40 Shocking Celebrity Freakouts and Temper Tantrums That Completely Tarnished Their Reputations

They wish they could erase these from our collective memory
40 Shocking Celebrity Freakouts and Temper Tantrums That Completely Tarnished Their Reputations

Lets do a quick thought experiment. When we say the name Will Smith, whats the first thing that comes to mind? Is it The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, one of his many blockbusters like Independence Day or a certain Oscars incident involving Chris Rocks face?

No matter which one you picked, the fact that said Oscar incident is up there with his most famous works says a lot about his now-tarnished reputation. Here are a ton of other celebrities that put their freak-outs on the same shelf as their accolades.

Tyler, the Creator

Rapper Tyler, the Creator trashed a Los Angeles club in December 2011. Apparently, he destroyed some sound equipment at L.A.'s Roxbury Theater and got his fans to start rioting - he ended up having to pay $8,000 in damages. CRACKED.COM

Billie Joe Armstrong

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong had a total meltdown on stage at a festival. When the band's time was about to end, he cried, I've been around since 19-f--ing-88! And you're gonna give me one minute? I'm not f---ing Justin Bieber, you mother---er! CRACKED.COM

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase got SO mad at Dan Harmon, he left him a long, ranty voicemail. Не went into detail about why Community doesn't work, according to him, and said It's just a mediocre f-king sitcom. I want people to laugh, and this isn't funny. CRACKED.COM

Mel Gibson

You used to be cool MEL GIBSON was once a Hollywood darling. It's near-impossible to imagine now, but Gibson was once the go-to movie star for the blockbusters, the rom coms, and the funny, lovable Lethal Weapon movies. Now, he's primarily known for drunken, explosive, anti-Semitic rants and general awfulness. CRACKED

James Corden

You used to be cool JAMES CORDEN's lovability is all an act. Known for his cutesy teddy bear-like demeanor, he was once so rude to staff at a New York restaurant that he was banned. Dozens of stories of his rude, terrible behavior (on and off set) began surfacing, forever tarnishing his reputation. CRACKED

Steven Crowder

YouTube ended their partnership with Steven Crowder. CRACKED.COM After having his YouTube account suspended several times, a damning video surfaced of him verbally assaulting his pregnant wife. Claims that he exposed himself at work didn't help, and YouTube has removed him as a partner.

Sean Penn

CRACKED SEAN PENN ASSAULTED A PHOTOGRAPHER. In 2010, Sean Penn was sentenced to three years of probation and 300 hours of community service for battery against photographer Jordan Dawes. Dawes needed knee surgery after the attack.

Vanilla Ice

CRACKED VANILLA ICE THREATENED A HOMELESS MAN. In 1991, he was arrested and charged with battery after threatening a homeless man with a gun.

Dave Navarro

DAVE NAVARRO 1998 CRACKED.COM After shooting UP some heroin at a Playboy Mansion orgy, the Jane's Addiction musician tried to use the syringe to write his name on the wall in blood. This earned him a lifetime ban from the house.

Will Smith

You used to be cool WILL SMITH's Oscar slap. A heart breaker. Не was the Fresh Prince, Hollywood royalty, and a rapper known for not even cursing. Accosting Chris Rock over a joke at the 2022 Oscars got him banned from attending the ceremonies for 10 years, and caused the world to think a lot less of him. CRACKED

Zach Braff

You used to be cool ZACH BRAFF beat up a kid on Punk'd. Friend and Scrubs costar Donald Braison helped punk the lovable Zach Braff by having kids fake-spray paint his new car. Zach got a hold of a 12-year- old boy and (in his words) just started pummeling him. The segment was cut from the episode. CRACKED

Kathy Griffin

CRACKED KATHY GRIFFIN WENT WAY TOO FAR WITH A TRUMP JOKE. In 2017, she posed for a picture while holding an effigy of Trump's severed head. She was fired from several TV and live performances, and was investigated by the DoJ for conspiracy to assassinate the President. She said she hasn't worked since.

Michael Richards

CRACKED MICHAEL RICHARDS Michael Richards unleashed a tirade of racial slurs during a stand-up comedy set at the Laugh Factory, and was met with shock and disbelief from the audience. Не was responding to a comment from someone in the crowd who said he wasn't funny.

