40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That May Technically Be Haikus and You’d Never Know

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That May Technically Be Haikus and You’d Never Know

Melissa McCarthy has gotten the studio note, “You cant actually be Guy Fieri.”

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Lady and the Tramp

SI AND AM The Lady and the Tramp antagonists rely on heavy Asian stereotypes to taunt Lady and cause havoc. CRACKED.COM


Lord of the Rings

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That May Technically Be Haikus and You’d Never Know

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

CRACKED.COM Buffy's xander almost played Firefly's Malcolm Reynolds. Nicholas Brendon was Joss Whedon's first choice for the role of Captain Reynolds.


The Nightmare Before Christmas

TELL US NOW. MAYOR THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Pic C. wants to see the Mayor of Halloween Town in his own movie, outlining his political journey. CRACKED.COM


The lesbians drive Subarus' stereotype exists because of a targeted ad campaign. It's Not a Choice. It's Not a Choice. It's the Way We're Built. It'

Jimi Hendrix

Composer George Handel lived at 25 Brook Street, Mayfair, London. Jimi Hendrix lived at 23 Brook Street, Mayfair, London. TWo outstanding musicians li

Back to the Future



In Tron, Flynn lasers himself into a computer. He does it again in the sequel, and nobody can figure out where he went. In Tron: Legacy Flynn moves eq

Steve Urkel

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM STEVE URKEL IS BETTER SEEN, NOT HEARD When you spill coffee all over the new couch, it's tempting to spout a high-pitched Did I do that? Trust us, Urkel, you're just making a bad situation worse.

Warner Bros. Television

Kristen Schaal

Kristen Schaal & Rich Blomquist B E Schaal, a former Daily Show correspondent, and Blomquist, a former Daily Show writer, didn't meet at the late night show. They met one day while working on a pilot for Adult Swim- when Schaal had the stomach flu. GRACKED.COM

source: AV Club


Back in the 1950s, computational technology relied on individual transistors the size of a cornflake. Now, this tiny Intel Core i7 septa-core processo

The Goonies

EASTER EGGS IN '80S MOVIES The Goonies DO GREMLINS EXIST IN THE GOONIES UNIVERSE? The cop dismisses Chunk's call with, Just like that last prank about all those little creatures that multiply when you throw water on them? Both movies were written by Chris Columbus. CRACKED.COM

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM TUCKER AND DALE VS. EVIL GIV This modern take on the killer hillbilly trope makes the would-be killers into innocent bystanders, helpless as the prototypical high school canon fodder winds up getting themselves mutilated in the isolated patch of wilderness. The brutal bloodshed is offset by the brilliant and hilarious performances by Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine.


STILL INSPIRES MOVIES AND GAMES CRACKED.COM Akira was a huge inspiration on Western media; Kaneda's motorbike, for instance, appears in the film Ready Player One (2018) and in the video game Cyperpunk 2077. Rapper Lupe Fiasco named his album Tetsuo & Youth after Tetsuo Shima. Even the cyberpunk, indie game Red Strings Club has a cyborg called Akira, who plays a very crucial role.

Source: CBR

Boston Marathon

A marathoner took the subway to the finish line CRACKED.COM After Roise Ruiz barely broke a sweat in her impressive Boston Marathon win, she was found to have simply skipped most of the race. Upon closer inspection, they figured out that she'd also taken the subway to the finish line in NYC - and only got a spot in that race by claiming to have a fatal brain tumor.

Source: Time

Toy Story 4

TELL US NOW. TOY STORY 4 Simon M. says, An ending that completely disregarded what the main character had been all about for 3 films, for a predictable 'sad payoff. CRACKED.COM


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