40 Big Business Blunders and Financial Foolishness That Got Their Boardrooms Boarded Up for Good

Better caution tape these now-abandoned offices
40 Big Business Blunders and Financial Foolishness That Got Their Boardrooms Boarded Up for Good

Man, are we glad we had nothing to do with these! These corporate clowns made complete fools of themselves, so we carefree outsiders just had to jot down and relay their misfortunes — and missed fortunes.


IHOP thought it was a good idea to promote their pancakes with a joke about breast size. IHOP Follow IHOP @IHOP flat but has a GREAT personality RETWEETS FAVORITES 385 381 6:00 PM - 18 Oct 2015 t7 Everyone else disagreed, so IHOP deleted the tweet and apologized. GRACKED.COM


CORPORATE CRASH & BURN BLAMING COVID ON THE JEWS In 2022, David Bateman stepped down from his role as founder and chair of Entrata after sending an email to tech CEOs, Utah business people, and politicians. In the email, he said that the COVID-19 vaccine was part of a plan by the Jews to kill people. CRACKED

Total Beauty

During the 2016 Oscars, a Los-Angeles website praised Oprah's tattoo on Twitter... Except it wasn't Oprah. Total Beauty Follow intenuty @TotalBeauty We had no idea @Oprah was #tatted, and we love it. #Oscars It was Whoopi Goldberg. Timed during a boycott over the lack of diversity in Hollywood, the tweet sparked outrage. @TotalBeauty apologized and offered to donate $10,000 to the charity of the mistaken celebs' choice. CRACKED.COM


CORPORATE CRASH & BURN CATCHING THE IRE OF THE DEEP STATE Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock, stepped down in 2019 after he said weird stuff about the Deep State, which caused the company's stock to fall by 36%. Coincidence? CRACKED


CORPORATE CRASH & BURN THREATENING TO KILL THE PRESIDENT Matt Harrigan stepped down from his role as CEO of PacketSled after he wrote a Facebook post where he threatened to kill Donald Trump. Не admitted that his words were really stupid, and that he only had himself to blame. CRACKED


On August 9, 2015, Disney Japan tweeted this picture with the caption Congrats on a trifling day in Japanese. - O- @disneyjp A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU! 8,068 5,958 UVY-H That was the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. The next day, Disney offered deep apologies and promised to manage their Twitter account better. CRACKED.COM

Merrill Lynch

CORPORATE CRASH & BURN ASSAULTING A BARISTA Merrill Lynch let go of James lannazzo in 2021, after a video of him swearing and throwing a drink at a smoothie worker went viral on TikTok. CRACKED


Somebody at Entenmann's thought it would be smart to piggyback on the trending Twitter hashtag #notguilty: E® @Entenmanns Entenmann's Who's #notguilty about eating all the tasty treats they want?! Problem: #notguilty was trending because the public was outraged that Casey Anthony had just been found not guilty of murder. Entenmann's apologized. E Entenmann's @Entenmanns Our #notguilty tweet was insensitive, albeit completely unintentional. We are sincerely sorry. 1:11 PM- Jul 5, 2011 GRAGKED.COM

Kirk Ray Smith

CRACKED CORPORATE CRASH & BURN DEMANDING RESPECT, DISRESPECTFULLY In 2020, all the people on the volunteer committee for a DV shelter quit after Kirk Ray Smith, the CEO of the organization that runs it, went on a 20- minute rant during a Zoom call, demanding to be treated like the president of a billion dollar company.

Jeff Mezger

CRACKED CORPORATE CRASH & BURN kb HOME TALKING SMACK ABOUT KATHY GRIFFIN Jeffrey Mezger, the head of KB Home had his year-end bonus cut by a quarter because he made sexist and homophobic comments about his neighbor, comedian Kathy Griffin.

