25 Early-Internet Mysteries That Have Never Been Solved

So what was Cicada 3301 all about?
25 Early-Internet Mysteries That Have Never Been Solved

Of all the notorious fanfic of the last couple of decades — the One Direction “Larry” fanfiction featured on Euphoriathe shockingly large breadth of Conclave fanfiction shared to Archive of Our Own, and of course, 50 Shades of Grey — none have been quite as impactful as My Immortal

First hitting the internet in 2006, this deeply unofficial Harry Potter story horrified fans, smut-lovers and anyone with eyes throughout its 44 chapters, boasting unhinged lines like “I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT…. BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST,” “kan I plz burrow sum condemns,” and, unforgettably, Dumbledore’s infamously off-character interjection of “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUKERS!" 

But despite My Immortal’s wide reach and deserved reputation for being the worst fanfic of all time, internet sleuths are still working to uncover the unknown identity of XXXbloodyrists666XXX/Tara Gilesbie, as well as what Rose Christo had to do with the whole ordeal. Frustratingly, this is far from the only lingering mystery of the early internet. 

So, courtesy of Reddit’s most curious minds, here are the early-internet mysteries that we still need solved ASAP — especially the one about the time traveler.

SuperSecretSociopath 5y ago Back in the days of war dialing, there were so many weird phone numbers that were discovered that led to weird recordings or just did weird shit. I'd love to hear about what some of those were about. - 3.2K Award Share ... KingOfAllWomen 5y ago We found one once where it was just some old English sounding gentleman who answered. You could ask for anyone, (even something obviously troll, like IS GARLAXX THE EATER OF WORLDS THERE?) and the man would just reply Oh no, i'm sorry. They are out right now then hang up on
das_goose 5y ago When The Simpsons did the Who Shot Mr. Burns cliffhanger, they had a contest to see if anyone could solve it. On the Simpsons usenet there was one commenter who solved it using the clues correctly (as opposed to just a lucky guess.) The showrunners tried all that they could to find the person but never did... 2.5K Award Share ... + 29 more replies
u/ e2hawkeye 5y ago I had a previous Reddit account made during the Digg exodus. This was at least a decade ago when Reddit was pretty new. I came across a post from a guy who swore that a particular website that looked like a generic local news site with the usual AP & Reuters news feeds was actually a government run intelligence program. It functioned like a numbers station in plain site. Meaning that the exact wording used would match up with a one time use pad and provide intelligence info. I can not remember the exact website, but
Richard_Bastion 5y ago 112Dirtbag Theory goes the name refers to Route 112 (Where Maura Murray went missing) and Dirtbag (Her father claims she was kidnapped by dirtbags) The video was posted on the anniversary of her disappearance, but is widely believed to just be some weirdo stirring shit up 488 Award Share ... + 2 more replies
valleyvictorian 5y ago The identity of Bloodninja, the greatest internet troll of all time. Ahh, those were the days! edit: chat logs for those of you unfamiliar with this legend. 537 Award Share ... + 34 more replies
Eleazaras 5y ago Not necessarily exclusively an internet thing but the website for the Heaven's Gate cult is still up and maintained. These are the folks that comitted group suicide because they believed that if they died when the Hale Ворр comet was passing they would ride it through a magical gate to paradise. http://www.heavensgate.com/ - 1.9K Award Share ... GirlInterrupted 5y ago If you email them, someone who was left behind will answer. 1.1K Award Share ...
Moots_point 5y ago Edited 5y ago Cracked had an article about this (I know, I know) but there was an old forum a girl had about Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I think? Where she had over 40k posts, all by herself. As in, she would make topics and reply to them as the series progressed, or she watched seasons and episodes. IIRC 4chan caught wind and started raiding, so she deleted the site all together. | really wish | had more context, because it seems so interesting. 9.4K Award Share ... Pagan-za 5y ago The Bloody Board. 40k posts before it
nathanosaurus84 5y ago | remember the mystery surrounding John Titor, the time traveller. Не even has his own wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John Titor 3.8K Award Share ... + 143 more replies
 5y ago Back in the day there was a site called bonsai kitten claiming to sell real kittens grown in glass jars. It was a hoax website but people actually believed it. 3.5K Award Share ...  5y ago | was very young (and gullible) when | saw that website and | actually did believe it. Scarred me for a long time and | was so happy when it finally occurred to me that it was fake AF. 1.3K Award Share ... + 36 more replies
MerylSquirrel 5y ago Whether My Immortal, famously the worst fanfiction of all time, was written by a troll or not. 11K Award Share ... MerylSquirrel 5y ago Personally | think it was - it takes immense amounts of talent to write that badly. 4.4K Award Share ...
AikenRhetWrites 5y ago The identity and motives of OTAKING, a troll who made the dialogue on the rec.arts.anime usenet board grind to a slow, depressing halt around 1996 or so. They flooded the board all caps comments and posts, rendering the normal activity of the board slow and useless. They disappeared after a few months, but serious damage had been done. 611 Award Share ... + 7 more replies
ponzLL 5y ago How the fuck have we still never seen a picture of CJayC, the founder of GameFAQs? 782 Award Share ... BigHeckinOof 5y ago Just mentioning GameFAQs brings back a flood of early internet memories. Anyone remember the Life, the Universe, and Everything board? Not to mention there were just a shitload of boards not actually related to the game itself, but just weird forum drama stuff. If anyone out there remembers the Chrono Cross developer door stuff... that is my early internet mystery memory. 250 Award Share ...
