40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Ralph Kramden Punched Into Orbit

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia Ralph Kramden Punched Into Orbit

In Spanish-speaking countries, Jason Voorhees stars in an even spookier franchise: Tuesday the 13th.

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Tom Waits

The album Orphans is a collection of random songs that Tom Waits couldn't make work on his other albums. A lot of songs that fell behind the stove

Tom Holland

Farts on and off-screen SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME SPIDER-FART Tom Holland's fart happened as he landed in front of Zendaya. The only one who could smell it was him 'because the suit was so tight it trapped it. CRACKED.COM

Source: MSN

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

IHDACY Quentin Tarantino kept his Once Upon A Time In Hollywood script secret by not making any copies of it. Before production began, Brad Pitt and L

Battlestar Galactica

THE MISSILES LAUNCHED BY THIS BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TOY ACTUALLY PROVED DEADLY TO KIDS. The launcher caused ripped intestines, eye injuries, and one death when a missile lodged in a child's esophagus. They were recalled in 1979. SCARAB CRACKED.COM http://resources.lawinfo.com/personal-injury/products-liability/


Daniel Craig

Craig, Daniel Craig is one of the most recognized faces in film. Yet he appeared in one of the biggest films of the decade, without showing his face.

Friday the 13th

CRACKED COM For Hispanic audiences, the title of Friday the 13th was changed to Tuesday the 13th because that's the day Spanish-speaking countries con


CRACKEDCOM. FEAR ANGER HATE SUFFERING Yoda In Star Wars Episode 1, Yoda famously states that fear leads to anger and anger leads to hate... or is that

Sarah Jessica Parker

CRACKED.COM I love the smell of diapers. I even like when they're wet and you smell them all warm, like a baked good. Sarah Jessica Parker, truly finding yum in someone else's yuck (somehow)


Mean Creek

Movie Bullies Mean Creek GEORGE TOONEY Josh Peck (yes, nerdy and adorable Josh from Drake & Josh) plays the messed-up bully in this forgotten but powerful 2004 drama. Now, Mean Creek is serious stuff, so instead of spoiling what happens to his character George, let's just take a moment to, erm, say a big, non-ironic no to bullying, everyone. CRACKED.COM


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