40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia, Never Worn

The saddest listicle ever written
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia, Never Worn

If the Duff Book of World Records was real, The Simpsons would be in there at least five times.

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Ashley Judd

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia, Never Worn

Walt Disney

WALT NAMED NAMES TO CONGRESS DURING THE RED SCARE. FEDE BRAVERY AND BLAMED HIS WOES ON comMunism. He claimed (falsely) that communism was why his anim

Thomas Gibson

Hollywood feuds CRIMINAL MINDS VS THOMAS GIBSON Gibson had numerous verbal and physical on-set altercations. In 2010 he reportedly shoved an assistant director, and he was fired in 2016 for kicking a writer in the shin because of creative differences. CRACKED

CBS Studios


Stewie Griffin

Characters who would kill it on reality shows Family Guy Stewie Griffin Stewie loves to gossip and is ultra competitive, making him a great candidate for a wide assortment of reality competitions. Plus, seeing what gadget he would create to overcome obstacles will make for great TV. CRACKED.COM

Sir David Attenborough

The solution to a 19th-century mystery was found in Sir David Attenborough's back garden. In 1879, Julia Martha Thomas was murdered by her maid, Kate Webster, but her head was never found - this was called the the Barnes mystery. They found a skull in Sir David's back garden in 2011 during building work, and it turned out to have belonged to Thomas. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



Apple wants exclusivity over APPLES - The iPhone company hates it when you use an apple as your logo. They sued Australian retailer Woolworths over th
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Nudity on TV

The First Female Nudity Wardrobe malfunctions date back to at least the 1950's, but the first scripted nudity was on PBS' Steambath in 1973.

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan

A dog is credited as the writer of Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan. CRACKED.COM Screenwriter Robert Towne hated the finished movie so much that he pulled his name off the film and cred- ited his dog as the writer. The dog, Р.Н. Vazak, ended up with an Oscar nomina- tion.


Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman

Celebrities who were high school buddies Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman Both Aussies met at North Sydney Girls' High School, back in their home country. Watts dated Kidman's brother for a short while. CRACKED.COM


Thor: The Dark World

Chris Hemsworth's wife stood in for Natalie Portman in Thor: The Dark World. CRACKED.COM When asked to choose from a lineup of women to take Portman's place after she couldn't make the final kiss reshoot, Hemsworth instead brought in his wife, who wore Natalie's clothes and wig.


Harry Potter

Harry Potter CRACKED LF says witchcraft is da devil: Bio dad banned Harry Potter until he switched churches and then suddenly it wasn't sinful anymore. Chris counters that Harry Potter should be banned because it's a lame series with uninteresting characters, not witchcraft.

Freaks and Geeks

The freaks wear the same thing ALL THE TIME They don't actually wear the same clothes day after day. Their interchangeable outfits just makes if feel that way. The freaks tend to settle for one look they like and then stick with it.


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