40 Seductive Sex, Love and Dating Stats That Prove Math Is Way More Titillating Than We Ever Could Have Imagined

You never know. Your forever fact might be in here somewhere
40 Seductive Sex, Love and Dating Stats That Prove Math Is Way More Titillating Than We Ever Could Have Imagined

Much like dating, youre never going to find that special fact if youre not out there playing the field. But you dont have to worry about that, now do you? Youre here, deep in the field, perusing, approaching and reading every fact around. Not in a creepy, ogling, stalker-y way, thankfully. Just posting up by the bar, pulling out your phone and reading these random bits of trivia about sex, love and dating. 

We have a good feeling that theres a special one in here that youll remember forever.

Public Proposals

Public proposals are more likely to get rejected 85% of people say they would prefer a private proposal. CRACKED.COM


Go on that honeymoon, if you can Honeymoons decrease the chances of divorce by 41%. CRACKED.COM


Half of adults say dating has gotten harder Over the past 10 years, nearly half of U.S. adults say dating is harder. Women are more likely to say they have had negative experiences, with 65% having been harrassed on dates. CRACKED.COM

Breaking Up Over Text

Only 14% of people say it's acceptable to break up over text About half say it's acceptable to end a committed relationship via phone call, but almost everyone says it's preferable to end in person. CRACKED.COM

NYC Dating

NYC has 200,000 more single women than men If you're a single heterosexual woman, your odds are better out West. San Diego 50,000 more single men than women, Seattle has 46,000 more. CRACKED.COM


The longer you're together, the more likely you are to stay together Married couples are much more likely to stay together than non-married couples. For heterosexual married couples, 3% of those married 5 years broke up to less than 1% married for 20 years. CRACKED.COM


64% of Americans are happy in their relationships 64% self-reported that they are very happy, in their relationship, with 19% saying they're unhappy. Nearly 50% are happy with their sex lives. CRACKED.COM

Social Interaction

Low social interaction is as dangerous to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day Social connections (including friends and family) improve our odds of survival by 50%. CRACKED.COM

Open Relationships

Open relationships are just as satisfying as monogamous ones Research shows that people in consensual, non-monogamous relationships have equal levels of relationship satisfaction, psychological well-being and sexual satisfaction as people in monogamous relationships. CRACKED.COM


The more you spend on a wedding, the more likely you are to get divorced Those who spend over $20,000 on their wedding are 46% more likely to get divorced than those who spend $5,000 to $10,000. CRACKED.COM

Online Dating

1 in 10 coupled people met their partner online 32% people met their significant other through family or friends. However, 28% of LGB adults in relationships met their partner online. CRACKED.COM

Power Dynamics

Perception of power dynamics is most important for relationship satisfaction Research shows actual positional power, like income or education, doesn't influence relationship satisfaction as much as equality in making decisions in their relationship. CRACKED.COM


Couples that share housework have sex more often. The gender-neutral division of labor in the home can increase sexual frequency and satisfaction. Additionally, couples that don't divide chores based on traditional men's and women's tasks sometimes have even better sex lives than those who do. CRACKED.COM


A study has found that teen couples spend more time texting each other than spending time together in person! CRACKED.COM


Itsa Match. No - - - - strong - born A survey of more than 47,000 people shows that 30% of Tinder users are married. An additional 12% are in a relationship, while 54% are actually single. CRACKED.COM

Multiple Marriages

CRACKED.COM SECOND AND THIRD MARRIAGES ARE MORE LIKELY TO END IN DIVORCE. The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41% to 50%. Second marriages have a rate of 60% to 70%, while approximately 73% of third marriages fail.


Women are calmed by their boyfriend's or husband's scent. Researchers gave 96 women either a shirt with their partner's scent, a shirt with a stranger's scent, or an unworn shirt, without telling them which they got. Smelling the shirt with a stranger's scent elevated women's levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) during a stress test. Smelling the shirt with their partner's scent, and recognizing the scent, lowered their cortisol levels. CRACKED.COM

Sleeping Nude

34% of American women and 38% of American men say they sleep in the nude with their partner. Based on the survey data, it is suggested that sleeping naked with your better half significantly increases sexual closeness in the relationship. GRAGKED.COM

Penis Size

Think Size Matters? A study at UCLA found that 84% of women are pleased with their partner's parcel size. While only of penises are bigger 13% than 6.1 7 out of 8 women think that's just fine. 3 GRAGKED.COM 1/2 2


