38 Traditions and Social Conventions That Might Strike You As Odd, If You’re a Freaking Normie

Are these weird, or are you just closed-minded?
38 Traditions and Social Conventions That Might Strike You As Odd, If You’re a Freaking Normie

Are these weird, or are you just a big ol square? 

This is the question that will be answered today. Take a look at these strange traditions and social norms (well, “norms” might not be the right word for them) and decide for yourself if you think theyre something you can get behind. 

Who knows? They might even become a big part of your life!


Indonesia CRACKED.COM The Toraja, a native culture in Indonesia, believe the soul of the dead stays in the body until the funeral. As to not leave the recently departed hungry, they continue to eat with the deceased corpse. Great sharers, though!


Inuits S CRACKED.COM In some Inuit cultures, mostly centralized in Greenland and Northern Canada, farting after a meal is a compliment, showing appreciation for the good food. Turns out my grandpa is extremely polite!


Japan CRACKED.COM If you ever end up in Japan on December 25, you'd better get your KFC order in early. KFC launched a Christmas meal there in 1970 and it took off. An estimated 3.6m families turn to the Colonel come Christmas.

The Maasai

The Maasai CRACKED.COM For the Maasai people of Africa, cow's milk is a staple of their diet, as well as the cow's blood. Before you criticize it, remember how much Four Loko you drank in college and ask yourself which one is healthier.


Portugal CRACKED.COM Decide you want to spice up your meal in Portugal? Keep it to yourself. Asking for salt and pepper is an insult to the chef. Which is why I fill one of my jeans pockets with salt and the other with pepper. Lifehack!


Russia GRACKED.COM Don't be surprised if in Russia you see diners eating burgers with disposable latex gloves on.* It's an easy way to make sure that your hands don't smell like burger and that your burger tastes like latex! *and it started in 2016, so no, it's not a COVID thing.

South Korea

South Korea MEST MINE Veter FOR 48 200 BRAND 20192 CRACKED.COM In South Korea, check the table for the eldest eater before you start. Waiting to dig in until the oldest person at the table has started is considered a sign of respect. Now hurry up with that trembling soup spoon, Granny. I got places to be!


CRACKED.COM In the 1848 Hungarian Revolution, the Austrians ordered an execution of 13 Hungarian generals and ended it with a toast. The Hungarians are still pretty pissed about it, and toasting is still considered very offensive to this day.

The Balkans

In Balkan countries like Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania, shaking your head means YES and nodding means NO Now let's count the ways you can humiliate yourself in those places CRACKED.COM


Do you have a prescription for that gum? You will need one if you ever get a chance to chew gum in Singapore. CRACKED.COM

Open Caskets

OPEN CASKETS ARE FREAKY. Being forced to go to a funeral and stare at a corpse makes me really uncomfortable. I'm getting cremated, just to make sure nobody has to stare at my corpse. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED TAXI RIDES: DON'T SIT IN THE BACK, OR YOU'LL PAY THE PRICE. In certain countries, it is considered impolite to sit in the back seat of a taxi, as the driver may view it as a sign of non-egalitarianism. In some cases, the driver may even take the longer route if a passenger sits in the back. HYBRID


CRACKED VACATIONING IN IRAN? DON'T GIVE A THUMBS-UP. In Iran and neighboring countries, the thumbs-up gesture is considered offensive, similar to the middle finger in America. However, most Iranians are understanding and forgiving if a visiting American makes an innocent mistake.


CRACKED GREET KOREAN FRIENDS WITH A HANDSHAKE-BUT NO POCKETS. Shaking hands is a common form of greeting in Korea, however it is considered disrespectful to put one's hand in their pocket while doing so.

Arab Culture

CRACKED DON'T GET MAD, GET EVEN - SHOW 'EM THE SOLE. Showing the sole of your shoe has long been an insult in Arab culture.


CRACKED SCANDINAVIAN SAUNAS - NO PLACE FOR CLOTHING. In some Scandinavian countries and Turkey, it is considered offensive to wear clothing into a sauna, hammam, or other place of physical purification. Instead, it is polite to sit on a folded towel or wear a swimsuit if you are too modest to appear naked.

Finishing Plates

CRACKED IN RUSSIA AND CHINA: DON'T FINISH YOUR PLATE. In Russia and China, it is polite to leave a little food on your plate at the end of a meal as a sign of appreciation for the host's generosity.


CRACKED SOUP-DRINKING ETIQUETTE: JAPAN STYLE. In Japan, slurping your noodles and soup is a sign of appreciation for the chef, and it is common to drink directly from the soup bowl instead of using a spoon.

