40 Bizarre Facts About the Human Body That Would Make Ms. Frizzle Gag

Facts about our sentient meat sacks
40 Bizarre Facts About the Human Body That Would Make Ms. Frizzle Gag

Lets all take a moment to thank our skin for keeping the soupy mess were strolling around in together. Could you imagine if this packaging of ours disappeared? Wed spill out onto the floor like a pierced Ziploc bag of pasta sauce. 

Horrifying visuals aside, were just in awe of our bodies right now. The amount that goes on in there at any given moment is amazing, and the fact that we somehow keep it all contained is just astonishing. 

But dont take our word for it. Check it all out here!

Nail Growth

Your hair and nails don't continue growing after you die. The skin dries up and shrinks away from the base of the hair and nails, giving the illusion

Source: BBC

The British Man with Ovaries

A BRITISH MAN HAD A FULLY- FUNCTIONING FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN. The man, called Rob was thought to have bladder cancer after seeing blood in his urine. It was, in fact, his ovaries that were causing him to pee blood. Rob has a condition called Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS). CRACKED.COM



SMILING WAS INVENTED IN THE MIDDLE/AGES. Mouth curling was still around, but the teeth-showing, eye-crinkling smiles weren't a common way to express pleasure until after the invention of dentistry. CRACKED.COM



Stretching before/after an exercise doesn't reduce muscle soreness. CRACKEDCO Hey, if your doctor tells you TO, listen to them, not uS, though!

Source: NIH


Sunburn is your skin bravely killing itself. The sun has altered your cells' DNA, SO they commit suicide to avoid becoming cancerous. NOW YOU KNOW CRA

Wisdom Teeth

Our brains pushed our wisdom teeth aside. The brain takes up space that the mouth used to occupY. Your teeth just never got the memo. NOW YOU KNOW CRA

Wedding Rings

The wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger because people used to believe that the finger had a direct vein to the heart. Wedding rings are the old


IN CASE OF TOOTHACHE, APPLY ICE TO YOUR HAND. Rubbing ice on the back of your hand, between your index finger and your thumb, has been shown to soothe


Washing your hair in a salon can give you a crippling stroke. It's called beauty parlor syndrome, and it happens when your neck artery gets torn bec


YOUR BODY IS HOME TO MILLIONS OF FOREIGN BACTERIAL SPECIES. According to new research, your mouth has more bacteria living in it than there are human


IF YOU THINK CANCER IS THE MOST TERRIFYING TUMOR, THINK AGAIN. These horrifying tumors, called teratomas, can grow real teeth, hair, bones, intestines


CRACKEDOO There are microscopic creatures living, mating and pooping on your face right now. These are known as Demodex mites. They usually collect al

Dead Skin Cells

CRACKEDCON The fibrous matrix of loofah scrubs traps the dead skin cells that you have just scrubbed off of your body, attracting bacteria that feed o


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