Donald Trump is a major deal breaker. OkCupid asked people what their deal breakers were. It turns out that 74% of those questioned would never date someone who supports Trump, while 11% would. CRACKED.COM


If it takes you a fraction of a second less than average to look away from an attractive person, you're half as likely to cheat. A 3.5-year study of 233 participants examined the relationship between their likelihood of cheating and ability to shift their attention away from attractive potential partners. And participants who looked away from a photo of somebody attractive a few hundred milliseconds sooner than average were almost 50% less likely to cheat. CRACKED.COM


Only 1 in 6 people aged 80 and over felt they had ENOUGH SEX in their lifetime. For those who are over 65, the only reason they would stop having sex is lack of opportunity. CRACKED.COM


A survey distributed by Stanford University found that habitual marijuana users were having roughly 20% more sex than non users. The study, which was adjusted for various demographics, found more sex was being had by users than people who abstained regardless of GRACKED.COM the fact that marijuana is thought to cause lower sperm rates and decreased libido. It is inconclusive whether there was a causal link.

The Average Length of Sex

CRACKED.COM 12 minutes is the average duration of a sexual episode between American couples, according to information collected by the Lovely & Lovely app.

Marital Problems

Marital Problems? Watch a Chick ROBERT DEMI WOODH Flick VAUGHN ASSCS BATEMAN JOH FAVREAU RECEIVO MOORE HARRILION KEIGHT DAVIS UIST AKERMAN BELL REINO WITH the 18 NOMINATED FOR . ACADEMY AWARDS AU MACGRAW RYAN O'NEAL LOVESTORY LOVE MEANS NEVER HAVING TO LAX YOU'RE SORTY AND A PROPORAL INDECENT PROPOSAL COUPLESRETREAT - con - - A study found that watching and discussing romantic movies that deal with relationship highs and lows can cut divorce rates by 50%, and is as effective as going to marriage counseling. It also has the benefit of being more accessible and affordable. CRACKED.COM

Divorce Rates

GRACKED.COM 60% of marriages at the age of 18 end up in a divorce. Only 30% marriages above the age of 2 3 fail.


People like SENDING NUDES. According to a survey, 47% of female respondents & 50% of male respondents HAVE SENT NUDE PHOTOS. GRAGKED.COM

Wedding Music

Marry You by Bruno Mars and Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran are the two most popular wedding songs in the United States according to Spotify data. GRAGKED.COM


A shocking of women in 94% HOLLYWOOD, including directors, editors and actors, has experienced sexual harassment or assault. GRAGKED.COM

Phone Usage

CRACKED.COM one in THRee MILLENIALS SAID THE FIRST THING THEY DO POST-COITAL IS GRAB THeIR PHones. But 28% admitted they really want to check their phones during sex, with 12% saying they usually do.


After hearing music, women are more attracted to men. In a University of Vienna study, women rated photos of men as more attractive, and were up to about 10% more likely to say they'd date the men, if they heard just 25 seconds of music earlier. Several types of music were tried, and highly stimulating and complex music had the most powerful effect. CRACKED.COM


Breakups hurt women more, but they recover more fully. 2015 CRACKED.COM Women report more physical and emotional pain, but men never fully recover, they just move on.

Changing Partners

Changing your partners probably won't change your relationship issues. 2019 CRACKED.COM In one long-term study, researchers found people repeated the same dynamics of ended relationships in new relationships.

Recovering from Heartbreak

Reflecting on a breakup speeds up the recovery process. 2015 CRACKED.COM Repeatedly talking about a breakup is actually good for you, even if it's annoying for your friends.

Weight Gain

On average, people don't gain weight after a breakup. 2019 CRACKED COM Emotionally eating doesn't appear to be as big of an issue as media makes it out to be.

On-and-Off-Again Relationships

On-and-off-again relationships might be toxic for your mental health 2018 CRACKED.COM These relationships have higher rates of abuse, poorer communication, and lower levels of commitment.

Staying Friends

Most people want to stay friends with an ex due to sentimentality. 2016 CRACKED.COM Men rated sexual access and pragmatism as reasons to stay friends with ex higher than women did.


45% of relationship satisfaction is based on your perception of the relationship 2020 CRACKED.COM The partnership you build and how you feel around your partner is more important than which partner you choose.


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