20 Ways America Is Even More Evil Than You Thought

‘A lot of people still seem to think we accomplished something in Vietnam’
20 Ways America Is Even More Evil Than You Thought

Let’s be honest: Even if you’re American — hell, especially if you’re American — you’re well aware of how messed-up this country is. Not just in terms of income inequality and climate change and all those other byproducts of running a country based on prosperity gospel — we’re talking overt, direct, intentional acts of evil. The Trail of Tears. MK Ultra. Larry the Cable Guy. You’re familiar.

But that’s just the tip of the most evil iceberg since the one that sank the Titanic. America’s history is full of government projects, military actions and crimes against good taste that most people have no idea ever occurred. That’s why user cranked_up asked r/AskReddit, “What (are) some really messed up things the United States has done that most people don’t know about?”

joeyjojo-shabadoo 4y ago deep fried butter....
HotSearingTeens 4y ago There chocolate, it's not supposed to taste like that what wrong with you people
Crazy_pan_6886 4y ago Poisoned alcohol during prohibition and killed 10,000 people!
bcmonty 4y ago remember that time they gave weapons and funds to osama bin laden and then trained him and all his friends
Craiginator8 4y ago It's shocking how many Americans don't know about the Iranian coup of 1953 where the US orchestrated an overthrow of the democratically elected government in favor of a dictator. Said dictator remained in power until being overthrown in 1979 during the Islamic revolution. Americans are taught that the 1979 revolution was when a bunch of radicals took over, but really they were ousting a US-backed dictator.
Sci-MomT18 4y ago US betrayal of Korea by facilitating the Japanese invasion of Korea while the Koreans were reassured protection from the USA, by the USA. The Koreans were murdered and raped by the Japanese with the USAs blessings.
LordJuju28 4y ago The government released thousands of mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Georgia to see how many people would get infected. This was dubbed Operation Big Buzz.
sifarworld 4y ago Pakistan was fighting against the polio epidemic for over twenty years. The CIA ran a fake vaccination program in northwestern Pakistan that led to widespread mistrust for vaccines and government sponsored vaccination programs. Polio is now an emerging concern and innocent polio workers are often killed in targeted attacks
lilpinekone 4y ago The mass forced sterilization of Native American women in the 1970's, without their knowledge or consent. Women would go into IHS under the impression that they were receiving an unrelated surgery. Years later, some of these women would try to have children and find out that a hysterectomy was performed on them without their knowledge, and for some, their entire uteruses were removed. Why? The US government targeted full blooded Native women, claiming that they were doing them a favor by not allowing them to reproduce.
UnassumingAlbatross 4y ago In a lot of southern states even up into the 1970s, Black people would be sterilized without consenting or even being informed when they would go under for an unrelated procedure. This was meant to help curb the growing Black population. Look up a Mississippi appendectomy
RmeMSG 4y ago During the internment of Japanese Americans at Manzanar and other internment camps during WW2 more than 9 billion in 1942 dollars in land, business and property were seized or bought for pennies on the dollar by the government and then resold. Few if any of the survivors or relatives were compensated for this illegal seizure of property. Those that did received 20k for their hardship under the Reagan Administration.
DigitalSteven1 4y ago A lot of people still seem to think we actually accomplished something in Vietnam and didn't give more than 30% of the deployed PTSD for literally no reason. Literally the same year the war ended, the North and South united under a communist banner... We did nothing but prolong a battle that led to so many unnecessary American deaths. And it was all completely avoidable. The south's leader was incredibly corrupt and many of the south Vietnamese were fine with uniting under Но Chi Minh, but the US really didn't like communism. Look where it got us
Limp_Distribution 4y ago In 1964, A CIA-backed military coup in Brazil overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history. General Castelo Branco creates Latin America's first death squads, or bands of secret police who hunt down communists and political opponents for torture, interrogation and murder. Later it is revealed that the CIA trained the death squads. Thousands were tortured, and hundreds were killed.
Some-Basket-4299 4y ago The US directly trained Chadian torturers and gave tens of millions of dollars per year in military assistance to Chad during the Hissène Habré dictatorship Survivors said the most common forms of torture were electric shocks, near-asphyxia, cigarette burns and having gas squirted into the eyes. Sometimes, the torturers would place the exhaust pipe of a vehicle in their victim's mouth, then start the engine, Amnesty says. Some detainees were placed in a room with decomposing bodies, other suspended by their hands or feet, others bound hand and foot. One man said he thought his brain was
Wise-Captain-7652 4y ago Train some of the worst, most blood-thirsty dictators and drug traffickers in the history of Latin America at the School of Americas in Panama and later in Georgia, US. Proud alumni of this military school include SOBs like the founders of the Los Zetas cartel in Mexico, and dictators such as Jorge Rafael Videla and Leopoldo Galtieri Argentina, Hugo Banzer from Bolivia, Efrain Ríos Montt (who perpetrated genocide against Mayans) in Guatemala, Manuel Noriega (who trafficked drugs and was the dictator) of Panama, Juan Velasco Alvarado, (dictator) of Peru and a lot of high military officers from
bustead 4y ago 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état. Guatemala elected a new president that is interested in protecting workers' rights. The United Fruit Company (UFC), whose highly profitable business had been affected by the end to exploitative labor practices in Guatemala, engaged in an influential lobbying campaign to persuade the U.S. to overthrow the Guatemalan government. After the coup, four decades of civil war followed, as guerrillas fought the series of U.S.-backed authoritarian regimes whose brutalities include a genocide of the Maya peoples, banning opposition parties and imprisoning and torturing political opponents.
USSMarauder 4y ago Perhaps the greatest 'Dick move' in American history was after the Spanish American war. During the war the US had made contact with various independence groups in the Philippines and offered them help if they rose against the Spanish government. After the war, instead of giving the Philippines their independence, the US took over, let the Spanish go, and started attacking the independence groups because they were a threat to American rule. It was easy because the US knew who they were and where they were Imagine if after landing in Normandy and freeing Paris, the US
Captain_McSwizzy 4y ago During the Mexican American war, people called Tejanos who lived in what is now Texas helped the US fight the Mexican government. When Texas was finally annexed, southern slave owners kicked out the Tejanos who fought in the war. This was especially evil, since there were Tejanos who helped the US in some major battles, like the Alamo. There are a lot of details I'm leaving out, but a YouTuber named Kraut made an excellent video about the Mexican-American border that goes into more detail about this stuff.
ewatts33 4y ago The American bison slaughter. In 1800, there were an estimated 30-60 million bison in America, ranging from North Carolina to California, although mostly they were concentrated on the Great Plains. By 1900, there were 325 left on earth. They came through and slaughtered them by the thousands per day. People going west just used them for target practice and left the carcasses to rot. The idea was that the more bison died, the more Indians starved and the more open range for homesteading. If it wasn't for a small herd in Yellowstone that became protected when the
izumi1262 4y ago How much time do we have?


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