okierika 5y ago | was on Stumbleupon and I remember a story about a Russian (?) boy who had knowledge of ancient civilizations even though he was from a small town in Siberia. Не claimed to be an alien who was sent down to earth and grew in his host (the mom). Can't remember why he was sent to earth but I haven't been able to find that story since. 335 Award Share ... + 18 more replies
Kendorable 5y ago Nobody to this day knows how Strong Bad types with boxing gloves on his hands. 1.3K Award Share ... KnotAgai 5y ago He's using speech to text. Не says everything out loud as he's typing. The hand motions are just habit. 576 Award Share ... Kendorable 5y ago Oh my god, it's so obvious now that you say that. 324 Award Share ...
best_ghost 5y ago Who wrote SQL Slammer, an early internet worm. | work in cybersecurity; | remember at the time it was released it was crazy the damage it did: took down 90% of all infectable hosts within 10 minutes or so. Many believe it was an early cyberweapon test. If you get into the technical details of the thing it's wild: so crazy efficient it's entire source code sat in a single packet. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL Slammer 297 Award Share ... + 14 more replies
TheSovereign2181 5y ago | can't remember the name of the channel, but | remember the mistery being set around early Youtube days. There was this one girl doing vlogs in Youtube and she had quite a following. Then she started uploading stuff about being stalked and she was afraid someone was after her. After some time, she completely vanished and stopped uploading. - 993 Award Share ... modern-era 5y ago Edited 5y ago lonelygirl15. It was staged. I'll admit, it had me for a minute. There is still one mystery surrounding that, though. Two videos were posted on Youtube by
Triviess 5y ago All of those posts from a bunch of different accounts from a bunch of different social media sites that were all about Captain Kutchie's Key Lime Pie. Captain Kutchies was a local restaurant that closed a long time ago. | seriously wonder what all that was about 528 Award Share ... + 16 more replies
Hitonatsu-no-Keiken 5y ago Just after the first Harry Potter film was made there was a creepy website with photos of Hermione's face VERY BADLY photoshopped onto various sexy celebs bodies. There was no nudity but it was still creepy, especially as he had a countdown clock until Hermione was legal. The mystery, | suppose, is whether the person who made the site was a for real weirdo or if it was some weird sort of parody/satire. | never saw the site again so don't know how it progressed in later years, and you'd never find it now without getting yourself
 5y ago Not from the early days- but the stories and conspiracies of Cicada 3301 sound amazing, shame they havent posted a puzzle in years though (or figured out the last one) - 2.4K Award Share ...  ОР 5y ago ah Cicada. Lemmino's video on this was stellar 1.2K Award Share ...
ObidiahWTFJerwalk 5y ago Timecube 654 Award Share ... Worried_Flamingo 5y ago Yeah, this is what | thought of. Link for the lazy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time Cube 316 Award Share ... + 116 more replies
Achack 5y ago Not sure if this counts but the Max Headroom/Dr. Who incident has been discussed on the internet for decades without those involved ever being identified. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion It's a cool story because it's the cliche where hackers do something harmless just because they can except this really happened and nobody is even sure of how. I've read that they would've needed to overpower the signal that the station was broadcasting but to do that they would've needed to be close to the station and using very expensive and powerful gear. 355 Award Share ...
jcggames1 5y ago A long time ago | was chatting with someone over IM and he somehow managed to open my CD tray over the internet. To this day, | have no idea how tf he managed to do that. - 308 Award Share ... locofspades 5y ago There used to be (might still exist idk, been almost 20 years since i used it) a program called subseven, where if you got the other persons ip, you could completely control someone elses pc. You could open/close disc tray, disable kb+m, flip the screen upside down and otherwise completely control the
PsychoAgent 5y ago Last time this came up, | brought up www.hell.com which was this website where you kept clicking through weird cryptic pages that led you down a rabbit hole more weirdness. But apparently people told me it was some experimental art project or something. So... mystery solved. - 294 Award Share ... flarplefluff 5y ago I kept scrolling through the comments to see if anyone mentioned hell. Totally brilliant. It was what was really exciting and experimental about the early web. It was cryptic and used the medium as a form that constantly folded in on itself. 66
 5y ago When | was 10 I would get messaged on AOL a lot from a person asking how I would like to cannibalize a willing person. Looking back, I guess it was some sort of fetish? At the time I didn't know what to think lol. I think their screen name started with Jag? 254 Award Share ... sparklyinside 5y ago JagDinner! | used to get messages from this creep too. 146 Award Share ...
PutnamPete 5y ago Anybody remember cutoffmyfeet.com? A guy had terrible foot pain and wanted to amputate, so the website said. Не was taking donations for entry into a contest to be the person who, via the internet, would be able to push a keyboard key that activated a home made guillotine to remove his affected feet. The whole thing was planned out with a scheduled date and audience. Ambulance would be already called. Never heard what happened. 10K Award Share ...


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