Black Cats

CRACKED BLACK CATS DON'T HAVE TO BE BAD LUCK! Germany has a different take on luck with black cats. It's only bad luck if they cross your path right to left. Left to right is good luck, so there's a silver lining not given in the U.S.


in stockholm, sweden, you can win cash FOR obeying the speed Limit. The Speed Camera Lottery photographs the license plates of all passing cars. Speeding cars are fined, and those obeying the speed limit are entered into a lottery for a portion of the fines. http //www thestar com/news/world/2010/12/09/ GRAGKED.COM speed_camera_lottery_pays_drivers_for_slowing_down.html



The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, disabled citizens receive a stipend from the government to pay for sex services 12 times a year. Reports show that the program has resulted in reduced rates of depression and sucide among the disabled. GRACKED.COM


Armenia CRACKED.COM If you ever attend a wedding in Armenia, you may notice sheets of traditional lavash bread draped over the newlyweds' shoulders. This both signals future prosperity and makes their shoulders look delicious to birds.


China CRACKED.COM Flipping the fish may sound like weird poker slang, but it's actually exactly what it sounds like, and it's considered bad luck in China. Much like a port-a-potty, everyone would prefer you leave it right-side-up, as delivered.


Brazil CRACKED.COM Many countries eschew utensils altogether. Brazil takes the opposite stance. While there, you should always use utensils, no matter what. Yes, New Yorker shedding a single tear, even for a delicious pizza pie.


Georgia CRACKED.COM The country of Georgia makes traditional wine in a clay urn called a qvevri that they bury underground. Better than the STATE of Georgia's traditional alcohol, which comes in a mason jar and makes you blind.


China CRACKED.COM Done with your rice? Don't leave your chopsticks stuck in there upright. This is how rice is left as an offering at funerals, so it's considered inappropriate. In general, always good to avoid things that make ghosts angry.


India CRACKED.COM In India, hands are the utensil of choice, more specifically, the right hand. Eating with your left hand is considered unclean. Personally, I don't see what your hand's politics have to do with eating, but OK!


Thailand GRACKED.COM Even the least traveled Americans these days know forks aren't a global utensil. However, in Thailand, you will get a fork... but it should only be used to push food onto the spoon. Sporks, as always, are an abomination.


I'll never understand why we choose to salute the great men and women who died defending our freedom with SALE SUE l SALE FIRESSES Na Gimmicks Just V1 SUPER UNIVERSITY TOTAL COLLEGE STUDENT SPECIALS CRACKED.COM HALF-PRICE MATTRESS SALES!


GRAGKED.COM Prom Night! Why do we willingly spend hundreds of dollar on suits and dresses just to be in a crowd of awkward dancers?


CLASS REUNION? NO THANKS! I'd rather not spend a whole HI night pretending I remember I CAN'T REMEMBER you, pretending you weren't YOUR NAME mean to me, or pretending I EITHER didn't date you so my spouse doesn't give you dirty looks. Facebook is plenty. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED BALI'S DAY OF SILENCE. In Bali, New Year has 24 hours of silence and meditation known as Nyepi. There is no talking, travel, work, or activities, and the only people outside are the Pecalang - Security enforcing the rules. Doesn't this sound better than a hangover at brunch?


CRACKED NO WATER WARS ON EASTER. In Poland, Smigus-dyngus (aka Wet Monday) is an ultimate water fight held each year on Easter Monday in Poland and Ukraine. This could be huge in The U.S.


CRACKED ITALY'S MIDDAY RIPOSA. You know those afternoon sleepies? Lean into it! In Italy, Riposa is a siesta where most of the country (it differs region to region) shuts down between 1 1pm and 4pm. Italians embrace getting sleepy after lunch, and nap when their body says so.


CRACKED BOSNIA'S FESTIVAL OF SCRAMBLED EGGS. The U.S. might celebrate spring with a spring cleaning, but Zenica, Bosnia, kicks off the season with Čimburijada - a tribute to scrambled eggs. They cook them in a large pan in a city park, then spend the day partying, BBQing and jumping in the river.


CRACKED THANKSGIVING IN THE U.S. IS WEIRD! Canada has an even older Thanksgiving than the U.S., and most countries who celebrate Thanksgiving do so in early October, to give thanks for the last harvests. The U.S. holds it way after the harvest, and is the only one that involves Pilgrims.

The Ukraine

CRACKED THE UKRAINE TAKES A BREATHER BEFORE A TRIP. In Ukraine and Russia, it is traditional to sit down as a family for a few minutes before leaving on a trip. This grants good luck on the journey, and leaves an opportunity to remember anything you may have forgotten.


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