Tony Kaye

Tony Kaye shattered his own hand. AMERICAN HISTORY X CRACKED.COM Norton was an incredible pest during production and post-production. While editing, Kaye got so fed up that he offered to replace his name with Humpty Dumpty in the credits, then punched a wall so hard he broke his hand.

David O. Russell (Yep, Him Again)

David О. Russell headbutted George Clooney. THREE KINGS CRACKED.COM Russell, a notorious turd, was known to overreact and scream at crew members. Clooney stepped up to him during one tirade, prompting Russell to headbutt him. Clooney neutralized the weapon by putting him in a headlock.

David O. Russell

David О. Russell threw a violent temper tantrum. I HEART HUCKABEES CRACKED.COM After Lily Tomlin expressed frustration with his notes and revisions, he freaked out and started throwing and kicking props all over the set. The whole thing was caught on camera! It's wild!

Faye Dunaway

Faye Dunaway threw her pee at Roman Polanski. CHINATOWN CRACKED.COM Among other awful behavior, Polanski wouldn't allow Dunaway bathroom breaks, forcing her to pee in cups. In protest, she hucked one of her pee cups in his face.

Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski tore out Faye Dunaway's hair. CHINATOWN CRACKED.COM Their relationship was already strained, and he was looking for ways to hurt her. One opportunity that presented itself: a bit of hair fell across her face while shooting, so he yanked it out of her scalp.

Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog held Klaus Kinski at gunpoint. AGUIRRE, THE WRATH OF GOD CRACKED.COM The two were close friends and frequent collaborators, but still had regular and brutal on-set clashes -- the most volatile of which came when Kinski tried to walk out, and Herzog revealed he had a gun.

Zinedine Zidane

A+ FIFA banter ends in brutal headbutt CRACKED.COM During the 2006 World Cup Final, Italy's Marco Materazzi kept tugging on the jersey of France's Zinedine Zidane. Zidane told him he could have his shirt after the game (nice one!), and Materazzi said he'd rather have his sister (NICE one!!). That crossed a line, and the Frenchman noggin'd the Italian in the chest.

Scottie Pipen

Scottie Pippen hucks a chair CRACKED COM Pippen was given two consecutive technical fouls for arguing with the refs, and was ejected from the game. On his way out, he grabbed a chair and haphazardly lobbed it, nearly hitting some kids.

Latrell Sprewell

Latrell Sprewell chokes (his coach) CRACKED.COM Coach PJ Carlesimo once told Sprewell to put a little mustard on a pass, causing him to utterly lose his sh*t and start dragging his coach by the throat for around 10 seconds. Не was escorted to the locker room, but managed to return just long enough to punch Carlesimo in the head.

Mikhail Youzhny

A tennis pro slices his own forehead open GRACKED.COM Russian tennis player Mikhail Youzhny was frustrated with his performance in a 2008 match, and decided to give himself a hard reset by bashing his own head repeatedly with his racket. And it worked! Не won the match.

George Brett

The Pine Tar Game Ro e CRACKED.COM In 1983, Royals legend George Brett dinged a go-ahead home run late in a game against the Yankees. But when a ref called it back because of an illegal amount of pine tar on the bat, Brett Naruto-charged out of the dugout to give him what-for.

Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman stomps a camera guy in the nards CRACKED.COM When Rodman was bumped out of bounds in a 1997 game against the Timberwolves, he landed on a pile of photographers. In a huff, he heeled the nearest set of nads to his Nikes, a decision that would cost him over $200k.

Roger Clemens

Roger Clemens goes vampire hunting 22 CRACKED.COM When Mike Piazza's bat broke on a Roger Clemens pitch, a craggy half of the bat tumbled over to the pitcher's mound. Clemens quickly scooped it up and sidearmed it in Piazza's direction. Не first claimed that he thought it was the ball, and later that he was simply expediating the bat shard's journey home to its dugout.

The Boston Bruins

The Bruins team up on a Rangers fan CRACKED.COM When a spectator reached over the glass and whapped a Bruins player with a rolled up magazine, the entire team retaliated. They hopped the barrier one by one and beat the tar out of the magazine guy and anyone who came to his aid.

