20 Celebrities People Didn’t Recognize in Person

‘That was Emma Stone’
20 Celebrities People Didn’t Recognize in Person

Despite the fact that it’s now the number-one dream of Western children, being famous sounds like an existential nightmare. You literally can’t do anything outside your own house (or even inside your own house, depending on your local privacy laws and the strength of the paparazzo’s lens) that you don’t want broadcast to the entire world. Billions of people are eagerly devouring any news of which ex’s house you were seen leaving, who your dermatologist is and what kind of tampons you buy.

As Don Draper would say, that’s what the money is for, but it’s no wonder that celebrities take great pains to disguise themselves when they’d rather just be a face in the crowd. They’re probably even more grateful when they get to actually speak to another human who doesn’t know who they are. That’s why so many heartwarming stories were shared after user GowBeyow asked r/AskReddit, “What famous person did you meet, not realizing who they were until later?”

spleenliverbladder 1y ago My dad asked Jim Belushi what he did for a living. Sometimes I think he has some sort of facial blindness.
notapeacock 1y ago I had a very pleasant phone conversation with an older British gentleman who introduced himself as Tony. It took me way too long to realize it was Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Individual_Serious 1y ago John Denver bumped into me at the Aspen Balloon Festival in the early 1980s. Knocked me down. Не was sweet and kind! I had no idea who knocked me over until my friend told me!
 1y ago I was at a dive bar and some band was absolutely butchering Cherry Pie by Warrant and I asked the waitress who the awful band was. Turns out it was Warrant.
filthy_lucre 1y ago I was at the store with my mom and we were at the checkout counter behind the tallest man I'd ever seen in my life. Unbelievably tall. I asked him his height and he said 7'6. Then I asked him if he played basketball and he laughed and said everybody asks him that question. Two weeks later I saw the same man from the store playing basketball on television. It was Shawn Bradley, one of the tallest players to ever play in the NBA.
theduck65 1y ago I spent a few pleasant minutes talking with a very Scottish lady in a fairly quiet Parisian art gallery in Montmartre earlier this year. We discussed how some impressionists were actually pretty awful and that a lot of what is exhibited might be historically interesting, but is still shite. Annie Lennox
LordScotchyScotch 1y ago I exchanged a hi, how's it going to Owen Wilson in the line of a local coffee shop in Malibu a few years back. My wife told me after we left that it was Owen. Не had shades and a trucker hat on. I was too tired to notice.
ZooeyNotDeschanel 1y ago I delivered a Starbucks order to Kristen bell when my career wasn't doing so well. She was fantastic, beautiful for sure, had one of her kids in tow. Didn't even recognize her as I was doing the delivery, just happy that it was someone kind, and tipped well. It wasn't until I got home and was watching good place that I put it all together.
immutable 1y ago I bumped into Tommy Lee (literally) at the Philly airport, years ago. I was too distracted by a guy in a lavender 3 piece suit, and didn't even notice Tommy. Turns out, dude was his assistant, who was dressed like that and walking a bit away from Tommy to purposely distract people from him.
MatterHairy 1y ago George Harrison, a Beatle. A BEATLE! Walked into an empty corporate box at the Adelaide F1 Grand Prix during practice sessions. Не nodded to me, I nodded to him, thinking I knew his face from somewhere while I continued making phone calls. I only realised as he gave me another nod on the way out after 10 minutes. I corpsed.
GoonsAndGhouls 1y ago Didn't exactly meet Was staring at this guy at the water park wondering why everyone was also watching the same guy. It was Adam Sandler filming Grown Ups
YounomsayinMawfk 1y ago Mike D from the Beastie Boys. His kid was taking classes with us and when Mike D came in, I initially thought he was a homeless dude. Не looked really skinny and a little lost. | asked if I could help him and he said in that mellifluous voice that he was here to watch his kid. That voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. It was only until I saw the kid he was watching had the last name Diamond that it hit me!
inheritthewinds 1y ago Was visiting Greece with my family when I was about 4 in the late 80s. We were at the Parthenon wandering around. At one point, distracted, I go to hug the leg of a person I thought was my dad. Looked up and it was not my dad ( he was like 5ft away looking the other way). Apparently it was Chuck Norris.
02K30C1 1y ago My wife and I went to a baseball game for my birthday, and splurged on really good seats behind home plate. The man sitting next to my wife was friendly, talking with us occasionally during the game. The next day I watched a replay of the game, and discovered we were next to Wayne Gretzky.
drRATM 1y ago Shabbily dressed dude and some family walked into a very casual BBQ place in Ohio. Kinda walked around before sitting down and an odd vibe. Hardly anyone in the place though so I watched him as he was just a little off. We walked out and I said to my wife: What was up with that dude? Her: you mean Eric Clapton?
Cinster12 1y ago My wife and I were walking in New York looking for a bar we had heard about, when we noticed a couple walking towards us. We were a little lost, so we asked them for directions. Не pointed us in the right direction while she looked like she was trying not to be noticed. We thanked them and went on our way. As we got to the bar, my wife said, that was Emma Stone. We met her and Andrew Garfield and didn't even think twice about it!
Ig1106 1y ago Edited 1y ago About ten or so years ago I was out on my friends bucks night. As a gift, my friend's father in law had gotten us on the guest list for some high end function near where we were kicking off. The last thing I remember before waking up in the taxi was five shots being lined up in front of me. That's when my friend asks So what were you and Heath Ledger talking about?. Turns out it was the premier party for the film Ned Kelly and several people had spotted myself and
paulvs88 1y ago I worked at a small radio station. I worked the night shift and blasted our number out and took requests. A major highway went through the area. One night someone called and requested a Spice Girls song. We were supposed to ask their name and where they are calling from to announce it when we play the song they request. I said sure where are you calling from?, the caller said just traveling along 95. I said great, and what's your name, she said Madonna and I said oh cool, like the singer?. She chuckled and said
UpgradedUsername 1y ago I had a conversation with a short, gorgeous American redhead backstage at a Bauhaus concert in Europe in 1998. It was kind of nice to have a conversation with another American because I felt sort of out of place. About two minutes later, someone came through and said, Has anybody seen Debbie Harry? and that's when it clicked. In my defense I had never seen her without blonde hair and never would've expected to see her at another band's show on a different continent unless Blondie was touring on the same bill.
gummyjellyfishy 1y ago Edited 1y ago Lmao a few years ago my mom told Tom fucking Hanks to stop talking to her cause she's there to enjoy the scenery, not talk to strangers she is a mean russian lady. Edit for context: I ran up to my mom at a pacific palisades lookout point to share that i walked by Tom Hanks. When she sees me, she goes into a rant about how everyone in california claims they're an actor and that being a lil background character doesn't mean they're famous. Said some guy was talking to her for a


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