40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Volunteered As Tribute in Your Stead, Which Was Pretty Cool of Them

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Volunteered As Tribute in Your Stead, Which Was Pretty Cool of Them

The 2014 film Selma didn’t have the rights to Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches, so the director had to literally punch up friggin’ MLK.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

13 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Movies (And Other Stuff) - The night-time sequence in Mad Max: Fury Road was shot in bright daylight.
Source: FX Guide

Doctor Strange (1978)

CRACKEDcO COM The 2016 Doctor Strange isn't the superhero's first live-action film. The 1978 Doctor Strange TV movie was initially created for CBS as

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an erudite scholar. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Alan Steinberg BLACK PROFILES IN COURAGE He's written seven books, with titles like

Awkward Handshakes

TIRED COMEDY BITS AWKWARD HANDSHAKES It's usually the punchline in most commercials, but countless movies and TV shows feature a spin on it. The missed high-five, or being left hanging, or the are we gonna hug, or fist bump, or shake, or high-five, or 'oh my god, this is so awkward! CRACKED

House of Wax

For House of Wax, Paris Hilton had the whole crew scream together with her. She had to scream for her death scene, but she was embarrassed, so she asked the entire crew to scream along with her. They did. CRACKED.COM

Source: IGN


THE SHOW MUST GO ON... OR IT DID, PRE-2020 K SIDE E FOO STORY WEST SIDE SIOU STORY 1-I TAI CRACKED Before the pandemic closed theaters for a year and a half, the only times Broadway had shut down for more than four days was for strikes and labor disputes.

Source: NY1

Alien Tropes

TELL US NOW. SEXY ALIENS Mark S. says, Sexy aliens are unrealistic. Chimps are 98% the same as US, and don't we find them sexy. Imagine how different aliens will be. CRACKED.COM

Lee Ving

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Volunteered As Tribute in Your Stead, Which Was Pretty Cool of Them


CRACKED.COM Alien It just wasn't Kane's day. Kane's very first words in the movie are, I feel dead (to which Parker jokingly replies, Anybody ever tell you you look dead, man? - words we're sure he later regretted).

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton used to babysit Paula Abdul. When he was a teenager, Bolton and his girlfriend were friends with Paula Abdul's older sister, and he'd keep an eye on Paula on occasion. He wasn't the best at it, thoughc- most of the time, he'd be off jamming with the musicians

Source: ABC


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