25 Dumb Injuries People Sustained While Doing Something Harmless

‘Severed a tendon in my hand while opening a pistachio’
25 Dumb Injuries People Sustained While Doing Something Harmless

One of the most frustrating things about the human body is how unpredictably fragile it is. 

The severity of a fuck-up doesn’t always correspond to the severity of the harm it causes, on both ends of the spectrum. Age has something to do with it, as any over-30 human who’s ever slept wrong can tell you, but there’s also an element of pure chance — just ask the guy who dislocated his wrist while poking someone. 

As these Redditors can attest, a wave of misfortune can strike at any time, and the universe isn’t fair — which means for every botched skydive someone miraculously survives, there’s someone who slices an artery trying to open a juicebox. Twists of fate aside, a few of these injuries could’ve been avoided, which inspires me to give a piece of advice: If you’re thinking about cutting a pair of jorts, please take them off beforehand.

 бу ago Punched myself in the testicles while fluffing pillows. 3.7K Award Share ...
PlatinumPumpkin бу ago I have a relatively massive scar on my right hand from trying to open a spaghettios can while shitfaced. 3.4K Award Share ...
Dabraceisnice бу ago Poked someone in the back and dislocated my wrist.
pdxblazer бу ago I was jogging with my dog and zoned out and then tripped over my dog and broke my hand 1.3K Award Share ...
Kunnaj бу ago Crutching out of the hospital after having my cast removed, because I tore the ligaments in my ankle. Someone walked into me, I fell and could go back in, torn the ligaments in my other ankle. 239 Award Share ...
 бу ago Edited бу ago I tripped in a puddle of my dogs piss, and shattered every bone in my hand and wrist Edit: my most liked comment is about the decimation of my bones after being thrown off balance and falling on my flanges due to a pool of my dogs bodily fluid
noisyturtle бу ago Oh man, I ruptured a disc in my back when | sneezed while changing the litter box. Easily the worst pain I've ever been in my entire life, worse than a kidney stone. | was basically paralyzed from the waist down with no medical or painkillers for a week before breaking down and going to the emergency room. - 708 Award Share ...
FairleighBuzzed бу ago Had my rib broken receiving a hug. - 644 Award Share ...
jcpmojo 6y ago My ex-wife was trying to cut a bagel in half, so she jabbed the bagel with a large kitchen knife. While it was in her hand. The knife went right through the bagel and the palm of her hand. The point of the knife was sticking out the back of her hand. - 342 Award Share ...
gaycheesecake бу ago Cut my thumb open with a plastic knife 243 Award Share ...
Opalescent_Moon бу ago My friend's mom cut her hand on a bar of chocolate. 8 Award Share ...
dks8886 бу ago Stabbed myself with a fixed blade hunting knife trying to make a pair of jorts while I was wearing the jeans. Over five hours in the ER trying to stop the bleeding with multiple sets of stitches and staples. Edit: yes I was intoxicated. 186 Award Share ...
907riley бу ago Shattered my tailbone in a human sized hamster ball years ago. Still gives me discomfort to this day. 175 Award Share ...
Slipfire102 бу ago A guy I knew slammed his balls in a drawer when closing it after getting socks out. Needed surgery - hard not to laugh - 123 Award Share ...
rockchick1982 бу ago Burping my newborn son who used to hold his head up, he burped and dropped his head breaking my nose and then I spent half an hour trying to convince the doctor that I was not in a violent relationship it really was my newborn. - 89 Award Share ...
Umphreeze бу ago | have a cyst and tendonitis in my left knee from running full speed into a picnic table trying to catch a frisbee in college. 88 Award Share ...
madtrippinfool бу ago Stood out of bed and shredded my meniscus. My knee was locked up until surgery. 32 Award Share ...
nubswood бу ago Not me but my boyfriend was holding up a high powered computer fan to show me while it was running. Не accidentally lost control of the fan. It fell on his other hand and cut off a piece of his thumb. First time | had to drive someone to the ER. 31 Award Share ...
_PooHead_ бу ago The lasagne slid off the plate and onto my foot and gave me second degree burns 26 Award Share ...
xmagicplus бу ago | tried impersonating a dolphin. Sprained my shoulder for two weeks. 23 Award Share ...
Chelly2468 бу ago Seriously burnt my the top side of my hand with a panini press. 21 Award Share ...
toxicatedscientist бу ago Severed a tendon in my hand while opening a pistachio 12 Award Share ...
JustWandering00 6y ago I walked into my dad's kitchen on Thanksgiving and threw all my hair forward to put into a ponytail (just in from the airport with boob-length hair- it needed put up). So, I throw my head forward...right into a kitchen chair corner and end up with 7 stitches in my forehead 10 Award Share ...
sCoreCaaarl бу ago | hit a mf pillow and i broke my hand 8 Award Share ...
UsernameKindaName бу ago I dislocated my thumb once, because I didn't realize I was sitting on it and pulled my hand up too hard. 2.1K Award Share ... + 32 more replies


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