40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Lovingly Crafted by an Amish TikToker Who Won’t Break Eye Contact the Entire Time

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Lovingly Crafted by an Amish TikToker Who Won’t Break Eye Contact the Entire Time

Riddle me this: How did those Battlestar Galactica weirdos get haunted by “All Along the Watchtower” 150,000 years before Bob Dylan was born?

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Die Hard

Die Hard Then vs. Now 1988 From grounded movies to... movies within movies? Maybe? Why does each subsequent Die Hard grow more far- fetched? OK, hear us out: What if 1 and 2 are John McClane's real life, while the rest are in-universe movies, with McClane playing himself? That's a dumb theory, you say? We disagree: It's an awesome theory. 2013 CRACKED.COM

How to Murder Your Husband

The How to Murder Your Husband novelist has been found guilty of murdering her husband. GRACKED.COM A jury in Portland has convicted self-pub- lished romance novelist, Nancy Brophy, of fatally shooting her husband four years ago.


Iain Glen

Facts about the Batmen Titans lain Glen Despite being a multi-nominated actor, Glen also played villains in two video game adaptations - Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider and Milla Jovovich's Resident Evil. CRACKED.COM


CRAO BATMAN DC UNIVERSE ORIGINAL MOVIE THE KILLING JOKE could've been one of the best animated DC movies ever... (comic) (movie) ...if they hadn't was

Battlestar Galactica

In Battlestar Galactica, a couple different characters become haunted for no apparent reason by Bob Dylan's song All Along The Watchtower. CRACKED COM According to the series finale, BSG takes place 150,000 years in our past.



SNL NEVER MAKES FUN OF HILLARY CLINTON, ACCORDING TO COMPLAINTS. They'd be silent if Hillary Clinton won, someone from Harrisonville, Missouri bravely denounces the shocking unfairness displayed by SNL. I hear nothing mocking the Democrat leadership, the person continues (presumably having turned the volume of their TV down).

Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum's junk was scalded. THE EAGLE While filming a water scene in the chilly Scottish countryside, the actors were periodically given bottles of warm water to douse themselves with. The water guy got a little overzealous, and gave Tatum some piping hot aqua, which he poured directly on

Family Guy

Halloween costumes of fictional characters THE ٨ Family Guy BEST Chris Griffin as Optimus Prime If a costume is good enough to fool your sister (see the episode Halloween on Spooner Street for context), it's good enough here. Plus it's not the Michael Bay version, so points for that. CRACKED.COM


Rom-Com Tropes

Tired Rom-Com Tropes (That Still Make Us Swoon) From friends to lovers Friends that fall for each other can still drive a solid rom-com. It's pretty much the entire plot of Love, Rosie and Always Be My Maybe, but it also features prominently in one of the best romantic dramas of recent times, Silver Linings Playbook. CRACKED.COM

Mystery Science Theater

MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 Joel Hodgson and his crew actually reached out on their own when they heard a new comedy channel was launching. It was a godsend for Comedy Central, the network's first cult hit at a time when it was struggling to find programming. The show would go on to win a Peabody Award. CRACKED.COM


Death Row Records

Hasbro is the owner of Death Row Records. PEATH ROW RECORDS They bought the company on December 30, 2019, which means the people who own the rights to My Little Pony now also own the rights to the albums of Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre, and more. CRACKED.COM

Source: VICE

Beauty and the Beast

ThE iconic song Beauty and the Beast was originally a rock ballad. When the songwriters sent the demo to Angela Lansbury asking her to sing it, she


CRACKED COM DAREDALE MARVEL All of Matt Murdock's suits are made from highly textured fabrics. Costume designer Stephanie Maslansky said For a man wh


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