40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia They Won’t Teach You in School (Because the Department of Education Will Be Gutted Like a Fish)

If it’s not in the Bible, don’t expect to hear it in a public school for a while
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia They Won’t Teach You in School (Because the Department of Education Will Be Gutted Like a Fish)

Before someone thought to invent the squib, directors used to just kind of William Tell it with real bullets.

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28 Days Later

In 28 Days Later, Murphy wanders through a totally empty London. That wasn't a set. lt was actually London. The filmmakers got the scene by shooting i

Steven Tyler

Aerosmith Frontman Steven TYIer explained is trademarke Scarveson his microphone stand Early in his career, his favorite shirt and head scarf became t


HALLOWEEN 1978 Michael Myers is a mysterious and terrifying presence that sends chills down the spine. His childhood is briefly touched upon in the fi

Michael Fassbender

Fourth of July Movies 12 Years a Slave Michael Fassbender had alcohol on his mustache. Fassbender asked his makeup artist to paint his mustache in alcohol, to get a proper reaction to his alcoholic character. It worked: The other performers were disgusted by the smell. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb

Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue

PAPA SMURF HELPED WINNIE THE POOH GET A KID OFF DRUGS. Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue is a drug prevention special from the 90s that features severa

Modern Family

MATT BLANC MODERN FAMILY LeBlanc turned down the Phil Dunphy role. I remember reading it thinking, this is a really good script, (but) I'm not the guy for this, LeBlanc said. I'd be doing the project an injustice to take this. Self-awareness for the win!


Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart

celebrity Besties Fanning to Stewart: I love you so f-king much. Dakota Fanning + Kristen stewart The two have been in four movies together and formed a close bond. When accepting an award at the ELLE Women in Hollywood ceremony, Fanning stated, I can honestly say that my friendship with Kristen is one of the most special bonds in my life. CRACKED.COM

Source: Elle

Woody Harrelson

While Woody Harrelson plays Hustler creator Larry Flynt in The People VS. Larry Flynt... wisH WAS MORNISSEY the real Flynt plays the judge who sentenc

Saturday Night Live

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM IN 1994, THERE WAS AN SNL SKETCH THAT KIND OF MADE LIGHT OF PEDOPHILIA. At least that's what some people alleged - Canteen Boy was about a scoutmasters coming on to a Boy Scout who's supposed to be an adult, but that wasn't made 100% clear, and controversy ensued.


The Wind in the Willow

Kenneth Grahame THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS CRACKEDcO This guy looks boring on paper: he never slept around, and his big vice was... going on walks. But his home life was weird as hell: he only changed his underwear once a year simultaneously manipulated and overindulged his wife's darkest tendencies, and

Source: Telegraph


Back to School Movies and Episodes 1996 Matilda A film based on a great children's book, featuring a nasty principal, a lovely teacher, and a child with telekinetic powers that loves to read. It sounds like it would be a great horror film, but it's a kid-friendly, cartoony flick. CRACKED.COM

Shaun of the Dead

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM THE SUPERMARKET'S NAMED IN SHAUN OF THE DEAD WASN'T A RANDOM CHOICE. It's called Landis - an homage to John Landis, who directed the comedy-horror classic An American Werewolf in London.


The French Connection

A hilarious case of mistaken identity got Fernando Rey a leading role in The French Connection. William Friedkin originally wanted to cast Francisco R

The Simpsons

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia They Won’t Teach You in School (Because the Department of Education Will Be Gutted Like a Fish)

Gangnam Style

PSY's GANGNAM STYLE I'm A GUY... A GUY WHO HAS BULGING IDEAS RATHER THAN MUSCLES, THAT KIND OF GUY... is a dig at people who live in the Gangnam n


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