40 Gruesome, Gnarly or Simply Perplexing Bits of True-Crime Trivia

Something for the sleuths
40 Gruesome, Gnarly or Simply Perplexing Bits of True-Crime Trivia

If we had time to sit down and solve all of these, we would. Sadly, we just have too many facts to find. Yep, like seasoned homicide detectives, us fact seekers have spent our lives tracking down information. Were kindred spirits who just chose different paths. 

Their path might be a tad more noble, but filling peoples brains with random facts has some nobility of its own. And hey, these true-crime facts might help shine a new light on some cold cases. So yeah, were helping in our own way.

Deadly Demonstration

A lawyer shot himself demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot himself. GRACKED.COM Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio politician defending a man accused of murder, had his client cleared in 1871 by his first-hand demonstration. Vallandigham died 12 hours later.


Serial Killers Birthdays

CRACKEDCo MoRE SERTAL KILLERS ARE BORN IN ANUARY THAN ANY OTHER MONTH A study of 293 serial killer spread across 29 countries all over the world revea

British Columbia

The mystery: severed Feet repeatedly washed up on British Columbia's beaches. People attributed them to plane crashes or a serial killer. The answer:

The Night Stalker

Serial killer Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, was once pulled over by a police Officer when he was speeding away from a crime scene in a stolen

Ted Bundy

In June 1977 Ted Bundy served as his own defence lawyer in a murder case against him. He was allowed to walk without handcuffs or shackles. He was als

The Grim Sleeper

A serial killer was caught thanks to his love of pizza (and old-fashioned spy work). Los Angeles police came up with a unique plan to catch the elusiv

Doing A Dahmer

The infamous Milwaukee serial killer and cannibal, Jeffrey Dahmer, was a class clown in high school. 75 72 69 66 63 MILWALIKEE COUNTY MILWAUKEE COUNTY

Google Maps

CRACKED SOLVING A SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE In 2017, the Milwaukee Police used a Google Maps request to help solve a kidnapping and sexual assault case. This request allowed Google to search for devices near the crime scene, which led to the arrest of two suspects.


Don't Tattle!

WEIRD WORLD A robbery victim told police that the robber made him pinky promise that he wouldn't call authorities. The victim was robbed at a gas station by a man in a ski mask brandishing a pocket knife. The robber took about $80 from him before making him pinky promise that he wouldn't call the cops, before fleeing on his bicycle. CRACKED.COM


Jeffrey Dahmer

Konerak Sinthasomphone might have been the last victim of serial killer / necrophiliac cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, were it not for the Milwaukee police.

Long Island Serial Killer

A prolific serial killer is still at large DAIL The Long Island serial NEW YORKI FOR OLASIDE killer murdered up to HUNT 17 people, mostly sex HE worke

Crime Scene Investigators

MYTH: CSI teams sweep through the scene of a crime and solve it, fast. FACT: That's only on TV. Crime scene investigators don't solve cases. Their role is to collect enough evidence to support a case against the suspect who has been identified by old-fashioned police work. And the process isn't quick. Some laboratory tests, such as DNA samples, toxicology, and blood reports, can take weeks or even months to process. Also, while DNA criminal databases do exist, less than 1/10th of all criminals are a part of it. CRACKED.COM http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4284335.stm



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