our ghost saying 'hello.'''
8mo ago Spuzzle91 was walking home late at night from a friend's house. It was only a 7 block walk, but I had to walk past an abandoned factory building and then a dead end road that just cuts off at the edge of the woods. No one was out or about that I could see. It was like 3 am. I'd just gotten to the old factory when I heard random whistling someplace up ahead. Definitely human whistling, but it had no real melody or pattern. It was just a lot of random notes. As I got further past
8mo ago sluttypisc3s Had one of those dreams where you wake up in the exact spot you went to sleep in but your not awake and your dreaming. | dreamed that I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I turned no lights on and could only see using the light from the streets that came in through the windows. I stood in front of my kitchen table and looked up at a picture of the last supper that was hung there and a voice from behind me whispered: when you see them and hear them... know that
adamcn78 8mo ago | was at the library in college one day, in a cubicle reading a book. These 2 older gentlemen came up behind me. One put his hand on my shoulder, says and this is (my name) he works at (my job, at a office supply store). I went white as a sheet. Never seen these people before. Не just chuckled, I was at your work the other day, I read your name tag, sorry | scared you! It's kinda funny I guess. 228 ...
 8mo ago My nephew was like 3 at the time, and randomly turned to me when I picked him up, saying I'll remember you when you die. I was like uhhhh, what? He's older now and doesn't say creepy shit anymore but that was weird 159 ...
cheese_addict_9821 8mo ago Couple of years ago my brother (6-7 at the time) woke me up crying saying he saw something at his window. I calmed him down a bit and he explained that someone wearing a red demon mask was at his window watching him | was 11-12 and was very creeped out by this, i went to his room and nothing was there. he went to sleep and I stayed up for the rest of the night. His rooms on the second floor, so I dont know what he saw, but he acted so panicked and I fully
dianamichellezz 8mo ago I took some pictures in the woods and when I developed one of the photos there was a person in one of the photos that 100% was not there when I was taking them. 179 ...
Cid_Dackel 8mo ago | had a vivid dream about a woman dying in brain surgery... Next day at school | found my sister's art teacher had died of complications in brain surgery to excise a tumor. I barely knew the woman. Also woke up to my own screaming in a pitch black house all alone; sleep paralysis is fun, particularly when it lasts 30 minutes under those conditions... 48 ...
8mo ago Mona_Lotte My sister had a camera in her room growing up bc she was going through some things while we tried to get a diagnosis. She was hearing things, seeing things, and absolutely terrifying the shit out of me as an 11ish year old. Well one night, she claimed she had been slapped in the face. We didn't believe her but decided to just watch the footage to see if we could see anything. I don't remember the time, but it was late at night and she was laying in bed. I don't believe she was asleep. We
symbioticHands 8mo ago My sister and I were just kids maybe 5 and 7. We shared a bedroom and one night we heard scratching on the window. We freaked out and told our dad. Не said don't worry it's just the tree branches. We actually believed him and felt better. Went back to sleep with no issues. In the morning I realized there were no trees out that window- we were on the 3rd floor. I guess it could have been a branch hanging from the gutters? But yeah there was nothing visible when I looked. 77 ...
AltruisticHopes 8mo ago When my mum was dying she said she saw a woman at the end of her bed and talked to her. She described her to us but we could see that there was no one there. Few days later my niece comes to the house who was around three and she was standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to my mums room waving. We asked who she was waving too and she said the lady who had just come out of grandmas room and then described her as wearing a blue dress and a
singularity48 8mo ago Standing outside with my mother and little sister; hearing my voice call my sisters name from the otherside of the house. They all heard it, so did I. 64 ...
8mo ago SomeLostCanadian Two winters ago I was watching the northern lights with my dog. It was about -25° C, maybe e-30° at the coldest. I was sitting on a snow covered table and eventually the cold got through to me. By this point was out there for an hour and a half and while the lights are pretty and I enjoy the quiet, once you watch them for 30 minutes it's good enough. So anyways, I go over to the door and whistle to call my dog in. She still wanted to play in the snow so she was


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