20 People Who Could Have Died Heroes But Became Villains

‘Kanye West’
20 People Who Could Have Died Heroes But Became Villains

When Harvey Dent said, “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain,” he meant that even the most beloved figures will eventually have to make tough choices. That’s true enough, but there are lots of public figures we consider cartoonishly evil today who literally would have died heroes if they’d died before they started doing all that evil. For instance, Harvey Dent’s villainous turn was, in fact, not the result of a tough choice. He could have simply not committed mass murder.

For “a bit of an Aussie example,” user sweet_chick283 told r/AskReddit, “Mark Latham used to be the leader of the Labour Party, the more socially progressive Australian political party. He’s somehow morphed into the Donald Trump of Australian politics and joined One Nation, the party renowned for being racist.” 

They then asked, “What’s the most extreme example you’ve seen of ‘die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain’?”

Predicted 1y ago Elon musk. Не was going to take us to mars.
types-like-thunder 1y ago Ellen DeGeneres - The queen of kind turned into a toxic bully.
skinners_mudhole . 1y ago Edited 1y ago Oscar Pistorius. From the face of the Paralympic Games to convicted murderer of his wife.
Strange_Frenzy 1y ago Charles Lindbergh. Went from a global hero to a Nazi apologist in a relatively short time.
G-Unit11111 1y ago Kanye West From rapper who sells out stadiums to full blown Nazi who hangs out with right wing social media trolls.
cheatinSteve69 1y ago Lance Armstrong. Worlds greatest athlete to worlds greatest cheater and prick.
Narrow-Aioli8109 1y ago Alberto Fujimori, ex-President of Peru. Beloved at first as an outsider politician who fought the guerrillas, ended as a corrupt human rights abuser.
Zyrock9 1y ago Weird example, all things considered, but if Hermann Göring hadn't survived WW1 he would probably be remembered in the same way as the Red Baron. So not really a hero by today's standards, but far from the monster we remember him as.
Defiant-Traffic5801 1y ago Philippe Petain : one of France 's heroes of the first world war, became Nazi collaborator in chief during the second world war in 1940 at the age of 84.
Abysskitten 1y ago Robert Mugabe, ex-president of Zimbabwe. When he got rid of the colonial powers, he was praised as a hero and liberator only to end up a POS. Africa seems to suffer from these types a lot. That's why Nelson Mandela was a real one, he broke the cycle.
Accomplished-Bank782 1y ago Tony Blair. Now he's remembered for the Iraq debacle, but one of his government's early efforts was the Northern Ireland peace process and Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of conflict. If only he'd stopped at that, we'd view him very differently.
Slobberinho 1y ago Aung San Suu Kyi. Won a Nobel Peace Price in 1991 for being an imprisoned non-violent opposition leader in Myanmar. She came to power in 2015 and became complicit in the genocide of the Rohingya people. I mean, a Nobel Peace Price laureate, sitting in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, defending genocide. Sometimes in life you have to hit the curb in order to remember where the middle of the road is, but she took it to the max.
theAlmightyE312 1y ago Edited 1y ago Fritz Haber. Не was a German chemist who quarter of the world owes their life to because he found out how to produce ammonia out of oxygen, and he put that ammonia into agriculture and thus he made the synthetic fertilizer which was extremely effective and made crops grow very fast, thus making world hunger less worse than it was by a lot. But after a while, when ww1 started he made one of the worst weapons. The chlorine gas and mustard gas. Millions of people died a horrible death because of it, and
Malthus1 1y ago Gaius Marius. General and many times Consul of Rome, who just would not retire - leading to conflict with his former deputy, Sulla. If he had died a few years before that, he'd have been one of Rome's greatest heroes. Ended up being Consul seven times - but at the cost of a ruinous civil war (which greatly accelerated the decay of the Republic).
LucianCanad 1y ago Brazil's sitting president, Lula da Silva, comes to mind. Не was a union leader during the 70s and 80s, mobilized the people against the military dictatorship, was the flagship left wing figure in the early 2000's, had two massively popular terms, was wrongly convicted of corruption, got acquitted, got elected for his third term, ousting the fascist Bolsonaro. And now his minister of economy is advancing a neoliberal programme uncontested, he makes unpopular decision after unpopular decision, and recently called off a memorial for the 60th anniversary of the military coup, to avoid antagonizing the armed forces
 1y ago Valentina Tereshkova. First woman to walk in space, behind Yuri Gagarin, the first person in space. Although Gagarin passed away in 1969, Valentina is still living to this day. If you are wondering, she became a member of the Duma (Russia's state parliament), where she has become a puppet of Putin and voted to invade Ukraine in 2022.
I_am_a_Chickie_nug 1y ago Maximillian Robespierre Dude was against the death penalty in France during the revoltion for such a long while. Then, he...uh...I would say lost his mind and enacted the Reign of Terror, at least until he had his own head chopped off anyways.
Flurb4 1y ago If Benedict Arnold died of his wounds at the Battle of Saratoga, he would be remembered as one of the Revolution's bravest, boldest fighting men. Instead he came to feel (with some reason) overlooked for his accomplishments and unfairly targeted by enemies in Congress, which led to his attempted betrayal of West Point.
 1y ago Edited 1y ago JK Rowling The impact she had on getting children into reading can not be overstated. She created a world that multiple generations fell in love with. Hell, it got me to wait on a line for a midnight release of a book. That's insane. She lived a rags to riches lifestyle which can be inspiring. After the series was done and her shine began to fade she became an internet troll with money. She went from beloved author to then lady on the internet yelling about trans people and complaining about being canceled (not
PrisonMike2020 1y ago Rudy Giuliani - Was hailed by some as America's Mayor during 9/11 and the aftermath. Now he's a first and only VIP member of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping


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