40 Creepy Facts You’ll Wish You Could Forget for a Little While, ‘Severance’-Style

Better read these in broad daylight (then hope it never gets dark again)
40 Creepy Facts You’ll Wish You Could Forget for a Little While, ‘Severance’-Style

If youre keen on reading this list (which we hope you are), we suggest reading it as early in the day as possible. These facts are sure to completely freak you out, but if youre hoping for a good sleep tonight, everything that happens from the morning until bedtime is sure to help you forget them.

Because in our experience, reading these anytime after 3 p.m. is sure to keep you up all night long.


CRACKED.COM Your wine isn't made of just grapes. While newer picking machines are getting better at separating grapes from other stuff, small objects and creatures can still make it into even the fanciest bottle.


This nightmare bug will eat your brain like a zombie. Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba that finds its way to your brain and destroys its tissues. It likes warm, fresh water, so be careful around water heaters and poorly maintained pools. CRACKED.COM


In 2018, almost 1,000 feet of a beach in CRACKED.COM Greece was covered in spiderwebs. Tetragnatha spiders weave these webs every year during their mating season, but they usually don't make them this big. So why did the spiders get so busy in 2018? The population of mosquitos, which they eat, exploded that year.


It's raining fish monsters! In 2015, Alaska's Department of Fish and Game received some reports from residents who had live lampreys falling They are out of the sky believed to have and into their been dropped backyards. by seagulls. CRACKED.COM


A 7-year-old boy in India recently had CRACKED.COM - - em 526 TEETH REMOVED. The record breaking amount of various sized teeth were found inside a tumor in the boy's jaw.


Vengeful crows have been frequently attacking a man in India for the past 3 years. Shiva Kewat claims that 3 years ago he tried and failed to save an injured baby bird. Не thinks some nearby crows misinterpreted the situation and now they attack him whenever he leaves his house. Kewat started carrying a stick around to shield himself but this hasn't deterred the birds from pecking and biting him. CRACKED.COM


This could be on your child's head right now. Say hello to Pediculus humanus capitis, better known as the common head louse. CRACKED.COM

The Eye-Eating Parasite

CRACKED.COM Acanthamoeba is hungry for your eyes. This parasite can live in the ground, in the water, in the air... everywhere. It can get to you through your contact lenses and cause blindness. Luckily, it's extremely rare.

Eating Insects

CRACKED.COM You have eaten insects (and will again). Do you know how companies get rid of all impurities when processing food? It's simple: They don't. Each year, the average American ingests one to two pounds of bits of insects, like this grasshopper here.

Shopping Carts

CRACKED.COM Shopping carts are nasty as hell. 50% of carts test positive for Е. coli, a bacterium usually found in poop. No need to add it to your shopping list.

Dust Mites

This a-hole keeps crapping on your bed. Millions of dust mites live in your mattress, and each of them takes 50 dumps a day, potentially triggering your asthma. CRACKED.COM

The Flour Mite

This monster lives in your cereal. Acarus siro, the flour mite, can cause allergies and carry diseases - and it has been detected in over 20% of cereal- based foodstuffs. CRACKED.COM

Rose Kennedy

Three years after this photo, Rose Kennedy was lobotomized. Rosemary, who historians agree had some mental ailment (though it definitely wasn't debilitating), was awake throughout the operation. She spent the rest of her life in institutions, far from the public eye, especially when her brother John became president. CRACKED.COM


When Vesuvius erupted, heads exploded. Herculaneum saw superheated pyroclastic flows of molten rock, mud, and gas. The skull holds lots of liquids, and if you heat it quickly, it reacts much like a hamster in a microwave. In less than two-tenths of a second, skin vaporized ... brains boiled, and skulls exploded. CRACKED.COM

Resurrecting George Washington

A plot aimed to resurrect George Washington. Family friend William Thornton planned to warm Washington's corpse by the fire then inject it with lamb's blood to revive him. Fortunately, widow Martha rejected the plan, along with the probable brain-eating rampage that would follow. CRACKED.COM

Mass Killing of Pets

Britain killed 750,000 pets in the run-up to WWII. 'CLOSED SUNDAYS UNWANTED ANIMALS HUMANELY DESTROYED SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS They feared food shortages being made worse due to people feeding their pets. Pamphlets advised the population that if they could not send their pets into the countryside, it really is kindest to have them destroyed. CRACKED.COM


A prime minister was eaten by his constituents. In 1672, Prime Minister Johan de Witt of Holland was wounded by an assassin and forced to resign. Then a mob attacked, stripped him, and hung him from a scaffold, cut off his genitals, then sliced him open. And finally, of course, people began eating him. CRACKED.COM

The Iron Throne

In 1514, a Hungarian rebel received a unique punishment. Gyorgy Dozsa was forced to sit on an iron throne while wearing a crown and holding a scepter. The only catch was that all three were red-hot. His fellow rebels-who had been starved-were forced to bite into his burning body and drink his flowing blood. CRACKED.COM

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson kept Native noses in a bucket. Jackson had his men systematically murder hundreds of Creek Indian men, women, children, and even infants - ... and then cut off their noses to keep track of exactly how many they killed. According to one account, soldiers ended up with a pile of 557 noses. CRACKED.COM

Powdered Human Skulls as Medicine

Doctors prescribed powdered human skull as medicine. P-NIUMIA № 218 The same went for human fat, powdered mummy, moss from a dead person's skull, and even fresh human blood-which one priest had a recipe for making into marmalade. Of course, it was all probably the placebo effect. You can't help but feel a bit better after consuming someone else's cranium. CRACKED.COM

