24 Objects People Would Place on Mars to Prank NASA

Pranking nerds is one of life’s great pleasures, so imagine the immense, guilt-ridden joy that would be inspired by messing with the entirety of NASA, an organization made up of our nation’s greatest dorks.
That’s what one Redditor wants you to think about. They wondered, given the power to bend space and time, and no interest in saving any lives, what’s the funniest thing you could plop on Mars to really upend those rocket-lovers’ entire worldview?
The answers came rolling in, and the breadth of these Redditors’ imaginations is astounding. After reading the responses, you’ll be overcome with the feeling that if you’re going to do anything, you should do it full throttle. One Redditor boldly suggests leaving Matt Damon up there. My suggestion? So many toenail clippings.