40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Give Your Brain Daily Mantras Like ‘You’re Worthy of Love’ (Because It Truly Is)

After you clear your mind, fill it with these!
40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Give Your Brain Daily Mantras Like ‘You’re Worthy of Love’ (Because It Truly Is)

Meditation can be a great little reset for your brain. It can clear out all kinds of unwanted stresses and intrusive thoughts, which is great since therell more room for these facts.

Since these mental health tidbits are terrible at hiding their feelings, they want you to know that theyre super excited to get into your now-peaceful brain.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

CRACKED A British psychiatrist first identified ALICE IN WONDERLAND SYNDROME in the 1950s. It's a rare neurological disorder that causes people to have distorted perceptions of their body, time, and the world around them.

Mood Disorders

Having a hard time waking up is linked to having a mood disorder. People with a mood disorder are disproportionately likely to have a hard time waking up (and mood disorder treatments might target that someday). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



Reddit can help your depression. By examining the language used by people spending time on a subreddit for depression, a recent study found that those

High-Functioning Depression

HIGH FUNCTIONING DEPRESSION is a real thing. WORLD'S BEST BOSS Someone with depression can be productive, successful and appear motivated but still SU


Wrap yourselfin a blanket at bedtime Participants in a study displayed a reduction in anxiety after sleeping with a weighted blanket. The weight mimic

Selena Gomez

Being in the spotlight most of her life had an impact on Selena Gomez's mental health. She suffered from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, which

Daylight Saving Time

CRACKED.COM IT XI I X EX I IV Depression and suicide cases increase during the transition of daylight saving time. - An Australian study found an incr

Multiple Personalities

People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is often confused with dissociative identity disorder because it comes fro

Silver Linings Playbook

In silver Linings Playbook, love cures bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder doesn't work that Way. Being in a good relationship is a positive influence

Lady Dynamite

Shows about mental illness LADY DYNAMITE BIPOLAR DISORDER We follow a fictional Maria Bamford after an hospital stay for bipolar disorder in this loving, painful show CRACKED.COM

Source: Vice


PERFORM RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Intentional acts of kindness reduce anxiety and depression. Varying those actions can have a longer term positive affect on your mental health CRACKED.COM

Source: CNet


Jules Angst CRACKED.COM Angst is a Swiss psychiatrist who has extensively researched mood and anxiety disorders.

Source: ECNP

Cortisol Levels

Mental disorders lead to physical can health problems. Depressed people have a high level of cortisol, the stress hormone which can increase the risk

Mental Hospitals

In America, the vast majority of those institutionalized with mental illness are no longer in mental hospitals but in prison or jail. Out of sight...

Gum and Anxiety

CRACKED COM Chewing gum helps you when you're feeling anxious. The act of chewing increases blood flow to the brain, which can lessen feelings of anxi

The Flu

Having the flu is xhausting and annoying. And it can cause bipolar disorder in unborn babies. The National Institutes of Health found that mothers who

Breathing and Anxiety

BREATHE FROM THE ABDOMEN. GRACKED.COM Take a deep breath. You likely raised your shoulders a little and puffed out your chest. But the muscle you're supposed to use to breathe, your diaphragm, is under your lungs. Chest breathing can lead to headaches, fatigue, and anxiety, so you should instead train yourself to breathe abdominally.


CRACKED.COM CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, MEN ARE MORE EMOTIONALLY SENSITIVE THAN WOMEN. In one experiment, when presented with blissful, funny, exciting, and heart-warming videos, men demonstrated a higher emotional reaction than women. A study also shows that they are more affected, feeling more stress and strain, by relationship problems.


Research on seasonal effects on suicide rates suggests that suicide attempts occur more frequently in the springtime, contrary to the popular belief that suicide rates peak during the cold. CRACKED.COM


MESMERIZE verb 18th-century Austrian physician Franz Mesmer thought that if your magnetic forces were balanced, you'd be in good health. Не found a treatment that seemed to help, and his patients would go into a trance-like state and come out feeling better. CRACKED

Big Cities

You'd think babies born in big cities would be healthier. Not when it comes to mental health. Specifically, children born in large cities are nearly twice as likely to suffer from schizophrenia. In fact, the larger the city you're born in, the higher your risk of schizophrenia becomes. One doctor speculated that 35 percent of schizophrenia cases could be prevented if people were not born and brought up in cities. CRACKED.COM http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC332702/


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