40 Adorable, Ferocious and Delicious Facts From the Animal Kingdom

Fishy, furry, and feathery facts
40 Adorable, Ferocious and Delicious Facts From the Animal Kingdom

Enough about us humans, lets give you some facts about millions of other animal species who cant speak for themselves. We sadly cant give you a list with one fact per species, but hey, lists of 40 facts at a time could add up pretty quickly. 

Start with this one, and well go track down some more.


There is a species of all female lesbian lizards. GRACKED.COM New Mexico whiptails are 100% female. They are nicknamed as the Lesbian Lizards, they still participate in mating rituals in which they mount each other. This stimulates egg production without any gene transfer.



NATURE'S DATING TIPS CRACKED.COM LIE ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT Male bowerbirds spent 80% of their day building structures to impress their mate. They arrange bones, shells, and stones by size to create an optical illusion. When the female bird views in the male in his dome, this forced perspective makes him appears larger.

Source: Nature

Mating Rituals

DROOLING BE OVER HER CRACKED COM Female scorpionflies are wooed by spit and choose a mate based on saliva secretion. The male draws her in by hacking up a drippy gift, then reuses whatever's left to romance new conquests.

Source: time


40 Adorable, Ferocious and Delicious Facts From the Animal Kingdom
Source: BBC


Elephant hawk moth caterpillars will quickly transform... into an adorable looking snake. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Thorny Devil Lizard

Thorny Devil Lizard The Thorny Devil Lizard has the ability to absorb water from its scales on any part of its body. It presents a false head on the b


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