Woody Hayes

An Ohio State coach decks a player's neck OC SB CRACKED.COM Near the end of the 1978 Gator Bowl, a Clemson player was tackled out of bounds amidst a crowd of Ohio State players. Coach Hayes, possibly forgetting about all the newfangled TV cameras in the stadium, swung a sneaky roundhouse and connected with the player's throat.

Ron Artest

The Malice at the Palace CRACKED.COM In 2004, a late-game fight between players on the Pistons and the Pacers turned into a full-team brawl. That's rare enough in the NBA, but then a fan hucked a beer at Ron Artest, and the carnage spilled into the bleachers.

Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons received a lifetime ban from Fox News for his erratic behavior. NO SIMMONS ALLOWED KISS When The Demon appeared on Fox and Friends to promote his book (On Power), things got off on a weird foot when he leapt out of his seat to ham it up on the weather report. Then, once off the air, things devolved rapidly. Не barged into a staff meeting and yelled, Hey chicks, sue me! while pulling open his shirt and exposing his torso. Не then bopped random employees on the head with his book as he left. CRACKED.COM

Peter Frampton

Peter Frampton stormed off during a concert when a cameraman ruined his solo. BR A At a concert in Minnesota, the musician known for Baby, I Love Your Way (and snatching cell phones out of fans' hands) took great offense when the overhead screen showed a woman in the crowd holding up his album Frampton Comes Alive while he was playing. And when the screen showed the same woman holding up his I'm In You album, he cursed into the camera, accosted the operator, and walked off mid-performance. CRACKED.COM

Serena Williams

Serena Williams threatens asphyxia pen.or CRACKED.COM At the 2009 US Open, Williams was given a very questionable foul during a very important point. She yelled I'm gonna shove this f*ing ball down your f*ing throat, which the line judge swiftly reported as a death threat.

Sly Stone

Sly Stone launched into a bizarre diatribe (and then went limp) at Coachella. Sly (of Sly and the Family) Stone was a featured act at Coachella a few years back, but his music took second stage. After ranting incoherently about a multi-million- dollar lawsuit involving a former manager, he laid down and was unable to finish a single song. As the band played, he just sort of disappeared from sight, never to return. Which is hard to do for someone wearing a police hat and sequined jacket. CRACKED.COM

Trey Songz

Trey Songz tantrumed himself into a jail cell when told to stop playing. When alleged strip club assaulter Songz was performing in Detroit and told to stop his show at 11:30, he responded by throwing every object on the stage that wasn't nailed down. One projectile ended up hitting a police sergeant in the face, sending him to the ER with a concussion. On the bright side, Songz was arrested and provided a smiling mug shot, apparently pleased at his sudden increase in street cred. CRACKED.COM

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin lost his mind when airline staff asked him to quit playing Words With Friends on his phone. TI USA 14.00 DL SAMSUNG 215 . I - ZAS . EN . - - DROID ، A G TL с CI A V a AR of Onzos O POURS SEA HARDO . WH IRL MAE O AW . . BOT by NO GED NOR I U U E E PLAY After the surliest and puffiest Baldwin brother boarded an American Airlines flight, he refused to turn off his cell phone after multiple requests by the crew. So he locked himself

Justin Bieber

40 Shocking Celebrity Freakouts and Temper Tantrums That Completely Tarnished Their Reputations

Richard Gere

Richard Gere had a messy lunch. THE LORDS OF FLATBUSH CRACKED.COM Gere hopped in a car with Sylvester Stallone to eat his lunch--some mustard chicken in a flimsy foil wrap. Stallone told him to be careful, but Gere wouldn't listen. Of course, he spritzed some mustard on Sly, who had him booted from the car and the production.

Isaiah Washington

Isaiah Washington threw fists and slurs. GREY'S ANATOMY CO CRACKED.COM In a single altercation, he choked out Patrick Dempsey and called a fellow cast member a homophobic slur.

Thomas Gibson

Thomas Gibson is an alleged shin kicker. CRIMINAL MINDS CRACKED.COM His bad behavior finally caught up with him after kicking a writer/producer in the shins during a dialogue disagreement that went off the rails.

Damon Wayans

Damon Wayans went off script. SNL CRACKED.COM In a bold (and unimaginative) attempt to seize some creative control, he decided to play a generic bit part as a gay caricature. Lorne Michaels wasn't having it.


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