40 Musclebound Bits of Trivia About Your Body That Actually Keep Their Gym Memberships Past January

That’s a pretty fascinating vessel you’re strolling around in
40 Musclebound Bits of Trivia About Your Body That Actually Keep Their Gym Memberships Past January

Nice body! 

Sorry, we can see how that probably came across as catcalling, but we promise that objectification wasn’t on our minds at all. Quite the contrary, actually. Today, we’re appreciating all of our physical forms for the living, breathing entities that they are. 

So get out there and proudly strut around in that beautiful thang! 

Again, we don’t mean that in a creepy way. We promise.


THAT ACHY FEELING WHEN YOU'RE SICK IS CAUSED BY YOU, NOT THE VIRUS. White blood cells are part of the body's defense system, but also cause sore throats. They also produce chemical messengers that travel through the body and designate targets for the immune system. The process causes achiness, which may be a way of alerting you to injuries where the infection began. That's right, your aches and pains are your body's own fault. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM YOU GET CARSICK BECAUSE YOUR BODY AND BRAIN ARE ARGUING. During a car ride, your eyes recognize movement while your brain thinks you're just sitting. Your thalamus comes to the conclusion that you're being poisoned, and hits the gag button to clear it from your system. If you're driving, your brain is getting more information, which is why drivers don't get sick.

Weight Gain

CRACKED.COM IT'S TOUGH FOR OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE TO STICK TO DIETS BECAUSE OF THEIR TASTE 12 BUDS. OZ Weight gain leads to an impaired sense of taste, and a recent study may have found out why: inflammation of the taste buds. This results in desensitization, and may be why obese people have trouble subsisting on salads and lean meats. Which proves that we still haven't figured out how to make healthy food taste good.


CRACKED.COM CHIPS TRICK YOUR BRAIN SO YOU CAN KEEP EATING WITHOUT FEELING FULL. The brain fights overeating by making each bite of the same food successively less pleasurable. But chips have a complex bouquet, lacking a single flavor to halt binge-eating. And they're devoured so quickly that the brain gets confused and thinks they must be low in calories. So savor that cool ranch Dorito like it's fine wine, then spit it in a bucket like a true connoisseur.

Gut Blood

CRACKED.COM ESCAPING GUT BLOOD GIVES YOU BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR STOMACH. Sometimes your reptile brain senses an anxious situation, but can't differentiate between a Tinder date and a hungry jaguar. So it trips the fight-or-flight alarm, causing an adrenaline rush that shunts blood away from the gut and into the limbs (causing the butterflies). It also relaxes the sphincter, causing loose bowels. So the next time you crap yourself during an intense Pixar scene, know that it's just science!


MEN'S NIPPLES CAN BE STIMULATED TO PRODUCE MILK. INTRODUCING THE RIGHT HORMONES, ESPECIALLY PROLACTIN, CAN MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. There have been numerous cases of this, the most notable being WWII camp survivors who started lactating when they were given food after months of starvation. CRACKED.COM

Cerebrospinal Fluid

THE GOOEY STUFF COMING OUT OF YOUR NOSE MIGHT BE YOUR BRAIN'S CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF). CSF surrounds the brain, contained within a lining called the dura. Sometimes, the fluid may leak through a hole into your sinuses, and run out of your nose like a river of clear snot. CRACKED.COM


YOUR STOMACH IS SECRETLY TRYING TO KILL ITSELF. The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid to digest food and disinfect itself from other unwanted particles. | DANGER ACID The acid is so strong that it can digest the stomach itself. As a countermeasure, the stomach has to re-grow its inner layer every three to four days. CRACKED.COM


YOU SHED ABOUT EIGHT POUNDS (3.6 kg) OF SKIN A YEAR. So where does the shed skin go? The dust that collects on your tables, TV, window sills, and those picture frames that are so hard to clean, is mostly made up of your own dead skin. IN OTHER WORDS, YOUR HOUSE IS FILLED WITH FORMER BITS OF YOURSELF. CRACKED.COM

Your Body Isn’t Permanent

Almost none of your body is permanent. Only a few cells in your eyes, heart, and brain will be with you your whole life. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Female Body Hair

Feminine women legs have hairless period. and armpits, They didn't before World War I. In 1915, Gillette launched the Milady Decollete, and with it a


40 Musclebound Bits of Trivia About Your Body That Actually Keep Their Gym Memberships Past January
Source: NPR


Your kidneys are tasting your pee for toxins. You actually have taste and smell receptors in yOur kidneys, heart, and red blood cells. NOW YOU KNOW CR

Wisdom Teeth

Our brains pushed our wisdom teeth aside. The brain takes up space that the mouth used to occupY. Your teeth just never got the memo. NOW YOU KNOW CRA


MUCH WHY DOES IT HURT SO TO STUB A TOE? Located at the end of our longest limbs, our feet tend to part of faster than any move body whenever legs our

Brain Cells

Some human brain cells increase activity after death CRACKED.COM Scientists discovered glial cells in our brains grow for many hours after we die.


Burning candles is worse for you than breathing in diesel exhaust fumes. Effects from exposure to particles from burning can- dles include lung inflam- mation and toxicity, arte- riosclerosis, and aging ef- fects on chromosomes in the lungs and spleen. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


40 Musclebound Bits of Trivia About Your Body That Actually Keep Their Gym Memberships Past January


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