Papa John’s

GM AWARD A D. AWA PAPA JOHNS Better Ingredients. Better Pizza John FREE PIZZA with CORPORATE CRASH & BURN paRewards @PAPAJORNS.COM PIZZA BEING RACIST PAPA JO Better Ing Better AT WORK John Schnatter, the founder Scan to GO MOBILE with R of Papa John's, stepped down as chairman in 2018 after it was revealed that he had used a racial slur during a conference call. CRACKED


Nivea obliviously promoted white supremacy. NIVEA NIVEA Mar 31 at 7:00pm Keep it clean, keep bright. Don't let anything ruin it, #Invisible WHITE IS PURITY KYES invisible The facebook post was removed only after people started calling them out. How nobody on their marketing team caught the white power undertones before that is a mystery for the ages. GRAGKED.COM


GRAGKED.COM Look like a girl Act like a lady Think like a man Work like a boss Bic urged women to 'think like a man' during Women's Day on their Facebook page. ® BiC #HappyWomensDay


CRACKED.COM UK-based Walkers Crisps invited people to upload selfies of themselves, to be used in humorous videos with noted football striker-turned sportscaster Gary Lineker, for a chance to win sporting event tickets. WALKERS The internet responded by uploading pics of mass murderers, serial killers and pedophiles, resulting in the entire promotion being shut down.


In 2011, Bing tweeted that they would give donations to earthquake victims in Japan... How you can #SupportJapan - http://binged.it/fEhriTT. For every retweet, @bing will give $1 to Japan quake victims, up to $100K. about 7 hours ago via CoTweet Retweeted by 100+ people bing bing Bing ...in exchange for retweets. Obviously, backlash ensued, with many people criticizing Bing for attempting to exploit a tragedy to promote their own Twitter account. CRACKED.COM


After their data breach in September 2017, Equifax Inc. tweeted: Equifax Inc. EQUIPAX Follow @Equifax Replying to @eqloprtntyhtr Hi! For more information about the product and enrollment, please visit: securityequifax2017.com. -Tim 5:11 PM - 19 Sep 2017 The problem? Their actual site is equifaxsecurity2017.com. The link they'd actually tweeted led to a phishing scheme site designed to steal valuable data from their customers. They did it three times before someone called them out. GRACKED.COM


Matt Damon's crypto firm sent someone $10.5 million instead of $100, and they can't get it back. GRAGKED.COM Crypto.com didn't discover that millions of dollars had gone to an Australian woman until seven months later, at which point the money was either spent or transferred.

Donald Trump

From 2006 to 2015, Donald Trump promoted video phones made by ACN, a multi-level marketing company. AON Trump distanced himself from ACN when he began

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian spammed social media with useless diet lollipops. Marketing sugar-filled lollipops with unproven secret ingredients as a weight loss tool may seem incongruous, but what's even less rational is posting an Instagram advertisement for such a product during Mental Health Awareness Week. kimkardashian Follow kimkardashian #ad You guys... FLATTUMMY @flattummyco just dropped a new LOLLIPOPS product. They're Appetite Suppressant LO Lollipops and they're literally unreal. Appetite Suppressont They're giving the first 500 people on their website 15% OFF so if you want to get your hands on some... you need to do it quick! #suckit Load more comments Which

McDonald’s Monopoly Scandal

CRACKED EXHIBIT A HTV SHA BIG MAC TWO WASS TO time Wellit - B UILD Seous PRIZE чело P YORD EXPLORE VI - NA THE MCDONALD'S MONOPOLY SCANDAL. In the '90s, McDonalds' Monopoly marketing executive Jerry Jacobson made $24 million by stealing and selling the game's most valuable pieces.

NY Times 

Indonesian Marketing Stunt

An Indonesian marketing expert thought it would be a good idea to throw money out of a plane. Instead of a traditional campaign for his book, Tung Des

The Red Cross

Dogfish Beer got tfree advertising from an accidental drunken tweet by whomever was in charge of the Red Cross official account. 3 American Red Cross


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