40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Hangin’ From the Corner of My Girlfriend’s Four-Post Bed

I know it’s not mine, but I’ll see if I can use it for the weekend
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Hangin’ From the Corner of My Girlfriend’s Four-Post Bed

Theres a super dorky reason that Breaking Bad had exactly 62 episodes.

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Brie Larson

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM BRIE LARSON Let's give Brie Larson her due here for a moment. 21 Jump Street, Room, The League, Captain Marvel, and Scott Pilgrim. She stands out in her dramatic roles and has great comedic timing.

White Castle

White Castle 1921 Castle 5 hite Castle 5 eler Established i HAMBURGERS in 921 Buy em by the Sack CASTL White Castle was the first American fast-food chain. Hamburgers were 5 cents and quickly served to exact specifications, which would later be copied by other chains.

Source: Mashed


40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Hangin’ From the Corner of My Girlfriend’s Four-Post Bed

Tony Soprano vs. Walter White

CRACKED VS MARRIAGE TONY SOPRANO WALTER WHITE CRACKED.COM Walt lies to his wife Tony is a habitual to, in his mind, save cheater and her from his illegal abuser, often dealings, which just exploding at his drives a wedge wife Carmela and between them and then using leads to an eruptive expensive gifts to separation. win her back.

Breakfast Prizes

1973 A miniature printer ALUE 2D ONE PLASTIC POCKET PRINTER 11110111 RPE ALLLLLLI EITHER LLLLLLLLIL ALPHABET EMBOSSER OR SYMBOLS NUMBERS EMBOSSER Printer is doing some heavy lifting here, as it was really just an inkless embossing stamp that clamped down and left the faint mark of a letter on

Dr. Strange

DR. STRANGE CRACKED.COM No, that's not Ron Jeremy starring in this 1978 Dr. Strange TV movie. Doc just borrowed his wardrobe and pornstache.

South Park

In the South Park song Let's Fighting Love, the lyric mistaken for kickassu is actually kenka suru, Japanese for quarrelling or squabbling. The

Scream 3

SCREAM 3 was a complete mess that lacked the charm and wit of the first two films. l was up for Princess Leia! So who gets it? The one who slept with

The Handmaid’s Tale

In THE HANDMAID'S TALE reading is forbidden in the Republic of Gilead. The show's Art Department had to create labels devoid of writing for every sing

Abercrombie & Fitch

It took a Supreme Court ruling to end Abercrombie & Fitch's tyrannical dress code. A&C notoriously refused to stock clothes bigger than Large - and yet, employees of all sizes were forced to wear them (among other draconian rules). All this ended when a Muslim woman sued them for firing her over her headscarf, and the case made it to the Supreme Court. CRACKED.COM


Movie Tropes

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Hangin’ From the Corner of My Girlfriend’s Four-Post Bed


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