22 Wildly Incorrect Predictions Old People Had About the Future

Back in the ‘50s, people were very into the future. To be fair, you would be too if you were eating Jell-O meat every night, good music hadn’t been invented yet and most people didn’t have rights. As a result, hardly a publication cycle went by that a popular magazine didn’t have a “what scientists say the future will be like” article. Magazines were still a thing then.
In a mostly hilarious and occasionally tragic twist of irony, they were so, so wrong. There are no flying cars, our robot vacuums require almost as much work as a regular Hoover, and artificial intelligence is mostly used to produce uncanny images of Jesus rescuing puppies from fires to be shared by estranged grandparents for the profit of engagement farms.
That’s why user PM_ME_STEAMGAMES_PLS asked r/AskReddit, “Old redditors (65+), what’s something you thought would happen in the future that never ended up happening?”