20 Words That Don’t Mean Anywhere Near What You’d Think

‘Paint chips. They taste terrible!’
20 Words That Don’t Mean Anywhere Near What You’d Think

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it as many times as we need to: The English language is dumb as balls. Sentences can be both grammatically correct and complete nonsense. There are rules about the order of adjectives that we all instinctively understand without any idea why. You can make an entire sentence out of eight iterations of the same word. You don’t even have to try that hard.

Even once you’ve wrapped your head around all that, you still have to contend with words that simply don’t mean what they logically should. “Airsoft is one, surprised I forgot about that,” user Different-Citron-984 told r/AskReddit. 

They then asked, “What’s something that has a dangerously misleading name?” and their fellow Redditors named them off one after the other. 

flip_phone 5mo ago Blowjob
Psychological_Tower1 5mo ago suffrage
dusty8385 5mo ago Head cheese. It's not cheese!
Foxien 5mo ago Sweetbread is not a pastry.
timisstupid 5mo ago The opposite, but SUPERVISION sounds so much cooler than it actually is.
Dvc_California 5mo ago Long Island Iced Tea does not contain any tea at all. And can be very dangerous as it is very easy to drink.
DenimChiknStirFryday 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago Alternative Minimum Tax. Implies it is an alternative to some other way of computing your tax. It is not.
Tpcorholio 5mo ago Paint chips. They taste terrible!
realcanadianguy21 5mo ago Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay sounds like a fun time!!
mezasu123 5mo ago Inflammable does not mean not flammable. It means it is flammable.
FaberGrad 5mo ago A water moccasin isn't a comfortable aquatic shoe.
burymewithmybootson_ 5mo ago Spendthrift, exactly the opposite of what I thought it meant.
catkm24 5mo ago Sex wax sounds like something used to make certain body parts slippery. In reality, it is used to make a surfboard not so slippery.
whoistheskunkape 5mo ago Rhode Island is not an island. I love the state but wtf bro
Previous-Recording18 5mo ago Golytely If you've had a colonoscopy, you know.
lowcrawler 5mo ago Flushable wipes Ask elbow-deep-in-sewage fixing-the-pump self how I know they aren't flushable...
Bowie-Lover 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago Perusing Door Dash earlier, trying to figure out what I wanted. Came across a place called Hello Cake. Thinking we had a new bakery in town, I clicked. They do not, in fact, sell cake. They sell butt plugs and other assorted sex toys.
 5mo ago Edited 5mo ago I've been waiting for a question like this!! My answer: the phrase the jury was hung meaning they all couldn't decide on one verdict together. The first thing my mind goes to is wow! They hung the whole jury by their necks!!
666ironmaiden666 5mo ago I recently learned by speaking with my 5-YO nephew that it can be incredibly distressing to little kids that we use the same phrase (put to sleep) for both human general anesthesia and family pet euthanasia. Buddy boy only knew the dog context and then someone mentioned the doctors would put grandma to sleep so she wouldn't feel them cutting her for surgery.
TwilekVampire 5mo ago Fox news. Absolutely no news coverage about foxes. 5 year old me is still salty about this


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