250-Pound War Mastiffs

15th-century Spain deployed 250-pound war mastiffs. These were especially effective against enemies with little or no armor. Their powerful jaws easily tore through leather then flesh then bone. When Columbus made his second voyage to the New World and anticipated trouble, he packed some dogs (who were classed as weapons). CRACKED.COM

1927 School Explosion

A 1927 school disaster killed one-sixth of a town's population. A Michigan school board treasurer killed his wife and blew up his farm with dynamite, which detonated the same time as explosives he planted at the nearby Bath Consolidated School. 58 people were injured and 45 killed- in a tiny village of 300 residents. CRACKED.COM


A mad serial killer reigned during Rome's most peaceful age. Locusta was freed to help Agrippina poison Emperor Claudius then was freed again to poison Nero's stepbrother. She was finally arrested and executed by Emperor Galba in 69 CE. She was supposedly publicly raped to death by a wild animal, which some sources say was a giraffe. CRACKED.COM

Drowning in Mud

During World War I, soldiers drowned in mud. One soldier wrote about that unique feeling you get when you successfully navigate the mud, only to realize you were stepping on corpses the whole time. A Canadian and German solider were found drowned together while locked in struggle. CRACKED.COM


Jamestown was a cannibalistic disaster. The winter of 1609-1610 turned unexpectedly brutal for the first permanent English settlement in America. One man was convicted of killing and eating his own wife. A recently excavated teenage girl was found with dozens of skull cuts, her temporal bone pried off to reach the brain. CRACKED.COM


Renaissance Florence was plagued with syphilitic zombies. The disease caused flesh to fall from people's faces and the complete destruction of the lips, others of the nose, and others of all their genitals. You'd see people walking around with their faces falling off their exposed skulls until they finally dropped dead. CRACKED.COM


A HOUSE IN ILLINOIS WAS SO INFESTED BY GERMAN COCKROACHES THAT IT HAD TO BE BURNED DOWN. Firefighters set a controlled burn and started with a ring of fire SO the cockroaches couldn't spread to the nearby houses. CRACKED.COM

Man with a Light

A boy's story about a man with a light at his window wasn't just a story. The boy's parents assumed he was having nightmares... until they found footprints. They set up a camera, and sure enough, the intruder returned and was arrested soon after. CRACKED.COM

The Psychopathic A.I.

CRACKED COM MIT has created a psychopathic AI. The AI, which is named Norman (after the killer in Psycho), was shown gruesome images from the darkest corners of Reddit. It then gave gory interpretations to every single Rorschach test. Man gets pulled into Man shot dead in front dough machine. of his screaming wife.

Brain Fluid

After being dismissed by doctors saying she was suffering from allergies, a woman with a chronic runny nose was found to actually be LEAKING BRAIN FLUID, CRACKED COM The woman was suffering from a hole in her skull that she had gotten from a car accident three years prior.

Dead Body Behind a Supermarket Freezer

1004 MAN LAN prion LiNG In 2019, contractors UTTER were moving are N freezer units in a supermarket when they found ALL a dead body. NO FRILLS SUPERMARKET - THE - EXIT ENTIANCE DELI - It turned out to be the remains of Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada, a former employee of the store who had gone missing 10 years before. Ruled as an accidental death, it is believed he got trapped and couldn't find a way out. GRACKED.COM

Backyard Human Remains

A family in Modesto, California was trying to bury their pet in their backyard when they accidentally uncovered the remains of a human. The identity of the corpse remains unknown. CRACKED COM

Real Teeth

Restorers found that this Jesus statue from a small town in Mexico looked a little too realistic. Turns out the statue was made with real human teeth. Fortunately this wasn't a case of a murderer turning people into statues. The teeth likely came from grateful parishioners who donated them. CRACKED.COM

Dead Birds

Nearly 60 birds fell from the sky in a suspected mass poisoning in South Australia Not only that, but they were screaming and bleeding out of their eyes, unable to fly. It wasn't a quick death, but slow and horrifying. CRACKED.COM

Baby Monitors

A Canadian couple got the shock of their lives when their baby monitor began to play a creepy tune and a voice came through telling them that they were being watched. vision & Night 2.8 1R mm 0.3Megapixel Their internet service provider confirmed that someone, country of origin unknown, hacked into their router. CRACKED COM


Buzzing in a bedroom was coming from inside the wall. A couple in Spain heard a strange buzzing noise that kept them up at night. So they decided to hire an expert, who found 80,000 bees hidden behind the bedroom wall. CRACKED.COM


For years, there were tales of a faceless ghost haunting Pennsylvania's Route 315, but it turned out to be a real person. Charlie No Face, whose real name is Raymond Robinson, wasjust a boy when his face was melted after he accidentally touched a power line. The ghost stories started because of his late-night walks on Route 315. Не didn't want to scare people in the daylight. CRACKED.COM


A pair of masked strangers stalked a group of film students who were making a movie. Instead of starring in the next found-footage horror film, the students did the sensible thing and went to the authorities. The pair turned themselves in afterwards, claiming it was just a prank. CRACKED.COM


In 2017, bloodthirsty rabid bats swarmed the Brazilian city of Salvador at night. Since bat saliva acts as a topical painkiller, their victims only realized they'd been bitten when they woke up and saw their bedsheets were blood-stained. One man died of rabies, and another 40 had to be treated. CRACKED.COM


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