20 of the Weirdest Historical Events of All Time

You know how people complain about supposed “plot holes” resulting from a character in a movie or a book behaving in a way that doesn’t make sense? You’re right to be annoyed by those people — in real life, humans constantly defy logic with their actions. If you don’t believe us, go observe them trying to navigate a Trader Joe’s on a Monday at 5 p.m. This applies to non-human life and dead rocks, too, because why should we hold them to a standard we ourselves can’t meet?
Most such events, like those at Trader Joe’s, will be remembered at most by one person every night before they go to sleep for the rest of their lives, but sometimes, circumstances collude in such a manner that things get historically weird. That’s why user almostoy asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the strangest event in history?”