40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Are Nothing A Little Meditation and Medication Can’t Help Relieve

There’s a lot going on in that there brain of yours
40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Are Nothing A Little Meditation and Medication Can’t Help Relieve

What can we say about mental health? Well, nothing of note really. Were compilation list writers for Cracked.com, so hopefully youre not here to get help from this pre-list blurb. All we can do is relay fun (and not-so-fun) facts about mental health, because its a topic that interests us. 

We do genuinely hope that all is well in your brain as you navigate through this confusing little stint on planet Earth. If not, theres no shame in seeking help.

Mood Disorders

Having a hard time waking up is linked to having a mood disorder. People with a mood disorder are disproportionately likely to have a hard time waking up (and mood disorder treatments might target that someday). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



Jules Angst CRACKED.COM Angst is a Swiss psychiatrist who has extensively researched mood and anxiety disorders.

Source: ECNP

The Aviator

Leonardo DiCaprio's OCD got worse from making The Aviator. He let his own mild OCD get worse to play the part, said Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, a psychiatry professor who consulted on the movie. By playing Hughes and giving into his own compulsions, Leo induced a more severe form of OCD

Source: WND

Selena Gomez

Being in the spotlight most of her life had an impact on Selena Gomez's mental health. She suffered from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, which


Hermione Granger probably has obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. She's obsessed with rules, details, and order; an extreme perfectionist; blow

Shell Shock

Soldiers with Shell Shock during WWI were executed for cowardice. GRAGKED.COM During World War 1, the British executed soldiers inflicted with Shell Shock (Combat Stress Disorder) on the basis of cowardice because Shell Shock wasn't considered a psychiatric disorder.


Wolverine’s PTSD

A HEALING FACTOR WOULD CAUSE YoU MENTAL TRAUMA. Sure, you can walk away from accidents that would kill anyone else. At the cost of your mental well-be

Tourette Syndrome

ORAOKEDCOM BRICK HECK Social skills deficit Anxiety and fear Obsessive-compulsive behavior Vocal tics IT'S TOURETTE'S SYNDROM!

Intrusive Thoughts

You probably think that disturbing, unwanted thoughts are limited to people diagnosed with OCD. wvRY In reality, 94% of all people experience intrusiv

Daylight Saving Time

CRACKED.COM IT XI I X EX I IV Depression and suicide cases increase during the transition of daylight saving time. - An Australian study found an incr


CRACKED CO COM The World Health Organization (WHO) included GAMING DISORDER in the list of mental health conditions in 2018. CAMINC DISORDER - Obsessi

Multiple Personalities

People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is often confused with dissociative identity disorder because it comes fro


CRACKEDcO COM Past suicide victims include: 3 Oscar winners 2 Grammy winners 1 Pulitzer Prize winner 2 Presidents 1 Olympic gold medallist 2 Nobel Pri

Group Singing

Singing in a group is therapeutic. The act of singing releases endorphins that make you happy and lower stress. Performing with other people only enha

A Beautiful Mind

In A Beautiful Mind, Nash willpowers himself back to sanity. x+O'x kg +O33 X That doesn't work. In the movie, John Nash suffers from schizophrenia and


Adrian Monk suffers from OCD. Actually, no. He really doesn't. It's easier to remember what Monk is not afraid of than what he is. He lists germs, nee

The Big Lebowski

Walter sobchak is willing to kill anyone, any time. Thal's not how PTSD works. John Goodman's character from The Big Lebowski is a negative and inaccu

Silver Linings Playbook

In silver Linings Playbook, love cures bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder doesn't work that Way. Being in a good relationship is a positive influence

Split Personalities

IN Fight club, the narrator has a split personality. That's not how multiple personalities work. Those with disassociative identity disorder don't jus

Urban Upbringings

You'd think babies born in big cities would be healthien. Not when it comes to mental health. Specifically, children born in large cities are nearly t

The Flu

Having the flu is xhausting and annoying. And it can cause bipolar disorder in unborn babies. The National Institutes of Health found that mothers who

The SFU 50

TheSFU 50 dose: However much sedative, or anti-anxiety medication it takes, to get about 50 percent of patients to shut the f--- up. CRACKEDCON

Howie Mandel

Howie Mandel never shakes hands. He only fist bumps because he is afraid of germs and has Obsessive-compulsive disorder.


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