40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Got an Expensive Glow-Up and Are Now Embarrassingly Excited for Their High School Reunion
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Imagine training your whole life to become a pitcher in the major leagues, then getting benched because you stabbed yourself in the tummy trying to open your brand new Happy Gilmore DVD.
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The Beatles

Source: These 47 Facts Will Make You A Walking History Channel
Channing Tatum

Avengers: Endgame

Jamie Foxx

Source: 13 Times Comedians Flat-Out Regretted Their Old Jokes

Brett Favre

Source: Acmepackingcompany

The Artist vs. The Karate Kid

Adam Eaton

Saturday Night Live

The Neverending Story

Jerry Falwell

Guardians of the Galaxy

Source: Movie scene on YouTube
Christopher Nolan

Back to the Future


Spirited Away

Source: Mimusubi
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Movie Violence

Hugh Jackman

Tank Girl

Kids at the Movies


Suzanne Somers

Bryan Cranston

The Fifth Element

Prince vs. Sinead O’Connor

Jamie Waylett

Leighton Meester

William H. Macy

Demetri Martin

Lord of the Ring

Britney Spears

Source: NBC
Watch: 'Inside Barbie's Dreamhouse: Skipper' (Youtube)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind


The Flintstones

More: 5 Grossly Inappropriate Jokes Hidden in Children's Cartoons
The First Tweet Ever

SSource: CNBC
Black Mirror

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Phil Jackson


Source: Stealth Optional