40 Random Bits of Historical Trivia That Bring Up the Past Like Your Hometown Ex on A Chance Encounter at the Walmart Checkout Line

History needs to realize that these strange occurrences weren’t some weird fever dream
40 Random Bits of Historical Trivia That Bring Up the Past Like Your Hometown Ex on A Chance Encounter at the Walmart Checkout Line

All these strange historical events want is a little recognition. History can act like that cool dude who moved to the big city right out of high school all it wants, but it can’t deny that it had some incredibly awkward moments growing up.

Time for that fancy-schmancy big shot to take a cringey leaf through the old year book.

The Discovery of Aluminum

A Roman goldsmith may have discovered aluminum 1800 years before modern chemists. CRACKED.COM Emperor Tiberius had the discoverer killed in order to ensure the metal would not di- minish the value of his own gold and silver as- sets.


The Tucson Artifacts

BS Ancient Artifacts (24) November a 1925 - Sword a pinces)-Depth: 72 The Tucson Artifacts In 1924, a man found two ancient- looking, 60-pound lead crosses in Tucson. Then his friends found around 30 more artifacts, and took them as proof Roman-era Jews had lived in Arizona between 775 to 900 С.Е. Plot twist: Everything was just lame forgeries, with their Hebrew and Latin messages lifted straight from textbooks. CRACKED.COM


The Colossus of Rhodes

CRACKED THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES WAS DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE JUST 56 YEARS AFTER BEING BUILT. One of the ancient wonders of the world, the statue's ruins lay on the ground for over 800 years before they were finally melted down and sold as scrap metal.


Ancient Egyptian Humor

The Egyptians were basically known as the class clown of the Ancient world. They had such a strong reputation for cracking jokes all the time, Romans banned Egyptian lawyers from courts because their jokes disrupted the work of the court. CRACKED.COM


A Lost 14th Century City

Fishermen uncovered a lost 14th century city when golden artifacts were caught in their nets. Srivijaya ruled Indonesia and much of Southeast Asia for over 600 years but disappeared without a trace, until its location was revealed on the River Musi. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


The Seafaring Warriors

if The identity of the Sea Peoples, a marauding group who attacked Egypt in the 14th century ВСЕ and may have led to the fall of the Hittites, has never been determined. There are hieroglyphic records of battles, and that's it. Maddening! CRACKED


Just How Old the Earth Is

DINOSAURS RULED EARTH FOR 160 MILLION YEARS. HUMANS? A MEASLY 100,000 YEARS The full scale of Ancient Egypt is 30 centuries, which sounds impressive until you take another step backwards and see just how much a drop in a bucket all of humanity is compared to world history. CRACKED.COM

Source: USGS

The Greco-Turkish War

THE YEAR WAS 1922... THE END OF THE GRECO-TURKISH WAR Greek forces were finally overcome by those of the Turkish Nationalist Movement following their clashes over the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. Basically, the Allies decided to divide southeastern Europe after the war, leading to Greece marching right in and taking over Anatolia which used to belong to Ancient Greece before the Ottomans captured it. But the Turkish Nationalist Movement said forget about it, some war was fought, and the Greeks finally retreated from Smyrna in August, 1922. CRACKED.COM


Ancient Egypt

CONSTRUCTION WORKERS DIGGING A SEWER FOUND AN ANCIENT TEMPLE. CRAUA The workers were drilling a sewage drain in an Egyptian city when they unearthed a

The Great Plague

Q: How did Grim we come to depict the Reaper with a scythe? A: The Great Plague happened. Where: Asia and Europe When: mid-1300s Death toll estimation


DO YOU FIND CONDOMS UNCOMFORTABLE? TRY USING THIS. This 17th-century thing found in Sweden is the world's oldest known condom. It was made with pig in

The Battle of Agincourt

At the 1415 Battle of Agincourt, where the English army, mostly archers, devastated a vastly superior force of French knights, many of the victorious

The Black Death

In the Middle HISTORY' THE Ages, rats spread the Black Death. It was thought to be a bubonic plague, and it wiped out 100 million people during the 1

Roman Slaves

Slaves in ancient Rome weren't necessarily physical labourers or gladiators. There also were teachers, doctors and accountants.


In most pop culture depictions of medieval writing, people are shown using decorous feathery quills. Now imagine writing with this fluffy thing. Would the stroke of feather against your hand be a hindrance, or at least an annoyance? The people in the Middle Ages thought so too, and that's why the actual quill used was more like this.


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