40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Found Written in Our Fourth Grade Yearbook
How did a 9-year-old know about the end of ‘The Sopranos’?

You’ll never guess why Clint Eastwood squints! (His eyes are sensitive to sunlight.)
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Tina Fey

22 Eyebrow-Arching Ways Creators' Lives Influenced Their Work
The Lone Gunmen

Kurt Vonnegut

Source: 15 Celebrities With Little-Known Relatives (Who Are Amazing In Their Own Right)
The Sopranos


How I Met Your Mother

Source: 21 Movie And TV Brilliant Foreshadowing Moments (That Get Missed)
A Goofy Movie

Kong: Skull Island

Chris Evans

Terminator 2


Rick and Morty

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Source: The Guardian
The Cure

Monsters, Inc.

Krabby Patty

Source: Cinemablend

Source: Cracked
Boy Meets World

Source: Us Magazine
H.R. Giger

Sources: The Guardian, Matthias Belz (via Wikimedia Commons)
Star Wars

The Two Hobbit Movies

Source: ScreenCrush/YouTube
The Marlboro Man


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Source: Fade Away World

Rogue One

Source: In a Far Away Galaxy
Priyanka Chopra

Mindy Kaling

The Ballad of the Green Berets

David Fincher

Clint Eastwood


Mark Zuckerberg

Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Fleetwood Mac


Jurassic Park

The View-Master

The Outsiders

Bill O’Reilly

Source: Bizarre Lies 19 Famous People Thought They'd Get Away With