40 Precious But Possibly Poisonous Bits of Animal Trivia That We’re Not Sure If We Should Run To or Run From

We focus on the fur but forget about the teeth
40 Precious But Possibly Poisonous Bits of Animal Trivia That We’re Not Sure If We Should Run To or Run From

Aw, look at that cute little… Oh my god! Oh my god, nooo!!! 

A visual of that scenario wouldve been a lot funnier, but the Cracked higher-ups dont give us a budget for video ‘round these list parts, now do they? Workplace grievances aside, we really just wanted to convey our newfound fear of the animal kingdom. Don’t get us wrong, we love animals. Its just that, in our hunt for animal-related facts, we learned some of their incredibly strange and ferocious ways. 

Luckily, these are all just pictures. Safe, safe pictures.

Virgin Shark Births

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM There's been several recorded virgin shark births. Shark Jesuses? Extremely rare, but there's been several known cases of parthenogenesis, when a female shark Lorem Ipsum who hasn't had access to a male gives birth. The shark pups have identical genetics to the mother.



There is a species of all female lesbian lizards. GRACKED.COM New Mexico whiptails are 100% female. They are nicknamed as the Lesbian Lizards, they still participate in mating rituals in which they mount each other. This stimulates egg production without any gene transfer.



DROOLING BE OVER HER CRACKED COM Female scorpionflies are wooed by spit and choose a mate based on saliva secretion. The male draws her in by hacking up a drippy gift, then reuses whatever's left to romance new conquests.

Source: time

Shark Skin

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks have incredibly thick skin. The whale shark's skin is the thickest of any animal, growing up to six inches thick.


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