40 Foreign Words to Spice Up Your Vocabulary

Your brain is about to experience ‘shemomedjamo’
40 Foreign Words to Spice Up Your Vocabulary

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language, but we thought you could use a few more. Be honest, you dont use anywhere near that many English words, so you have room for these somewhere in your brain. 

In fact, we think theyre so good that youll want to start using them right away — or inmediatamente in Spanish.

Esprit de L’escalier

Esprit de l'escalier (es-PREE duh less-cub-LYAIR), noun. The perfect response, that you think of a little too late. Literally: The spirit of the stairs. Language of origin: French CRACKED.COM

Pana Po’o

Pana Po'o (PAH-nah POH-ob), verb. To scratch your head when you're trying to remember something. Language of origin: Hawaiian CRACKED.COM http://betterthanenglish. com/pana-poo-hawaiian/

Bilita Mpash

Bilita Mpash (BIL-eb-tub mm-PASH), noun. A beautiful, blissful dream. The opposite of a nightmare. TEST N в с D A в с D 3. A в с 4. A в с O D A+ 5. A в с A в с D ء D Language of origin: Bantu CRACKED.COM http//betterthanenglish.com/bilita-mpash-bantu/


Yaourt (yowt), verb. To sing along with a song in a language you don't know, by making up nonsense words. OPRAH CONDOM STAR! Language of origin: French CRACKED.COM Lucy Wadham, 2009 The Secret Life of France


Epibreren (apey-BRER-in), verb. To pretend to be busy doing something important, when you're actually goofing off. WORK Language of origin: Dutch CRACKED.COM http://www. ddirectdutch.com/2013/10/word-of-the-day-epibreren-epibrate/

Gadrii Nombor Shulen Jongu

Gadrii Nombor Shulen Jongu verb. To give an unrelated answer, when asked a question. Language of origin: Tibetan CRACKED.COM http://betterthanenglish.com/gadrii-nombor-shulen-jongu-tibetan/

Soare cu Dinti

Soare cu Dinti (SWAH-ree COO DEEN-tee), noun. Weather that looks beautiful until you actually go outside. Its literal meaning is sun with teeth. Language of origin: Romanian CRACKED.COM https://en wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk Romanian_proverbs


Pilkunnussija (PILL-con-00-see-ya), noun. A person who believes it is their destiny to stamp out all spelling and punctuation mistakes at all costs. Literally: comma fucker. x it's x NO! Language of origin: Finnish CRACKED.COM http://boingboing net/2010/12/04/glorious-elaborate-p.html

Yoko Meshi

Yoko meshi (yob-kob MESH-ee), noun. The panic you feel when trying to speak a foreign language. Literally: A meal eaten sideways. Language of origin: Japanese CRACKED.COM http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story php?storyld=4457805


Utepils (OOT-er-pills), noun. The first beer of the year that you can drink outside, because the weather's nice enough. Language of origin: Norwegian CRACKED.COM https://enthusiastalexicon wordpress.com/2011/03/08/utepils/


Farpotshket (far POTCH ket), adjective. Describes something that's broken specifically because somebody tried to fix it. Language of origin: Yiddish CRACKED.COM http://www.yiddishslangdictionary com/word/748/farpotshket


Kabelsalat (kab-bell-sab-LAHD), noun. That tangled mass of wires under your desk. Literally: Cable salad. Language of origin: German CRACKED.COM


Tartle (TAR-tull), noun. The moment of panic when you go to introduce somebody, and realize you've forgotten their name. < .... Language of origin: Scots http://www.telegraph CO uk/culture/books/booknews/7936824/Tartle- CRACKED.COM bufetak-kaelling-the-foreign-words-to-which-English-has-no-answer.html

Pisan Zapra

Pisan Zapra noun. Soon. Literally: In the time it takes to eat a banana. Language of origin: Malaysian CRACKED.COM http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20141216-ten-untranslatable-words


attitydinkontinens /at-tee-TOOD-een-CON-tin-nenz/ Can't keep your opinions to yourself? Then you have what the Swedish call attitydinkontinens, literally attitude incontinence. CRACKED.COM


Torschlusspanik /TORSCH-luss-panic/ German for gate-shut panic. Do you feel you're running out of time to achieve certain CRACKED.COM goals? That's Torschlusspanik.

Shikata Ga Nai

CRACKED.COM shikata ga nai /SHKATA-ga-nai/ Why worry about stuff you can do nothing about? Shikata ga nai, the Japanese call this approach to life. It's kind of their hakuna matata.


/SEN-pie/ senpai If you watch anime (or have been on the internet at all), you know that senpai will never notice you. In Japan, a senpai is a senior or a mentor. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM razljubit /raz-lyu-BEET/ Did you razljubit with me? Da, Sergei, | did. We should see other people. In Russian, razljubit (разлюбить) is to fall out of love.

Shenmei Píláo

shenmei píláo /shim-MAY-pee-lou/ If you see so much beauty that you don't appreciate it anymore, the Chinese will call you shēnmei piláo-that is, aesthetically tired. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED COM livslogga /livs-LOGG-ya/ According to the Swedes, if you continuously take pics to document your life, that's livslogga, or life log.

Inneren Schweinehund

GRACKED.COM inneren Schweinehund /inner-en- SVIEN- hund/ That voice in your head keeping you from getting stuff done? Germans call it inneren Schweinehund: Inner pig-dog.


bricoleur /BRICK-ah-lure/ - - 123456 1890 A bricoleur, in French, is someone who improvises and creates with whatever is at hand, regardless of whether it was meant for it. CRACKED.COM


fylleangst /FOO-la-ANGST/ Norwegian for drunk anxiety. Fylleangst is that feeling of f*ck, what did I do last night? that comes with the hangover. CRACKED.COM

Vergüenza ajena

vergüenza ajena /ver-GWEN-za-ah-HAY-na/ Sometimes people act in such a way that you feel embarrassed on their behalf. Ever felt this? In Spanish this is called vergüenza ajena -  shame of others. CRACKED.COM


dabdabhada /dap-DAP-ah-da/ In Korean, dabdabhada is a suffocating frustration, like the type you feel when you haven't heard from someone. CRACKED.COM


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Indonesian MENCOLEK the trick of tapping someone on the opposite shoulder to fool them into looking the wrong way CRACKED.COM


Yiddish FARGIN to sincerely be happy for another's success CRACKED.COM


Arabic YA'ABURNEE Literally you bury me. A term of endearment meaning you wish a loved one outlives you CRACKED.COM

Cavoli Riscaldati

Italian CAVOLI RISCALDATI Literally reheated cabbage, means when you make a futile attempt to revive an old relationship CRACKED.COM


the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego MAMIHLAPINATAPAI a look shared by two people who both want the other to do something, but neither acts on it CRACKED.COM


German REEVES MT KILLEY TAP BAGGERSPION the desire to peek into boarded-up construction sites CRACKED.COM


Danish BAGSTIV when you wake up still drunk from the previous night CRACKED.COM


Swedish MÅNGATA the road-like reflection of the moon on the water CRACKED.COM


Danish POLITIKERLEDEN to have a disgust for politics and politicians CRACKED.COM


Swedish FLIPPERFORÄLD literally pinball parent, a parent who gives their child a lot of freedom CRACKED.COM

Pena Ajena

Spanish PENA AJENA when you're embarrassed on someone else's behalf CRACKED.COM


Portuguese SAUDADES a deep yearning, when someone misses someone/something CRACKED.COM


Georgian SHEMOMEDJAMO when you eat past the point of being full CRACKED.COM


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