12 Indestructible Facts About Cockroaches to Crawl Into Your Brain
Twelve fun facts about cockroaches next to twelve unfun pictures of cockroaches!
They Bite
Very rarely, but add that to your list of worries.
They’re Cannibals
Because of course they are.
They Can Survive for A Week With No Head
They eventually die of dehydration because without a head, they can't drink water.
And A Month Without Food
These guys are basically immune to torture, apparently.
They Can Approach 2 Miles An Hour
You’re probably aware of how fast one can scuttle off to the worst place imaginable, but here's a quantitative top speed: 1.7 miles per hour.
They Love Beer
Scientists will tell you it's for the sugar content. I will tell you it’s because they love to party.
You Can Train Them
Welcome to the world’s grossest circus, where you can watch conditioned cockroaches drool at specific scents!
Their Eggs Are Extremely Tough
They Can Hold Their Breath Underwater for 40 Minutes
Some Can Fly
Those of you in hotter climates probably already know this, unfortunately.
They’ve Been Around Forever
Fossils have been found going back 350 million years, in fact.
They Love Being Touched
Apparently, they like to feel pressure on their bodies. No deal, bud.