40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

Oof, these scenes definitely needed another take or two
40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

To a director, the final cut of a movie or TV show doesnt necessarily mean its final. Some of them might feel like theyve made something great, but others see some glaring issues that they didnt see during filming. We hear that reshoots can be a real pricey pain, so it seems like these directors just had to grin and bear it. 

Here are a few final cuts that, to some directors and eagle-eyed fans, will never quite feel so final…

Quantum of Solace

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

Pretty Woman

Movie Goofs Pretty Woman In the breakfast scene, watch out for Julia Roberts' pastry. It quickly switches from croissant to pancake, and then to an even different pancake. It's truly a movie about a call girl with a heart of gold and matter-transforming quantum powers. CRACKED.COM

The Wizard of Oz

Movie Goofs The Wizard of OZ When Dorothy has just met the Scarecrow, watch as her hair grows longer and shorter between shots. Listen, we have plenty of magic in our hearts, but only oversights in movie magic can explain that. CRACKED.COM

Independence Day

Movie Goofs Independence Day ART DEPT Jeff Goldblum trips and falls over during his drunken rant (we've all been there), and in the process knocks over a bin labeled art dept on the bottom. It this proof the Deep State is made up of theater kids? We're just asking questions! CRACKED.COM

North by Northwest

Movie Goofs North by Northwest Clearly the scene where Eva Marie Saint shoots Cary Grant was shot several times, because a kid behind her is having none of it. A few seconds before the gunshot, he covers his ears almost ruining the shot. CRACKED.COM

Basic Instinct

Movie Goofs Basic Instinct During the interrogation scene, Sharon Stone is smoking a cigarette which disappears as she's taking off her coat, only to return in the next shot. There are two goofs here: the vanishing cigarette, and anyone noticing a vanishing cigarette during this scene. CRACKED.COM

The Fast and the Furious

Movie Goofs The Fast and the Furious Baddie Johnny Tran is wearing a black shirt - but a fraction of a second later, he changes to a black tank top. Ugh, no wonder this movie never got a sequel. CRACKED.COM

American Sniper

CRACKED THE UNMISTAKABLY FAKE BABY. AMERICAN SNIPER It's painfully obvious that Chris' newborn is a doll. There are shots of Bradley Cooper jiggling the arm to make it seem like it's moving, which turns a would-be emotional scene into a comedy. Apparently the real baby had a fever that day.


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

Pirates of the Caribbean

CRACKED VISIBLE CREW MEMBER. THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL On the Black Pearl, while Jack Sparrow yells, On deck, you scabrous dogs!, a crew member in a rolled up T-shirt, a cowboy hat, and sunglasses is just staring out to sea.

Pulp Fiction

CRACKED BULLET HOLES BEFORE THE BULLETS. PULP FICTION We're sure this wasn't Tarantino's nonlinear storytelling. Before the guy fires at Jules & Vincent in the apartment, we already see the bullet holes in the wall behind them.

The Karate Kid

CRACKED DANIEL-SAN'S WIN IS A LIE! THE KARATE KID LINDER FIGHTERN ALL VALLEY KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI-FINALS SMITH VOAL VICAL FINALS LASTIENCE ALL VALLEY LAWRENCE CHAMPION EXPRESA LAWRENCE MALE REFEREE GROWN KNOWN LAMUSSO OFFICIAL The now-iconic crane kick was actually an illegal move because strikes to the face were not permissible. Ralph Macchio said, No hits to the face was clearly something when the referee made the list of things not to do.

Mean Girls

CRACKED MAGNETIC POPCORN? MEAN GIRLS While Janis and Damian watch a movie, Cady frightens them in her costume, and their popcorn goes flying everywhere. It's great for effect, but when the camera immediately cuts back to them, the popcorn bowl is full again.

Monsters University

CRACKED THE ENTIRE MOVIE IS A CONTINUITY ERROR. MONSTERS UNIVERSITY MONSTERE UNIVERSITY M M U MU U In 2001's Monster's Inc. Mike says to Sully, You've been jealous of my good looks since the 4th grade. The entire plot of the 2013 sequel tells the story of how they met... at Monster's University.

