20 of the Weirdest Historical Events of All Time

‘The green children of Woolpit’
20 of the Weirdest Historical Events of All Time

You know how people complain about supposed “plot holes” resulting from a character in a movie or a book behaving in a way that doesn’t make sense? You’re right to be annoyed by those people — in real life, humans constantly defy logic with their actions. If you don’t believe us, go observe them trying to navigate a Trader Joe’s on a Monday at 5 p.m. This applies to non-human life and dead rocks, too, because why should we hold them to a standard we ourselves can’t meet?

Most such events, like those at Trader Joe’s, will be remembered at most by one person every night before they go to sleep for the rest of their lives, but sometimes, circumstances collude in such a manner that things get historically weird. That’s why user almostoy asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the strangest event in history?”

All_Your_Base Зу ago Fox cancelling Firefly
Bayonethics 3y ago The Green Children of Woolpit
asthma_mermaid Зу ago The disappearance of the Malaysia flight.
These-Ad-7799 3y ago the construction and later destruction of Puma Punku
kaytiejay25 Зу ago Emu war in australia it was lost lol
 3y ago The Bronze age collapse. We know so little about the whole thing.
Samjackma Зу ago There was a period in the middle ages of knights fighting giant snails in paintings, no one knows why.
MongolianMango 3y ago Dancing pandemics in medieval times where mobs of people would suddenly dance until they're dead
PaulbunyanIND 3y ago Krakatoa, the year without a summer. 1816. Could happen again and we are completely unprepared.
Gekko83 3y ago The battle between Modena and Bologna in 1325. They technically attacked each other because of a bucket.
Happymommy101 3y ago The death of rasputin when u read about how it was to kill him it just makes u think that he may have held supernatural powers.
 3y ago A large meteor exploded above the middle east about 1500 ВСЕ. This 1 event led to a ton of bible stories from the flood to Sodom and Gomorrah and Jericho.
Fflow27 3y ago that time when a foetus was king of Bohemia (actually it's a little more complicated than that but not by a big margin)
DrKaleyeon Зу ago The Kentucky meat shower I think the name explains itself
NoCommunication7 3y ago 1561 Celestrial event over nuremberg, witnesses on the ground saw what appeared to be balls, crosses, and strange rods having a battle in the sky around the sun, which itself projected two arcs, during the whole battle, a large black object like a spear was also seen in the sky. A similar event also happened in basal in 1566, except this one only involved spheres.
houseofembers 3y ago To me, everything that happened in Point Pleasant West Virginia between 1966 and 69. Mutilated dogs, UFO sightings, strange lights, men in black, a grinning man named Indrid Cold, a sudden bridge collapse killing 46 people, and a terrifying 9 foot tall angel of death they call the Mothman.
 3y ago Edited Зу ago The Taiping Rebellion guy in China has a breakdown after constantly failing local law entrance exams, reads a Christian book and arrives at the conclusion that he is Jesus's younger brother.... eventually he erects a heavenly kingdom and a giant army and sets out to overthrow the Qing Dynasty... Over 20 million people die in a war/Rebellion that lasts 14 years. and those aren't a 10th of the weird details surrounding this series of events
Aggressive_Cherry_81 3y ago The marathon in the 1904 St. Louis Olympics was a total disaster. First off, the entire course was very dusty and breathing in that dust caused all kinds of injuries, including one runner who was hospitalized with hemorrhaging after the dust tore his esophagus and stomach lining. The asshole organizer of the race purposefully withheld water in order to test the effects of dehydration. That first-place finisher, Fred Lorz, did most of the race by car after being cramped. Не got out shortly before the finish line and crossed it, which fooled some of the onlookers. That
Poorly-Drawn-Beagle 3y ago Edited Зу ago In 1828, a ragged-looking sixteenish year old boy, who called himself Kasper Hauser, wandered into the city of Nuremburg, babbling the same sentences over and over- I want to be a cavalryman like my father. Horse. Horse. Не was taken to the authorities, and through a letter he kept clenched in his hands and a lot of interviewing, they learned he had been imprisoned in a dungeon somewhere for most of his life and had apparently never even seen who was imprisoning him. Не stayed with a local schoolmaster for the next five years.
Damaramy Зу ago Child crusade. I mean: what the fuck?!


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