24 Scenes From History People Wish Were Available for Streaming

‘Roswell. I have to know’
24 Scenes From History People Wish Were Available for Streaming

So long as you end up in the right place, the afterlife must have all kinds of perks. What if, alongside the neverending shrimp cocktail dispenser and human-size dog bed perfectly formed to your exact shape, you were presented with a remote control that allowed you to view any historical event from any perspective you want. What would you choose to watch? An important war? A mysterious death? The moment when the DVD logo bounced exactly off all four corners of the screensaver?

For Redditor Elidor, the choice would be the life of Jesus (“total agnostic here, but this is some fascinating history”), the Battle of Agincourt (“I read about it in detail in The Face of Battle by John Keegan, and it’s fairly amazing”), and the life of the Buddha (“because I like art house movies, too”), among other things. (You’re a pervert, u/Elidor.) 

They then asked r/AskReddit, “After you die and enter the afterlife, you find out that all of history is available for viewing, as it actually happened. What scenes do you view first?”

This is the kind of history their fellow Redditors would like a streaming service to bring to a screen near them…

 13y ago where the fuck did db cooper go
 13y ago The travels of the Zodiac Killer...anyone?
Stratten 13y ago Who killed Tupac.
Armitando 13y ago OJ killing Ronald and Nicole... if he did do it.
Frankocean2 13y ago Nikola Tesla working.
MyPetGoat . 13y ago Vote-counting, Florida 2000
Fr1dge 13y ago Roswell. I have to know.
redredtior 13y ago really want to find out how horseradish became popular. who dug this fucking thing out of the ground, burned their eyes cutting it open and thought this would make a really good sauce for roast beef
Abed_is_batman_now 13y ago I would watch Rasputin's death over and over and over.
nudgeishere 13y ago I'd want to see the childhood of my parents, its always fascinated me that at a point they were kids too.
Arpai 13y ago After watching a shit ton of Boardwalk Empire I would love to watch the prohibition era.
unbuiltnuke 13y ago I'd watch the Internet be created. Over and over, all while tears of joy slide down my cheeks.
houinator 13y ago The fall of Constantinople. The seige of Syracuse. The battle of Thermopylae. The battle of Hastings. The Alamo.
Misterbert 13y ago Life emerging from the oceans and a sped-up shot of our species from beginning to end.
Tylertc13 13y ago Lenin's death. The motive and means for Stalin to have killed him are there. I want to know what the fuck happened.
Sirisian 13y ago There's a lot of destroyed Dr. Who tapes. I'd probably watch them in order. Then I'd get to the important stuff.
Akasha_S 13y ago I'd want to see the history of other planets and galaxies. I'd want to be aware of things I didn't know about while on Earth.
senorhappytaco 13y ago Edited 13y ago honestly, i would probably go back and see how sex evolved over time. like how cavemen did it, to the kings and queens of the middle ages, to the pioneers, and how they do it in the future.
clueGLUE 13y ago I've often had thoughts about this, I would basically go back to every notable conspiracy event in history and find out the truth(i'm assuming you have access to full HD angles of everything, God don't skimp.)
 13y ago Mine's fucked to hell and very depressing, but everyone involved on 9/11. From all perspectives. Those that escaped, those that were on the planes, those that were on the top floors. The conversations that were had. Extremely sad, yet I'd visit nonetheless.
cingalls 13y ago I'd follow Alexander Von Humboldt through south america. Watch him make the discoveries that would lead to modern understanding of evolution, biology, geology, climatology, anthropology and geography. His diaries of his exploration are completely incredible. With every entry he conveys awe and wonder at the scientific world. It would be amazing to tag along on his journeys.
Evan1701 13y ago I'd say I'll start with all the unsure events in history. 1. JFK's assassination. 2. Amelia Earheart's crash. 3. The Roanoke colony. 4. The missing episodes of Doctor Who.
 13y ago I'd go and see who Jack the Ripper and the Axeman of New Orleans were. What exactly happened to Hoffa. I'd watch all the games of the Golden Team (Hungary's soccer team in the early 50s). I'd watch old American Football games, especially the Browns and Bears. I'd check out Cleopatra. Watch gladiator fights. I'd watch the life of Christina Hendricks.
 13y ago Go back 65 million BC and confirm my assumption that the real historical T. Rex didn't look as cool as the one in Jurassic Park


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