40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are All Canon in Phase One of Our Trivia Cinematic Universe

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are All Canon in Phase One of Our Trivia Cinematic Universe

If Buzz Lightyear is convinced hes a real guy, why does he hang out with toys and follow toy rules?

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Failure to Launch

In Failure to Launch, Paula gets a chance to confess her love for Tripp. BY HAVING HIM KIDNAPPED. Tripp's friends and family happily go along with the plan to tie him up and gag him so Paula can pour out her heart to him. Because kidnapping is fine and adorable, as long as you do it out of genuine love. CRACKED.COM Failure to Launch, 2006

The Passion of the Christ

Jim Caviezel was struck by lightning whilst filming 'The Passion of the Christ.' GRAGKED.COM Assistant director Jan Mi- chelini was struck twice by lightning minutes be- fore Caviezel, who played the titular Christ, on loca- tion a few hours from Rome.


Ford vs Ferrari

Ferrari's rejection of Ford in Ford VS Ferrari pretty much happened that way. 42 MASER 10 10 PORSCHE 6 6 PORSCHE Enzo Ferrari's lawyer called the real-life version a tirade that I had never seen or heard before in my entire life and have not done so since. CRACKED.COM

Source: Slate

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian threw a b-day party all about the Poop Emoji for North West. North West really loves that emoji, so mom set up a party that was totally themed around it including Poop Emoji costumes for everyone. CRACKED.COM

Source: EOnline

Fred Rogers

Fred Rogers The host and creator Fred Rogers insisted that every word used on the show be intentional. He did not want to mislead or confuse his presc


TELL US NOW. WHAT IS THE DUMBEST LINE IN A MOVIE EVERYONE FORGETS? Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing t
Taylor N.

Toy Story

AGame of CRACKED CON Zary Action on a Crazy pntraption! UGHTYEAR RICE ScC In Toy Story, the toys stand still when Andy is in the room. Even Buzz follo

Eddie Redmayne

Newt Scamander played by Eddie Redmayne He was fine, but nothing about his formance really made the Character pop, and his choice to FANTASTIC avoid e

The Revenant

The avalanche in THE REVENANT is real, and was created by the crew. They had to use a crane to shoot from 8,000 feet up on Fortress Mountain in Albert



Close Encounters of the Third Kind

EASTER EGGS IN '80S MOVIES Close Encounters of the Third Kind R2-D2 IS ON THE ALIEN SHIP. Considering the construction materials, that ship took a long time coming from a galaxy far, far away. CRACKED.COM


Star Trek

NAMES: Liu Dejian FANS OF: Star Trek RESULT: A building modeled after The Enterprise. The building, a corporate headquarters for Netdragon Websoft, to
Source: CNBC

Independence Day

President Whitmore's CRACKEDCO renowned speech from Independencel Day was written in just about 5 minutes. The producers hoped to rewrite it to make


A KFC in Louisville, KY sold fried chicken ases for $20. Prom goers could choose between original recipe, or extra crispy. CRAGN

Basic Instinct

Movie Goofs Basic Instinct During the interrogation scene, Sharon Stone is smoking a cigarette which disappears as she's taking off her coat, only to return in the next shot. There are two goofs here: the vanishing cigarette, and anyone noticing a vanishing cigarette during this scene. CRACKED.COM


... TELL US NOW. FACE/OFF Roger В. says, Не played two distinctly different roles and went hogwild with Castor Troy...but then very subtle with Sean Archer. Crazy storyline with amazing action by the master John Woo. Made me a Nicolas Cage fan. CRACKED.COM

Joan Rivers

MARGARET CHO GOT TO SEE THE SOFTER SIDE OF IDOL JOAN RIVERS CRACKEDCO JOAN RIVERS MARGARET CHO She became my friend, my mentor, and was always there for me -like if I had a bad night or a bad show. She was always very, very supportive, says Cho. It was

Margot Robbie

15 Actors Behind Important Details In Movies And Shows - Margot Robbie changed the scene where she seduces Leo’s character in The Wolf of Wall Street.
Source: VT.co

Tiny Toon Adventures

In a 1990 Tiny Toon Adventures episode, Babs is angry because she can't find anyone to look up to. Decades before everyone started talking about media


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