The Goonies

CRACKED WHAT OCTOPUS? THE GOONIES While describing their adventure to a reporter, Data says the scariest part was the octopus. The octopus scene didn't make the final cut, so fans wondered what he meant. A 90's Disney Channel cut reinserted it, so it made sense for some viewers.


CRACKED THE REAPPEARING MIRROR. CLUELESS During Cher's driver's test, she sideswipes a car and loses her rearview mirror. But when Cher pulls the car over, the mirror magically reappears undamaged.

Old School

CRACKED THE MAGIC HOCKEY STICK. OLD SCHOOL @nicarlei UKETC ERVEZ CIPICE PACIFICO In Mitch's new house, Frank the Tank accidentally smashes some glassware with the blade of a hockey stick. In the same swinging motion, the stick magically flips to the butt end.

Star Wars

STARWARS EPISODE I THE PHANTOM MENACE CRACKED.COM At the end of the movie, Senator Palpatine and the Jedi Council arrive on Naboo. Well, the Jedi Council and some dude pretending to be Mace Windu, cause that ain't Samuel L. Jackson.


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

28 Days Later

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

The Wolf of Wall Street

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

How I Met Your Mother

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

That Awkward Moment

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

The Good Place

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

The Last Samurai

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night


40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

Raiders of the Lost Ark

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, when Indy and Sallah descend into the Well of Souls, it's night-time. All they do inside is remove the Ark and pull it up. This takes them all night, apparently, because it's morning when the Ark gets pulled up. CRACKED.COM

Toy Story 3

In Toy Story 3, it's this dark out when the main characters arrive at the dump. Yet it's this light out when they are rescued at about 5 minutes' worth of screen time later. CRACKED.COM


Buffy's date of birth was hard to nail down in Season 1 of BTVS. Name: Buffy Summers Birthdate: 10/24/80 Status: Sophomore G.P.A. 2.8 1980 (Episode 1x08) Name: Buffy Summers Birthdate:05-06-79 Status: Senior G.P.A. 2.8 1979 (also Episode 1x08) BUFFY SUMMERS 1981 1997 Rest In Peace 1981 (Episode 1x10) CRACKED.COM

The Walking Dead

In season 6 of The Walking Dead we find out Maggie is pregnant. In season 8, she's still in early stages of the pregnancy, indicating that not a lot of time has passed since the 6th season. season 6 season 8 That'd all be fine if not for the fact that in that same time period Judith grew from a baby into a toddler. season 6 season 8 CRACKED.COM


GLADIATOR At the beginning of Gladiator, Maximus is wounded fighting off his captors. He's bleeding from the arm when he sets off riding from Germania to his home in Spain. By the next scene, he's already made it to Spain with the fresh wound still bleeding, despite Spain being over a month's ride away. Miraculously, he hasn't bled to death. CRACKED.COM

Wonder Woman

In Wonder Woman, Steve's sailboat covers the thousands of miles between the Aegean Sea and London in one night. The movie's explanation? We got lucky, we caught a ride, we made some good time. CRACKED.COM

The Dark Knight Rises

40 TV and Movie Goofs Keeping Some Director Up at Night

Texas Chainsaw 3D

CRACKED.COM TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D This sequel takes place in 2012, and Heather here is revealed to be a long lost member of LEATHERFACE'S VERNA SAWTER cannibal clan, having been CARSON adopted immediately after the BILL IN events of the original film... 2017 ...which took place in 1973. Who will survive and what So Heather should be around 39. will be Yet she's blatantly in her left of them? early 20s, and pals around with other 20-somethings... THE American KOREAN TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Wow... - - type - someone really screwed up - the math with this one...

Game of Thrones

GAME OF THRONES Most of season 7 apparently happens in less than three months. Cersei conceives in the third episode, after that characters travel across the continent multiple times, whole armies move huge distances, and major battles occur, but by the end of the season Cersei doesn't even have the smallest of baby bumps. GRACKED.COM


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